ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Limit Way To Drag Sprite

Mar 30, 2010

I have an idea that I want to test out but need some information. Is it possible to limit the way you can drag a sprite with the startDrag()? For instance, say I have a square sprite that I only was to be able to drag vertical or only horizontal.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Limit To How Many Sprite Objects Can Be Displayed?

May 2, 2010

Okay I have this little script Simple script, parses xml file and creates instances of custom class Tile derived from Sprite, in "Tile" I draw Shapes (lines) depending on what wall is set the shapes are drawn and added to the sprite "canvas". Now I can get 7 sprites aka Tiles to show, but no 8, 9 or more. Is this intended? Did I make a mistake/ need to take a different approach? btw I'm using FlashDevelop ( with flex_sdk_4.0.0.14159_mpl but created an as3 project


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Any Maximum Size Limit For Sprite?

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Is there an upper bound to the size of a sprite in as3 / flash 10?

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ActionScript :: Drag Limit, Backwards?

Sep 12, 2011

I have an application where a user uploads an image and then transforms it by clicking, dragging and using a resize bar. But my client has asked me to limit where the user can drag to, this is not a problem except I need the limits the opposite way around to what would be considered normal.

So where I have startDrag(false, new Rectangle...) that works just fine, but what I need is to let the user be able to drag outside of the boundaries and not have white space on the inside of the flash file.What I mean by this is say I have a 500px wide flash file and an image inside it which I'm carelessly dragging around. If the images right hand edge (if I drag left) hits 500px it stops dragging and does not allow them to pull it any further left.Below is the code I currently have for the drag events.

public function startImageDrag (e:MouseEvent):void {
mousePos['x'] =;
mousePos['y'] =;[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Area Limit Drag And Drop?

Jan 27, 2010

Im trying to think how i fix this problem. i have a map at the stage and its big, i need to click and move it. But when i get the final of the image, i continue move it and appears the stage.

How i lock the image when it get the final to dont appear the stage? the cod that im using is:

map.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, move)
map.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, drop)
function drag (e:Mouse Event)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Limit A Drag Function To A Single Direction?

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how to limite a drag function to a single direction? which means I only can drag the button to left, it won't be able to drag to right.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Limit Drag And Drop With Stage Size?

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I need to limit dragging when user drags out of the Stage. [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sprite Drag Area Is Too Big?

Jul 16, 2009

I've dynamically created sprites with graphics and added a text field dynamically to each sprite, displaying different text. These sprites (checkers in this case) are draggable. Without the text added to it, the drag area is very precise, dragging only when the circle is selected. However, when I dynamically add the text, there's a significant portion underneath and to the side of the sprite that is also draggable. This is really annoying when one sprite is placed above another because trying to move the sprite below causes the sprite with a lower y coordinate to move even though it shouldn't. When I tried to define a width and height for the text field to avoid this unnecessary space, it made the text much too small!

There must be some way to make it so only the graphics and text are draggable. I don't even mind if there is a square (like the old Flash 5 movie clip square) around the combined object, but there shouldn't be the white draggable space.

For reference, here is the code:


var i:int = 0;
var Rwidth:uint = 20;
var Rlength:uint = 20;


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Actionscript 3 :: Drag And Drop To A Sprite In Flex?

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I need to detect when a user d-b-n-d an object into a sprite. I'm adding the 3 event listeners I need, but only one of them works:

ontainer.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_ENTER, dragEnterHandler);
container.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_EXIT, dragExitHandler);
container.addEventListener( DragEvent.DRAG_DROP, dragDropHandler);


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May 6, 2010

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For example to simulate a click on a Sprite I can achieve with the following line of code.

sprite.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK));

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Flash :: ActionScript 3 Start Drag / Sprite Weirdness

Oct 27, 2011

I have a match game, drag and drop a word to a definition. The flow of this game is that after you have answered you click a button and then the game removes the right answers and redisplays the wrong ones. So far that works, what doesn't is that after the answer portion and I put the wrong words/definitions the drag doesn't "visually" work. when i run in debug the drag is firing, but the object doesn't move on the screen. it also doesn't hit any target (which seems obvious). I never destroy the object.So As far as I can see the mouse events should still be working. example can be found here: [URL]

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Mar 5, 2010

I created a class, extended the sprite class, and now in the constructor I am trying to set the Sprite's width and height properties which are inherited from the DisplayObject. However, after I set this.width and this.height, and print the values, I get 0 for both.

