ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Selection From Three Choices?

Jun 9, 2006

i need to be able to make a random selection from three choices. Basically i'll have three seperate .swfs (probably named "1.swf, 2.swf, 3.swf") and also three separate mp3 files (probably named same way).The container .swf will have a function which will probably make a 'random' selection from the three .swfs of which one to load and also make a 'random' selection from one of three mp3 files to load

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Arrays :: Array Random Selection?

Dec 22, 2010

How can I make an array in flash as2 and from there select 12 values assigning them to twelve different variables?So far I got this:

quotes = new Array();
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quotes[1] = "two";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Keyframe Selection On Load

Jun 8, 2007

I am creating a web site for a kitchen company, there are differen images as headers on each page. But on one of the pages they want a flash animation to slideshow their kitchens. The animation is done, but they want it to start on a random kitchen. I have only started using actionscript and am struggling a bit, I've managed to find some coding, but they don't seem to work. What I'm looking for is a code to sit in the first frame to randomly select either frame 2, 12, 22 or 32 to go to and play on from there.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Go To Random Frame (from A Selection Of Frames)

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Now I think I understand most of this except one thing. How do I change this script to pick a number from 20 to 25, rather than 1 to 10?

Here's my starting point:

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generateNew = function () {
n = Math.round(Math.random()*10);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML MP3 Player With Random Selection Corresponding To Buttons

Jul 22, 2006

So this is a bit of an unusual problem. I am building an XML based MP3 player. I'm fairly inexperienced with Actionscript, so I copied the code from a friends music player. The code works great - but the player I am making also has 'highlightable' buttons for each song. It is easy enough to get these buttons to highlight when clicked. However, when first opening the player, it opens a song randomly but obviously the song's button is not highlighted. Is there a way to have the player highlight the corresponding button when opening? The cop-out solution would be to just have it open the first song every time. But the random selection could really make returning to the site a new experience.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: A Selection Of Blocks Random On Stage

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndPlay Random Selection Between Decided Frames

Mar 19, 2010

how to literally describe what I want to achieve. But I believe it is an easy achievement for someone who is a little familiar with Actionscript (2).

I have a movieclip with backgrounds that fades in and out as the timeline within the movieclip plays. What I wanna do I place an actionscript at frame 1, before any of the background plays, that randomizes a gotoAndPlay function that jumps to a decided frames out of frame 2, 77, 152, 227, 302, 377 etc.

It should be a problem to use the same actionscript after each background has been shown? If it is, its no problem, doesnt matter too much. As long as the first background that is getting randomized is different each time you visit the website.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Start Movie On Random Frame From A Selection Of Specified Frames?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a short movie which consists of 6 MCs. What I would like to be able to do is to start the movie on a random clip and then proceed as usual playing each consecutive MC. The movie then loops back round to frame 2 thus avoiding the random selector code which sits on the first frame of the movie.I have tried three different solutions of AS, two of which I got from a 2008 posting on this site from CBadger and although all versions work in Safari and v1 & 3 work in Google Chrome on the Mac. None of them work in Firefox on a Mac (the 1st version displays but doesn't randomise and v2 & v3 don't display at all) and I have not yet tested them on a PC.Here is the code that I have used for each version on the first frame in the root:

Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
for (var ivar = this.length-1; ivar>=0; ivar--) {
var p = random(ivar+1);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display A Random Image Via Flash From A Selection Of Images Stored On A Database

Sep 17, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Questionnaire With 11 Choices

Mar 28, 2011

A retired social worker, beginner learning AS 3 scripting, I would like to try to use AS 3 to create a questionnaire for an eLearning lesson and am not sure how to script it. Each statement (questionnaire has 28 of these) to which the user responds has 11 choices: 'how much does this apply to you'; 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%. The user selects one of these (radio button?). Then, after completing all 28 items, the responses' values are totaled for the 28 items, divided by 28 to get the overall "score." Would also need an if/else: if total score >= 30, show one message, else if =< 29, show a different message. I've looked at some multiple choice quiz type example, but so far have been lost trying to apply these to 11 choices.

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1st box - Choose a genre of music (Rock; Pop; Dance etc.)
2nd box - Choose your county
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Nov 16, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Path Branching Game / Choices / How To Make Them Work

Sep 5, 2010

I want to make a simple frame by frame path branching game. The problem is that I know that writing in and filling in EVERY FRAME going all along for EVERY CHOICE PATH would be an insanely tedious amount of work. My basic project is reminiscent of japanese visual novels, and I've been looking for turtorials to help me with this style of role playing games, but all of the tutorials concentrated on the adventure RPGs. : Being a novice at Actionscript, past working buttons to make it go to the next frame and stopping it, I was wondering if its possible to make a choice you make earlier in the game affect it later. Such as, you keep following the game normally afterwards, but depending on your choice you'll go to a different scene later. basically, this way I'd like to eliminate the need to make two duplicate paths with only minor variances to show the changes for some choices. Another thing that I would like to know if its possible to do, though this is less important, as I have yet to look for these things and I'm sure I can find them but a save/load system, easy to find I'm sure. And an unlocking system. Something so that once they hit a certain CG I can unlock it in a 'memories' menu on a main screen.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Video Project - Playback With 3 Choices To Select

Mar 28, 2012

I am having trouble getting a function to work within flash. I basically am creating a video where the intro video plays through then the user is prompted with 3 choices to select which video will play next. I am using keyboard input to make the selection. I have the keyboard input capturing working, pretty basic, but I am having trouble getting it to switch to say scene 2 (where I have another video).

function reportKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
[Code] .....

