ActionScript 3.0 :: Shooting In Different Directions?

Sep 16, 2010

I have been googling my butt off I can not find anything about AS3 and shooting in different directions.

I just need to shoot in the direction my char is facing.

I have this so far which work flawlessly ;-)

function Shoot(event:MouseEvent):void { trace("shoot");}

oh also I can get the direction my hero is facing using trace "character_mc.rotation"

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} else {
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var monstersAlive:uint;


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DirectionsEvent.DIRECTIONS_FAILURE.feature.status = 400

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Kirupa Mc Create Duplicates In Both Directions X And -x

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I changed the code a bit because I would like it to work like this...If I put my mc (photo) in the center of the stage, it would creat dups every 125 pixels. But this script only makes one duplicate, I must have done something to mess it up. Idealy I would like to have the mc create dups in both directions; x and -x.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Chainsaw To Only Flip Directions When Dragging It

Aug 26, 2006

ive been making real simple ads for my friend for about two months now slowly getting more and more detailed but this one i tried alot of new stuff and am getting a lot of new problems. ive searched for the answers and found close stuff but havent been able to adapt it to what i need. Problems:

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Shooting Game Bullet Removal?

Feb 18, 2009

So the problem is basicly this: It all works just fine, but when the bullet hits the target it gets destroyed (this is ok) but also any bullet that was shoot before it (meaning also: with a lower y) gets destroyed aswell wich is anoying. Here's the code (left the comments so you can find your way around easier)

stop();//add a stop function too!
enemyspeed =1
var gameOver:Boolean = false;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Shooting Works Only When Jumping Not Standing?

Jan 23, 2012

I'm having trouble getting my character to fire. it seems to fire when he jumps, but not while standing. I have attached my code to the zip file below:This is the code I used:

onClipEvent (load) {
var gravity:Number = 0;
var speed:Number = 5;


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Flash :: Shooting One Arrow Per Click Towards The Mouse

Aug 23, 2011

i am looking for a tutorial to help me with shooting one arrow per click towards the mouse. this is my code:


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Actionscript 3 :: Shooting Projectiles Given An Angle And Power?

Dec 31, 2011

I'm doing a prototype game like Worms and I would like not only to shot, but also see the whole projection curve where my shot will travel before it hit the ground. The only information given by the player is an angle and a power. There is also some level elements like wind and gravity.

Can I have a code for the projection curve? its like a parabola I think. I research about parabola but I had some difficult to apply these math formulas into the programming code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create 2d Platform Shooting Game?

Feb 13, 2011

I am creating a 2d platform shooting game. Currently I have my main character walking around left and right and the stage background also moves left and right.

The problem I am having is that if I go to far left the charater just walks 'off stage' and into nothingness but the stage still follows. How can I make it so if the character hits a certain point he just 'stops' and cant go left no more but can go right no problem. I have tried using hitTest with another movieclip but couldnt get it working.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Shooting In A Game-megaman Style

Apr 4, 2002

Ok I am creating a 2d game similar to the original mega mans and mario for nintendo. The character moves back and forth using the left and right arrow keys on the screen and has a walk animation and all. The next step is to get him to shoot his laser gun. I want this to be done using the space bar key. What I have right now is identical to Kirupa's movement using X and Y values tutorial but it only moves one direction of course. How can I make it so that it will continue to move automatically after pressing space instead of having to hit the space bar each time I want it to move 10 units over etc.?

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Flex :: State Transition Doesn't Resize In Both Directions?

Apr 5, 2011

I already had another question on this issue which was successfully resolved. But now, with a slightly different example, I'm stuck again.I have two states. When I switch from A to B, it resizes correctly, but when I switch from B back to A it happens without the smooth resize transition. What am I doing wrong?Here's my code:

protected function rollOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void[code].............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash5.5 Character Flip Over When Changing Directions?

Dec 24, 2011

am a day 2 flash user and I have been trying to make a game, but for starters i want to make my character be able to move using arrow keys that includes showing the legs movement instead of a fixed image drifting across.There is one problem, when I press RIGHT arrow key , it goes fine, but when I press LEFT arrow key (rever direction) my character flips from point A to point B instead of facing left, i have been thinking maybe it's the frame problem, is it possible to tell flash to play the REVERSE moveclip

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Target Shooting Game - HitTestObject Not Working

Mar 22, 2011

I'm making target shooting game and the hitTestObject not working its located in the function collision detection below in my code:
import fl.motion.MotionEvent;
var xSwitch:Array = new Array ;
var count:Number = 120;
var seconds:Number = 0;
var minutes:Number = 0;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3 :: Object Flying Around And Shooting - Rotation Values?

Apr 6, 2012

I got an object (called tempEnemy) which is flying around and shooting. The problem is that I can't keep the value tempEnemy.rotateTo positive, i.e. It shall be between 0 and 359 degrees. Currently rotateTo ranges from:
rotateTo < 0 (bug) && rotateTo > 0 && rotateTo > 359 (bug).
tempEnemy.dX = tempEnemy.destX - tempEnemy.x;
tempEnemy.dY = tempEnemy.destY - tempEnemy.y;

//I added 180 because my tempEnemy object was looking and shooting to the wrong direction
tempEnemy.rotateTo = (toDegrees(getRadians(tempEnemy.dX, tempEnemy.dY))) + 180;
if (tempEnemy.rotateTo > tempEnemy.frame + 180) tempEnemy.rotateTo -= 360;
if (tempEnemy.rotateTo < tempEnemy.frame - 180) tempEnemy.rotateTo += 360;
tempEnemy.incFrame = int((tempEnemy.rotateTo - tempEnemy.frame) / tempEnemy.rotateSpeed);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bullet Shooting Thing Which Shoots Bullets

Apr 2, 2007

I have like a bullet shooting thing which shoots bullets (obviously), and it sorta rotates around a point and fires at a movie clip. At the moment the bullets move outwards because of a animation in side the bullet movie clip, but how can I make them move outwards and away from the thing that fired them using actionscript?

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