ActionScript 3.0 :: Omit A Child From Being Rotated?
Jan 20, 2009
Suppose I have a Sprite (A) that is constanly being rotated (as often as the mouse moves).
I have another Sprite (B) that is a child of (A). It makes sense that B is a Child of A because I want B's position to be relative to A's position, and I want B to become invisible when A goes invisible, etc.
However, I would like B NOT to rotate when A rotates. Is there a way to omit B from rotating when A rotates, even though B is A's child?
I know I could do something like B.rotation = - A.rotation everytime A gets rotated, but that feels like a clunky hack to me... there must be a better way?
Currently I'm considering making B a separate object, and not a child of A. But thats not much better because then I have to keep B updated with A's position and visibility, etc...
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var tMatrix:Matrix = _imgContainer.transform.matrix;
//Offset for container
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