And I get a compiler error stating "Scene 1, Layer 'content', Frame 1, Line 11 1120: Access of undefined property event.

I've created a new layer in the scene 1 and put that code in and everything compiles fine. I created scene 2 and imported a video into it from the library but the video plays and does not respond to any key input and the output is not showing the trace any longer. Enter does work to pause and play the video though.

function reportKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown);
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER){
gotoAndPlay("Scene 2");

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IDE :: CS4 Jsfl - Fl.getDocumentDOM().selection Doesn't Retain The Selection Order

Nov 11, 2010

I never realized that fl.getDocumentDOM().selection doesn't retain the selection order... <sniff>. I was hoping to build relationships based on the order. I guess I took if for granted that tools like Maya and Max store the selection buffer in order of what was selected. I'm trying to avoid: Select Object, <Press 'Parent' Button>, Select Parent, <Press 'Parent' Button>

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Selection.setFocus Selection.getFocus Inputting From Mc?

Sep 6, 2007

i am attaching a number of _mc (my_mc) with a for loop. Inside each my_mc is an input textfield (my_txt)I want to click on my_mc.my_txt and select the textfield .the following code allow this and i can enter text from the keyboard however I want to add text from a _mc keybooard on screen (here called myBtn_mc).As soon as I click on myBtn_mc of course I lose focus ... i have tried to use a variable (select) to keep scope&focus

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Random Tag In Xml, And Then Get A Random Value Inside That Random Tag

Dec 17, 2011

Is it putting the first random var and then the second, like this?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash 8 Pro] Load Random Array Element And Loop For Random Intervals?

Sep 30, 2006

I want a movieclip consisting of a dynamic text box that, from the time it's loaded onto the stage, loads a randomly selected text string from an array, and continues to loop until the clip is removed from the stage. I also want the text strings to appear in the text box for random intervals between 500 and 3000 milliseconds.

While I've found tutorials here and elsewhere on loading one element from an array, usually triggered by a button, I don't know how to combine/alter it with the other elements.So I want this movieclip on the stage randomly flashing phrases from an array, some for a barely perceptible time, and others for a readable time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader+Math.random - RandomNumber Not Loading Random Images?

Feb 26, 2012

why is this code NOT loading a random image, despite tracing random number?
package {
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Math.random - Slide To A New Random X Position When Mc Is Less Than 5 Pixels Away From Its Target

Mar 3, 2004

What I want is for my mc to slide to a new random x position when it is less than 5 pixels away from its target, it keeps doing this. the problem is for some bloody &*�$(()** reason my random numbers only keep going up!! why is this?? i want to produce random numbers between 1 and 770 - this is my code..


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Putting Data Into An Array Via XML And Then Selecting At Random An Image String To Load In A Pic At Random

Feb 11, 2009

I've been putting data into an array via XML, and then selecting at random an image string to load in a pic at random. But whilst doing this, I wanted to remove the String from the Array that I have just used, so I don't get repetition of the same image in the output. I initially thought that pop would remove the string I had just used - But of course it Removes the last value in the Array instead, which doesn't really help.

Ok - so how about randomizing the data once inside the Array, after it has been pulled in from XML!? That way I can load in the 'last' image, and then pop it out! Keeping a randomized selection of images each time 'it' is loaded

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ActionScript 2.0 :: What Value Is Seeded To Math.random() To Generate The Random Number

Nov 18, 2010

1) what value is seeded to Math.random() to generate the random number?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Animation + Random Sounds + Background Music?

Feb 19, 2012

A background music looping in the back, that starts with the opening of the swf and never stops. I think I achieved that with this bit of code :import;

bg music[code].....
Finally I need to jump from frame to frame randomly to play various animations. For example :Project starts, background music starts playing, we hear random sounds played one after the other, while some animations can be seen on screen, playing in a random order.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Random Easing - Move The Different Squares Random With A Interval

Aug 1, 2004

I have a picture on the stage covered by 12 squares (sq1, sq2, sq3.......sq12)
When the movie opens I want the squares to move down, but i want a random sequence ( 3, 9, 2, 12...........8). I already made de function for the movement:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Random Movie (but Loading A Random Xml File Instead)

Aug 17, 2007

im playing with the load random movie (but loading a random xml file instead) based on the wonderful tutorial from front page and was wondering whether anyone can show me the work around/upgrade to AS2 for this bit of script since im publishing to Flash 8 /AS2 and it doesnt work:


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IDE :: Create 100 Unique Random Numbers From Between 0 And 99 Where No Random Number Is Repeated?

Feb 28, 2009

Making a random number between lets say 0 and 99 is relatively straight forward using the Math.random class What is the best way to create 100 unique random numbers from between 0 and 99 where no random number is repeated?Would I make a random number, chuck it into an array then the next random number created is checked against the array, and if the number has been created before try for another number?

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