ActionScript 2.0 :: Normal Hit Test That Triggers A Mc Animation In And Out?
Oct 6, 2005
I have this code that works for a normal hit test that triggers a mc animation in and out. But if i want to add more than one it just plays the last in the chain of events.
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Nov 8, 2010
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plaz.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,function(evt:MouseEvent){l ightCenter(evt,mcTher)},false, 0, true );
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Feb 19, 2008
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onMouseMove = function() {
if (_xmouse <= 300) {
trace("mouse is on the left");
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on (release) {
second button takes you to frame 3
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public function autoNextPict(e:TimerEvent):void
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<mx:Producer id="producer"
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May 19, 2011
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Nov 17, 2005
I'm trying to build a script that checks the time on the computer, then it will load one of several external movies at a certain time.
At 3pm loadmovie
At 9pm loadmovie
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Mar 3, 2008
I am getting an unexpected behaviour when using the onRollOver event with a movieclip.The onRollOver behaviour is initialised after some animation. This allows me to hold my cursor over the movieclip. When the initialise function adds the onRollOver event function to the clip, it triggers, even though my cursor is already over the clip and a nice animated glow is added to the movieclip. This is good and the behaviour I want.
onRelease the movieclip I call a disable function and this sets the onRollOver event function to null. After some more devestatingly good animation, I reuse the initialise function to reset the onRollOver event function to react again. This time, if my cursor is already over the clip when the onRollOver is initialised, the onRollOver does not fire.
function wsInitNodes():Void{
wsCurrentNode.onRollOver = function(){
// Do groovy animation stuff
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Apr 1, 2009
is there an event listener that triggers only once when the movie loads?If not how can I simulate this?
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Jul 14, 2010
I'm wondering whether its possible to trigger some script by what area the mouse is hovering over. I know this would be simple with roll over buttons, but I already have buttons and thats where the problem comes in because they share the same space. So for instance I need something that says if the mouse is at X, Y ( or a broader area ) goto frame 2
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