ActionScript 2.0 :: Delaying A Loaded Movie?

Jun 24, 2005

I'm making an image gallery that has an MC as a background that resizes itself due to the size of the image. How can I use the loadMovie function when the button is pressed it will resize the background to the size THEN display the loaderMC that will load the image.How can I achieve this effect? I'm wanting to use the reusable MC (from Kirupa tutorials) or something that will load the image and show a status bar for the loading.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delaying With AttachMovie?

Aug 13, 2005

I have a loop and in it i am attaching a movie clip (basiccly its just a row with data). The movieclip has a alpha fade in it. Now I want to delay each attachmovie function so that the movies are attached one by one rather then trow them all on the screen at once. (plus it looks better with the alpha fade).

I tried the setInterval but it wont work (ex.:Interval is 1 sec, and if im going to attach 6 MC, flash wait 6 * 1 sec, then show them all)

And is it possible to attach a movieclip inside a othermovieclip thats not on the same frame (the other MC is on frame 10)?

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var pointBuffer:Number = 500;
var totalPoints:Number = 1000;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delaying Code Within A Function

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delaying Timeline Playback?

Oct 21, 2009

I have a situation that is driving me nutsthe site in question lives hereI have that 16 sec tweenLite intro fading up the title, then down, then all the elements of the stage fade in.which is fine and looks great.BUT the video that plays after the intro will sometimes play before intro is done which is not great.I have done the code all in the timeline as I am not class savvy is there any way that I can pause the video instance or have the playhead pause until the intro is over.

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Jan 23, 2004

i was wondering if you can delay whats inside a text box... for example, when an action is made, the text box will show "action done". kinda like a status bar, now what i wud wanna do is for the x number of seconds i wud want to set it back to blank text box again...

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function info1() {
new Tween(guitar1_info, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, 2, true);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delaying Execution Of Multiple Functions

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delaying Frame Change Until Specified Date?

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private function filewrite():void
//some code 1


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Jul 31, 2010

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import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import flash.utils.Timer;
[Code] .....

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And in the attachment you will see the fruits of this haaard work. My question: Is there a (simple and clean) way to "lock" the button for a few seconds when it has been pressed? Press the big grey ..thing in the attachment swf file multiple times for one of the many reasons~

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on (press) {
loadMovieNum("page flip4.swf", 1);


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Probably something simple, but I'm an idiot,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons In A Child Movie Won't Work While Loaded In Parent Movie

Jun 25, 2009

I have an external swf (sub.swf) that loads into my main swf. The external swf has buttons of its own...that I would like to use to load additional external swf's in its place. I click on the buttons and nothings happens.

My current code is as follows:

All of the following code is in my main.swf
//Location where the external SWFs will load
var Xpos:Number=18;
var Ypos:Number=10;


External swf has no code except for a stop action.

I pieced this current code based on various articles I've found on the net.

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MainMove.swf is doing a loadmovie of SecondMovie.swfThe Button that loads SecondMovie.swf also disables other buttons in MainMovie.swfon (release) {  _root.intro_btn.enabled = flase;  loadMovieNum("SecondMovie.swf", 2);How do I Re enabled the Buttons in MainMovie.swf from a Button within SecondMovie.swf???

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ActionScript 2.0 :: _visible Property Onload - Other Movie (menubar.swf) Is Loaded Before First Movie

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag And Drop Movie Doesn't Work When Loaded On Another Movie

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Greetings. I've been doing this tutorial. [URL] And worked pretty well. In order to adapt to my needs i made it a movie with a drag and drop parameter to be loaded in another movie (with loadMovie or loadMovieNum). The problem is than the movie loads, drags but doesnt drops. Even i tried with the example movie and nothing happens.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assigning A Level For The External Movie(reseller_locations.swf) Loaded To A Movie Clip(clipHolder)?

Jul 25, 2006

assigning a level for the external movie(reseller_locations.swf) loaded to a moivie clip(clipHolder)


loadMovie("reseller_locations.swf", this._parent.clipHolder);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading A Movie With A Button Click From The Loaded Movie?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a movie clip (a) with a button that will load movie clip (b) when clicked. It loads (b) on top of (a) which is exactly what i want.

Now the problem. I have a button in (b) that I want to use to close (or unload) (b).

This is the code in (a) that loads (b):

spinner_mc.production.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, doubleClickHandler2);
function doubleClickHandler2(event:MouseEvent):void {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize External Loaded Movie To Main Movie

Jan 9, 2010

my problem is that i need to make a reisze, cause the screen resolution for other users. My main and news movie works perfect, but the others movies re-scale everything bigger. The problem of the external loaded movie is: this movie needs the funktion:

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";

If i dont have this code inside the movie is not going to resize fullscreen into the main movie. Inside this movie im scalling photos and some mc's You can take a look what i mean under: [URL]

If you take a look to the bar where the Number of pictures (30) are you will see that the lower bar and the pictures is not going to scale to fill the full screen if i delete the this code;

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying Loading Progress Of A Movie Loaded Into A Movie?

Feb 25, 2003

My _root movie is nothing more than a interface with navigation buttons. When someone clicks a button another swf is loaded into an empty movie clip on _root.

My Problem:I understand loaders and use them all the time, however, I still to this day have never gotten a loader to work with loading an external movie into a currently playing movie. (ie: in my _root movie you press the "Searching" button and searching.swf is loaded into _root.contents --> contents is the empty movie clip)So anyways... where does the loader go? The only results I've ever had is as SOON as the loadMovie method is called the movie hangs until the entire movie clip is loaded. Then the loader runs... thus making it totally useless.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash MX] Loaded Movie Controlling The Source Movie?

Apr 28, 2003

say i have a main movie, into this movie is loaded another movie on level_1.

is there any actionscript that allows a button inside the loaded movie control the main movie? i.o.w. can a button inside the loaded movie tell the main movie to go to another scene?

+ i am looking for code for that same button to unload the movie it is in itself..

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Oct 3, 2007

I have a movie that opens up full screen and load an external movie into it. No problem there but I want the loaded movie to keep its original size and not resize with the full screen movie. In the screenshot, you see how the yellow external movie loads into the fullscreen green movie. The white rectangle is only for size reference (photoshopped it in) and is not in the actual flash movies. The yellow movie is supposed to be 800x125 pixels but resizes with the fullscreen of the green movie.

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