ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Isolate Character / Can Add Other Objects And Animations
Nov 11, 2011
I have this animation I made that I'm trying to import using Flash. It's a pretty simple animation, with a black background and orange for the main character.What I was wondering is this: is there any way to change the color of the character in Flash so that it will subsequently change the color in each of the frames?Also, is there any way to isolate the character so that I can add other objects and animations that move independently from the primary animation?
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Jan 22, 2010
I have created a stickman that can walk and it's a full 60 frames of him walking and at frame 60 he's the same as he is in frame 1 so it looks good and it loops well.
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In my final flash movie output, I want my stick man to walk forward when I press the RIGHT arrow key, jump when I press the UP arrow and I want him to duck when I press the DOWN arrow.
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Feb 10, 2002
My only accomplishment so far with it was to create a space shooter game which i modified slightly and animated it or at least the enemy spache ships and the players spaceship.
Here is what I want to do, but cant seem to figure out
I want to have a character on screen who is standing stationary normally, but still facing a direction.(left or right)
Now I want to be able to switch to a walking animation towards the right when I press a key and a seperate animation for when he walks left also at the press of a key I want to do down and up to, but I should be able to figure those out once I learn left and right
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Apr 11, 2011
I've defined an array and want all the objects to start playing their animations when the project opens. Here's the relevant code (with only the first object playing the animation so far):
ActionScript Code:
var coinArray:Array = [coin1, coin2]; //an array which contains all of the coins
var numCoinArray:int = coinArray.length; //how many objects are in the coinArray
function init() //Loads assets to the stage and starts animations
{for(var i:int = 0; i< numCoinArray; i++)//set i to 0; if i is < numLevelArray perform code below; +1 to i {
var o:DisplayObject = coinArray[i]; //gets the object at index i,
o.gotoAndPlay(1); //perform operation on that object
The error I'm getting at the moment is the line "o.gotoAndPlay(1)" where I get this error in the output section:
"Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndPlay through a reference with static type flash.display: DisplayObject."
I'm presuming that the code line above "var o: DisplayObject = coinArray[i];" is the problem and should be changing DisplayObject to something else, I'm just not sure what?
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var my_XML : XML =
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Apr 8, 2009
anywhoo i have minimal actionscript training tho i know a bit... im trying to make an Item system were i make an object like a key or a helmet... and if i collide with it it disapears. and i get the item, then somewhere put _root.playerMC.standing.gotoAndPlay ("item"); .. maybe in the item i dunno..
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Jan 1, 2011
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Sep 12, 2011
I am working in Flash CS4 and am having an issue with my animations. I create a simple tween and press the enter key to play the animation but it does not play. Instead the enter key just toggles the timeline scrubber on and off. When I play the SWF file there is no animation either. If I manually scrub through the timeline the animation appears to be playing correctly. I am simply placing a box on the stage and moving it from left to right using a classic tween. I have tried shutting down and restarting my PC but that does not work. This just started today and was working fine up until today. I am unaware of having made any changes to preferences or anything. I have reset the Essentials view but it is still not working. When I hit CTR ENTER I can step through the frames one by one using the . and , keys on one of the animatioins, on a second one when I step forward a frame the box I am using disapears.
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Mar 16, 2009
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Jun 3, 2009
I'm not only new to the forums, but also rather new to AS 3.0, so this might be something really simple but I can't seem to figure it out Basically, what I'm trying to do it make a photogallery that's essentially a grid of thumbnails. When the user rolls over a thumbnail, I want it to grow in size just a little bit and when they click it would get much larger.Now, that part is simple, but when all of these size changes take place, I'm trying to make the other thumbnails get out of the way, instead of the usual overlapping that would occur. So my question is this:Is there some simple way to change the properties of those thumbnail MCs to avoid overlapping at all costs, while remaining on the stage? Or would I have to animate every possible combination separately on ever possible thumbnail?
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Sep 11, 2009
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Apr 5, 2010
If I have a couple of animations in a single folder, it doesn't look like there is a way to animate the folder as a whole, so is it possible to group all the animations somehow and animate that?
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Nov 2, 2010
Would it be better to make long(5+ minutes) animations all in one file on the same timeline, or to make sections and assemble them later?
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Mar 28, 2011
I have uploaded my Dreamweaver CS5 web site and the flash/swf files don't appear.What files are suppost to be with exported swf files when uploaded so they appear on the web on my web site
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Apr 13, 2011
My Newest Animations Are Not Animating. They are running in the timeline but are displaying as static images as animated shockwave files.
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Jul 27, 2009
i am totally new to flash and want to ask Is it possible to create complete flash animations in .net platoform with C# by using the flash APIs. Can anyone explain how it is done(which apis tools needed) and provide/link to some of the examples.
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Jul 27, 2009
I made an animation. I made a seccond animation that was suposed to go right after the first. I made a scene 2 and when I copy the frames over it says: Resolve liprary conflict, One or more library items already exist in the document. Replace existing items or dont replace.
If I replace the one works right but the first doesnt. If I dont replace the first one works but everythings all messed up in the other one. Is there a way to combine the 2 animations together?
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Aug 15, 2009
I am attempting to make a very simple Final-Fantasy-style fighting game and I am just having a little trouble getting the player (MovieClip) to play different animations while he is doing different things I have the concept down the player has a layer that splits up the different sections of animation, but in my code in an ENTER_FRAME looping function when I say[code]...
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