ActionScript 2.0 :: Go Back Into The Original Function At The Point At Where Left And Carry On Executing?

Sep 8, 2005

I have a function which contains some code and about half way through calls another function. Only problem is it stops the main function from running so the code following it snt executed. What I want to know is is there anyway to go back into the original function at the point at where I left and carry on executing? I've thought of one solution but its a bit long winded and I just wanted to know if there was a quick and easy method, before anyone asks the code needs to be in its current order.

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Jul 15, 2004

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onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
speed = 3
dist = 8.5
_x -= speed;
if (_x = dist) {
_x += 3
But all this is doing is throwing the block at the 8.5 distance...

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Basically I'd like to do this:On the stage I have a movieclip and I'd like the movieclip to move along the x-axis to a certain point and then back to the starting point again. The moving speed of the movieclip should also be adjustable.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Back To Original Position?

Mar 10, 2010

Do you know how to rewind a tween. but I dont want it to just snap back to the beiginning. I want it to yoyo back to the beingining without actually yoyoing many times. you know what I mean?this is the code I have which make the beginning motion I want:
public function imageSelectR(e:MouseEvent):void {
myTween = new Tween(imageLoaderHost, "z", Regular.easeInOut, 0, -100, 1, true);
myTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, imageSelectL);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Ease Back To Original Position?

Apr 30, 2003

I'm playing around with mac os x-like dock in flash, but I've got a problem with it. I found this at, see it here. For your convenience i'll post the entire code below (it's quite long though).

Now what i want it to do: if the mouse is not 'on' the menu, i want the buttons to ease back to their original position instead of just spawning there. How can i do this via AS ? The _xscale and _yscale values should also ease back to original state.

Actions applied on the first (and only) frame:

[AS]startDrag ("_root.drag", true);
stop ();[/AS]

Actions applied on the control movieclip:

[AS]onClipEvent (load) {
function checkOffset (coffset) {
if (coffset<-175) {


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IDE :: Jigsaw Gone Awry - Back To The Original Xy Position?

Jan 24, 2010

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The problem is sometimes the pieces drag and drop fine, but other times when you click the mouse down, they drag, but when you let go, they don't drop! Randomly! They just follow the cursor around, til you click a few times, and then randomly it will drop and not move (when it's supposed to go back to the original xy position).


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Jan 6, 2005

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But, even if the command is gotoAndPlay, the clip will advance and show objects that are not symbols(if they are symbols, it shows the last frame of the symbol), or objects that have been motion tweened.

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private function init():void


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Resetting An Object Back To Original Position?

Dec 11, 2010

I have a movie clip for each piece of clothing that will be used to attach on the dog. These movie clips click and drag to add clothes onto a target and it automatically resets back to its original position each time you grab a different selection of clothing. All of my objects go the original position except for one. The "julyDress" movie clip automatically pops up to the top of the page and does not reset to the original position.

Below is my code:
var startJulyXPos:Number = JulyDress.x;
var startJulyYPos:Number = JulyDress.y;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rewind Or Reverse Back To The Original And Play Over + Over Again?

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onClipEvent(load) {

i want to rewind or reverse back to the original and play over + over again....?

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1) I can make the 8 ball track the mouse, that's easy, but how do I make it snap back to the original position when I let go of the mouse button?

2) I want to constrain the movement of the 8 ball movie clip so it won't go all over the stage, just enough to move it back and forth a bit.

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pedals.buttonMode = true;
pedals.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, changeColor);
function changeColor(e:MouseEvent):void {
var lorTransform;

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[URL] I need to know the script they have used for the 'when , how' buttons. I know its controlling movie clips using buttons. How do the buttons come back to original place?

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Feb 27, 2010

I created a movie clip, an aircraft compass which rotates till the button is pressed but I would like it to return back to its original position in opposite direction of smooth rotation and stop. I already have the following script on the clip.

onClipEvent(enterframe) {
if(spin) {
_rotation -= 2;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Most Left And Top Right Point In A Sprite?

Aug 8, 2009

I once needed to pan a sprite full of movieClips (picture 1) which were draggable with no bounds so you could drag them up and left (higher than sprites registration point).

You could also drag them down and right and expand a sprite that way (as well) but that didnt matter.What did matter was how much is 'up' and 'left' from the sprite registration point so i can include that in my formula for panning.

This was easy to find, i just sorted my array of movieClips, sorted on x and sorted on y after each drag, and thats how i got my up and left points.

Now I am trying to do that same thing, exept my movieclips inside a sprite have a custom rotation (picture 2), so i also have an up and left point, except this time up and left are caused by rotations of movieClips inside a sprite... (and these are dragable as well with no bounds)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Executing Function After FLV Is Completed?

Feb 3, 2010

So I've got a flv embedded on my stage and I want to call a function (a getURL) after it finishes playing

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Name Of Executing Function (and Its Callers)

May 6, 2010

Here's a damn useful snippet:

ActionScript Code:
* Use in place of trace(). Calling function will be logged automatically.
* */


Put that code in a utility class, and then from any function or method in your app, call myClass.reportStatus("Something happened"); and you will be rewarded with something like this:

060510 happened

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function Stops Executing.?

Dec 8, 2004

I have a function and a movieclip prototype. When the prototype applies an onEnterFrame to an mc, it repeatedly calls the function (hitTests for all other mcs). Besides this, it also eases the mc to a new point. However, when the mc have reached this point, the function handling the hitTests stops being called

PHP Code:
//Prototype....MovieClip.prototype.moveSprite function(speed, spriteType) // Generate random coordinates var tarX = Math.round(Math.random()*(400-


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Executing A Function In OnEnterFrame?

Jul 17, 2003

A function has to "run"(execute) inside the onEnterFrame event method but the function does not seem to run when called.




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ActionScript 3.0 :: Executing Function Time?

Sep 22, 2009

how could I find out how long is some function executing?is this number, however small, always consistent for the same function or there may be differences (taking in consideration that only one function is running at each moment)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function Stops Executing

Dec 8, 2004

I have a function and a movieclip prototype. When the prototype applies an onEnterFrame to an mc, it repeatedly calls the function (hitTests for all other mcs). Besides this, it also eases the mc to a new point. However, when the mc have reached this point, the function handling the hitTests stops being called.

PHP Code:

// Prototype....MovieClip.prototype.moveSprite = function(speed, spriteType) { // Generate random coordinates var tarX = Math.round(Math.random()*(400-this._width/2)+this._width/2); var tarY = Math.round(Math.random()*(300-this._width


The function should trace "carn" over and over and over, but instead, it traces "carn" over and over until the prototype picks a new point to ease to.

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