What the heck is going on? When I view the livedocs I see that DisplayObject has width and height listed as public properties. I have been able to instantiate a Sprite directly, and set the width and height after it's been instantiated, so I don't get it.

package {
import flash.display.*;
public class ScrollBar extends Sprite {[code].....

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import flash.display.Sprite;


I've read a lot of stuff about rotating around a fixed point, I've tried doing it with movieclips instead of sprites, I even copy pasted a tutorial on rotation and nothing works.

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Then the numericStepper is drawn as if it is squished to 20% its normal height. If I pre-set mySprite width and height before adding the numericstepper, the trace output is 0,0 after adding it and it is not displayed at all. Is there some way I can make the sprite only adjust to correctly fit the numericStepper OR resize it afterwards without distorting the numericStepper component?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: And Setting Sprite.width?

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It has been a great resource of the years. No my problem. I am trying to dynamically resize a sprite that has a line drawn into it. Here is my code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mcproduct Sprite And Mcproductpane Sprite?

Aug 15, 2010

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PHP Code:


The problem is i want to set a button in here(mcproductpane sprite), this button will unload / make dissappear an image that i load using loader class in mcproduct can i make this happen?when i want to make a button in mcproductpane sprite which the function of the button it`s to unload/make an image that i load using loader class in mcproduct sprite disappear.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag And Drop - Droptarget - Make Flash Drag A Ball Onpress

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Nov 13, 2010

I want to have an image and when I click on the image ,one can hold down the mouse and drag a copy to where ever on the stage and when one lets go, one can drag another and another with each copy still being able to be dragged after released.this is what i have but its pretty simple and doesn't work....

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,makeA Box);
var i:Number = 1; //i will be the total number of boxes
var newBox:myMC = new myMC();[code]....

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Nov 21, 2010

Im having trouble with this and its going wrong. I need to use actionscript 2 and im on flash cs3.

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Actionscript 3 :: HitTestObject / StopDrag Stops Drag On Two Movieclips Even Though Function States One Movieclip To Stop Drag

Apr 27, 2011

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May 20, 2011

Im trying to do a drag and drop system where the user can drag a movie clip into an area. Although i would like to make it snap to a target instead of just sitting wherever it lands in the area. Problem Two:

The next thing i am trying to do is when the user has a movie clip on a target already, and trys to put another movie clip in that target area, it will replace the one thats in there and go back to its current position. Here is the script of what i have done so far:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag All Clips When I Drag Single Movie Clip?

Mar 23, 2010

I have some movie clips. i want to drag all clips when i drag single movie clip. Ex. I have movie clips "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5" . Randomly visible some of them. Suppose "A1", "A3", "A4" has visible. When i will drag "A1" movie clip all these "A3", "A4" also move with "A1".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove A Sprite Object When Another Sprite Object Hits It?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a brick class where I have created a rectangle using am using this brick class to create a grid of 10 X 10 in another class called grid using new brick() in a for loop.I have another class called ball where I have created a circle with problem is that I want to remove / destroy individual bricks when the ball hits the bricks on Event.ENTER_FRAME which is not happening.the error I get is shown only for the last brick that is created in a for loop.ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at grid/ball_movement()// my function in enter frame event
The code I wrote in ENTER_FRAME is


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove A Sprite Object When Another Sprite Object Hits It

Mar 24, 2011

I have a brick class where I have created a rectangle using am using this brick class to create a grid of 10 X 10 in another class called grid using new brick() in a for loop.I have another class called ball where I have created a circle with problem is that I want to remove / destroy individual bricks when the ball hits the bricks on Event.ENTER_FRAME which is not happening.the error I get is shown only for the last brick that is created in a for loop.[code]

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