ActionScript 2.0 :: XML MP3 Player With Random Selection Corresponding To Buttons
Jul 22, 2006
So this is a bit of an unusual problem. I am building an XML based MP3 player. I'm fairly inexperienced with Actionscript, so I copied the code from a friends music player. The code works great - but the player I am making also has 'highlightable' buttons for each song. It is easy enough to get these buttons to highlight when clicked. However, when first opening the player, it opens a song randomly but obviously the song's button is not highlighted. Is there a way to have the player highlight the corresponding button when opening? The cop-out solution would be to just have it open the first song every time. But the random selection could really make returning to the site a new experience.
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Nov 6, 2009
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Now I think I understand most of this except one thing. How do I change this script to pick a number from 20 to 25, rather than 1 to 10?
Here's my starting point:
ActionScript Code:
generateNew = function () {
n = Math.round(Math.random()*10);
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Apr 6, 2007
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Mar 19, 2010
how to literally describe what I want to achieve. But I believe it is an easy achievement for someone who is a little familiar with Actionscript (2).
I have a movieclip with backgrounds that fades in and out as the timeline within the movieclip plays. What I wanna do I place an actionscript at frame 1, before any of the background plays, that randomizes a gotoAndPlay function that jumps to a decided frames out of frame 2, 77, 152, 227, 302, 377 etc.
It should be a problem to use the same actionscript after each background has been shown? If it is, its no problem, doesnt matter too much. As long as the first background that is getting randomized is different each time you visit the website.
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Jun 3, 2010
I have a short movie which consists of 6 MCs. What I would like to be able to do is to start the movie on a random clip and then proceed as usual playing each consecutive MC. The movie then loops back round to frame 2 thus avoiding the random selector code which sits on the first frame of the movie.I have tried three different solutions of AS, two of which I got from a 2008 posting on this site from CBadger and although all versions work in Safari and v1 & 3 work in Google Chrome on the Mac. None of them work in Firefox on a Mac (the 1st version displays but doesn't randomise and v2 & v3 don't display at all) and I have not yet tested them on a PC.Here is the code that I have used for each version on the first frame in the root:
Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
for (var ivar = this.length-1; ivar>=0; ivar--) {
var p = random(ivar+1);
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Sep 17, 2009
I'm a designer working in tandem with a PHP programmer on a project where we will display a random image via flash from a selection of images stored on a database. Accompanying this image is a tagline and a path for a button and these variables are sent via a php script. The actionscript then picks up these vars via loadVars and displays them on screen - well, almost.
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Nov 16, 2010
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Sep 6, 2007
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Jan 27, 2009
I have built an MP3 player using XML and this works fine. ButI want this MP3 player to load a random song from the XML listeverytime it runs. I have this code but it produces the error -
Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2032:
Stream Error.
at flashPlayer_fla::MainTimeline/playSong()
View 5 Replies
Jan 27, 2009
I have built an MP3 player using XML and this works fine. But I want this MP3 player to load a random song from the XML list everytime it runs.
I have this code:
var my_songs:XMLList;
var my_total:Number;
var my_sound:Sound;
var my_channel:SoundChannel;
var current_song:Number = 0;
[Code] .....
But it produces the error -
Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error.
at flashPlayer_fla::MainTimeline/playSong()
at flashPlayer_fla::MainTimeline/processXML()
at n()
I have also tried to trace the problem by putting trace(my_songs[mySong].@URL) in the playSong() function but this doesn't do anything.
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Aug 16, 2010
Im new to the AS3 game but I need some help with something. I have built a pretty good website mp3 player but it plays the songs in order. I want the the mp3 player to play a different song everytime it loads.[code]
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Jan 4, 2010
random images appears but the buttons are missing
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Nov 27, 2006
I have 6 buttons aligned horizontally. When I press one button, I want all of the buttons to move to different _X positions with easing that would be specified in an array or in a variable. I'm looking for the easiest code. I had the code and a fla. for this a few years ago when I was deep into Flash, mastering actionscript. Now, it's like starting over.
Also, can anyone assist me with a similar, more advanced code? It's the same as above, but when one presses a button, that button pressed would move to a specified _X position, and the button that was previously in that _X position would get back in line, to the far left of all the buttons...
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Sep 20, 2007
is possible to put a random letter cyling mc inside a button? so on rollover, the random cycling will start?
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Sep 10, 2008
Stuck a random load swf script on main timeline:
Then on each but the appropriate code - this is for button 3:
on (release) {
if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root.currMovie = "work3";
When the flash is loaded it loads in the SWF randomly fine. BUT!... when I go to select another item from the menu, I need to select the button for work1.swf first before I can then go select button for work2.swf load...
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Feb 17, 2009
I'm learning AS3. I would like to call an Array which contains five mc. Although when I check for errors on the script it says that it doesn't have errors, when I test the movie I have a
couple of errors.
1046 Type was not found or wan not a compile...
1180 Call to a possibly undefined method
Here is my script.
var listLoader:Array = new Array(back_1, back_2, back_3,back_4, back_5);
function (evt:MouseEvent): void {
function placeRamdomPicture (): void {
var iRandomImage = Math.round (Math.random() *
iRandomImage = (iRandomImage > -1) ? iRandomImage : 0;
picHolder.addChild(new listLoader [iRandomImage]);
} placeRandomPicture();
View 15 Replies
Sep 14, 2011
Now my website is up and running, (functionality wise, not so much with the content yet), but I've noticed a problem with the buttons.They work for me on my Mac in Safari and Chrome, but not in Firefox. On my PC the buttons work in Chrome but not IE. They work sometimes, on some computer/ browser combinations, and not on others. On my friends mac, they would not work in any browser, chrome included.(Even the same computer/browser combinations don't seem to have continuity).It's seemingly at random when they do or don't work.I went ahead and added html links to to the top of my page, so people could still get around without being able to use the buttons, but its really is a drag that i've worked on this so hard and yet they have less than a 50% working rate.I have tried using flash help, tried researching the topic in forums, debugging, etc, with no luck! I have no errors in my code.I have no idea what is causing their limited functionality. Here is my website URL so you can take a look at my site and my html for embedding the flash if you want: [code]my site has a preloader, so i don't think its an issue of the page being loaded fully. My links are absolute/concrete html links. They are not relative to any folder structure nor are they pointing to files on my hard drive. I almost feel like it's a security setting on some browsers not to let flash take them to external websites.Is there some way for flash to override browser security settings?I'm just using the wrong keywords?about the extra script on my buttons; I have them set up so that they load and unload a movie clip appropriate to each respective button inside of a frame on the stage, each time you mouse over and out of them.
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Jul 14, 2005
i want to make a group of buttons, this buttons have to be in constant movement, random movement, so i download an example from this site, So now i have all the buttons moving, and the quesition is this... how can i make the random movement stop, on the rollover, and make it start again in the rollout.... thats the whole stuff..
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Jun 4, 2008
Since i upgraded to Flashplayer i've noticed that using textures on 3D Objects via the beginBitmapFill method and setting the smooth attribute to 'true' causes the player to hang a few milliseconds at random. Setting smooth to 'false', the player runs without any hang. I tested this on different machines. An upgrade to player 10 beta didn't cure the symptoms but the hangs appear less in time. Has anyone else such problems or an idea what is going on?
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Jun 2, 2008
Now i want to add to images underneed the player wich refer to a FLV. When i click on one of these images the video should start playing in the player. So no xml has to be used just 2 images and they need to load a external FLV when they get clicked. How can i add that to this video player
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