ActionScript 2.0 :: Go The Next Frame If The Player Press A Button 3 Times?

Nov 23, 2006

i am creating a simple quiz. I want to go the next frame if the player press a button 3 times. I use the code:

on (release) { = + 1;
if ( == 3){

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} // end btn4Loaded. and it works, once clicked, it does what it has to do. Ofcourse, me trying to break it, i found that if i click the buttons fast, it will re-import the external swfs causing me to have multiple instances of the external swf. so in short, if i click like normal(slow ) ie like a person that clicked to view a section etc, then its fine, if i click fast or repeated clicking ie like a person that double clicks etc, then the problem occurs.

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Which event must I pick?

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This is for AS 3.0 by the way.

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This is running on Enterframe but  I want to ratate 180 degree and on button press and hold button

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Professional :: Publishing A Flash Video: Player Not Visible - Height And Width Referenced 3-times In Html?

Mar 5, 2010

When I publish my FLV video using Flash CS3 and the "SkinUnderAll" option...the player controls are not visible unless I change the height & width in the html file Flash created.But, Flash shows the height & width 3-times in the html.
Question-1: Why 3-times? What does each of the 3 Height & Width references do?
Question-2: How should I modify the code to be able to see the entire video and the player controls?

It seems if I change all 3 everything just gets bigger and bigger.
1 - I import it into Flash CS3 on a PC w/XP Pro using... File | Import | Video take all the defaults and choose "Skin Under All" as the player option.
2 - In "Properties" panel at bottom of screen Flash shows the video as 640x480
3 - I then click File | Publish to publish the video. Flash creates all my files for me.
4 - I then put the folder with the files on my website.
5 - The video plays but the player controls are not visible.
6 - I see the Height & Width referenced 3 times in the html file Flash created for me (and none are 640x480, they are 550x400 !)
7 - I try changing the 550x400 to 640x480 in all three places... no good. Even at 1000x1000 the entire player is not visible. Everything just gets larger.
What are each of the 3 references to Height and Width in the html file Flash Creates and which should I change to simply show all the player controls?

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Dec 26, 2009

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Actionscript 3 :: Stop On Enter Frame Firing Multiple Times?

Mar 8, 2012

I'm trying to do a simple url requestion on enter frame, but it seems to be executing multiple times?

I tried removing the event handler on handleLoadSuccessful, that seems to stop it firing infinitely, but its still executing about 10 times before it stops. How do I make it only fire once?

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoadHandler);
function onLoadHandler(event:Event) {
var scriptRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(";254580535;19110122;t?");
var scriptLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Key Press On Enter Frame

Feb 7, 2010

I'm detecting key presses with the follow code:

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Slow Frame Rate On Key Press

Jul 28, 2004

Im trying to add a slow motion feel to a game (like bullet time), when the player presses a key, however, I cannot find any answer whatsoever.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Key Press Functionality With Frame Labels

Apr 8, 2007

I have a question, I am in the process of creating a flash presentation that I have to intergrate a keyPress left and right, but also have a nav system that if you click on the title it will take you to that frame and play it. Here is how I have this layed out... I have set up the main nav as Nav_mc. It contains 20 different titles that have to when pressed gotoAndPlay an animation in the presentation e.i.(areil view, view from 400 etc...)

So, my question is two fold... adding the function to the mc is not a big deal no problem, but I usually use labels when I do this and if I am using a keyPress function Left and Right to go to the the next animation and play it, I am having a little trouble grasping how to set up the key press so that if you pressed it left it would go to the next fram label and play that and vis-versa. so if I do this...


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Jul 28, 2004

Im trying to add a slow motion feel to a game (like bullet time), when the player presses a key, however, I cannot find any answer whatsoever.

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