Actionscript 3 :: Isolate The Tweener Class So That Loaded .swfs Are Not Interfering With Tweens

Feb 12, 2010

I am working on a UI that makes heavy use of the Tweener class, and which also loads an external .swf that I believe also uses the Tweener class.

After tracking down all kinds of buggy behavior, I'm thinking that the problem is that the loaded .swf is making calls to Tweener.removeAllTweens() *(This is just an assumption) and stopping other tweens that are happening in my UI.

Is this possible, and if so, is it possible to isolate the two versions of the Tweener class so that they don't reference the same object?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External SWFs Interfering With Main Timeline?

Feb 4, 2010

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on (release) {


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Actionscript 3 :: Remove Tweener Tweens OnComplete?

Mar 21, 2011

for occasional tweens, such as those triggered/added by a button, is it a best-practice to remove the tween - Tweener.removeTweens(myObject); - or does Tweener automatically do this when the tween finishes? i understand tweens automatically overwrite themselves, so perhaps it's not useful (not encouraged) to remove occasional tweens, but what about infrequent tweens? if Tweener doesn't automatically remove tweens when its finished with them, wouldn't the objects that Tweener is referencing not be able to be garbage collected if removed?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loaded Swf Interfering With Main Timeline?

Dec 11, 2009

I have a main flash movie, which I'm using to display various other smaller swf's.All the SWF's including the main one are set to flash player 8, action script 2.Script used is:loadMovie("swf/movies/moviename.swf", "p2");This is loading the swf into a correctly sized and placed movieclip with instance name "p2"This all works perfectly well apart from one particular swf. It has various script in it that seem to be interfering with the timeline of my main movie. Causing it to start playing, when it should be stopped etc. It seems to cycle through all the other keyframes until it gets back to keyframe that it sits on.

Is there a way of making sure none of the script within the loaded SWF will effect the main movie that it's loaded into?I tried usingthis._lockroot=trueon the 1st frames of the SWF's to be loaded, and also on the 1st frame of the main movie, but it does not work.I also tried loading to various levels, with no luck.Something in the externally loaded SWF's is causing the main movie timeline to go crazy. I guess either the interval timer or the endcount.Here's some of the code from the external swf thats being loaded into the container:

pause = function () {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Two .swfs That Are Loaded Into Each Other Fromsharing The Same Class?

Jun 21, 2011

I have had this issue for months now, I get round it by simply renaming the class something else but I just wondered if I could do anything else.. Basically if main.swf uses in a folder called com. and child.swf uses in a folder called com (child is published in a different directory though with its own unique com folder) when child is loaded into main, child trys to use but from the main's com folder (causing errors as this is not its Startup class) So I get round this by renaming childs Startup to say.. ChildStartUp. I think this issue has something to do with inheritance? Child inherits everything from main? So how would I stop child from using mains

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I would like to use the Tweener class, but I have no clue where I should put the files in my actionscript directory in flash.

EDIT: I tried looking up after some tutorials, everybody is talking about that I should put the "gs" folder in my fla directory, thats not really usefull if there is not even a "gs" directory in the zip I downloaded! All the files are in the "greensock" directory, but when I try to import it I get:

Code: Select all5001: The name of package 'com.greensock' does not reflect the location of this file. Please change the package definition's name inside this file, or move the file.

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function showsubMenu(x,y,thisArray,gotoArray)
var curr_item:MovieClip;


now all menuItem's slide in at ones. but i want to slide them in one after the other?

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IDE :: Slider Rotates The Container With The Images Using Tweener Class And EaseOutCubic Transition

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Array Button Menu That Fades In / Out Content With Tweener Or Tween Class

May 20, 2009

The first on is using the Tweener class and everytime that I press a button it fades out the loaded content of the previous selection, waits for it to finish and then loads the content of the button pressed. Everything works fine with this part. The second code is the on that is using an Array to dynamicaly rollover, rollout and keep selected the buttons.It was also changing the content of the mc that everything is loaded on but without this fancy fade in - fade out...!!


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Jan 17, 2011

This is NOT the same as my last thread as i am after three and NOT ONE as last time. In the attached movie there are three seperate movies loading into three seperate tweens. Please note that i am happy with this movie as it is, and do not want to change anything about it except for the script itself. It refurs to three seperate clips "b.a","d.c" and "f.e". What i want is for the script to incorperate all three clips under one name of "mc" And instead of have three seperate widths, "width 1","width2" and "width3" i want the script to also incorperate all three widths and heights into just one name of "width" and one name of "height".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Tweens Using Class

May 26, 2007

I have a few movie clips in the library. each is created at runtime, placed in an existing movie clip, and given some text (each movie clip has a dynamic text box inside). The header text loads, and then body, and then the enter button. My problem is that the tween for body don't work, yet the tweens for the header and the enter text work. The only difference between the header and the body movie clips, is that the textbox inside, in the body clip is set to multiline.[code]

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Jun 10, 2010

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All drag and drop assigments work fine etc. I have no idea whats up. I have receantly switched to as3 and in as2 there was _lockroot declaration that solved similar problems, but now in as3 (where it supposedly should be automatic) it doesnt work. As it seems that it cannot recognise it own stage value, or selection_focus when loadedinside another swf through xml.Using cs4, as3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween Class - Rewinding Tweens

Nov 30, 2009

i've followed several tween classes tutorials across the internet. here's what I'm currently trying to do: there will be three buttons (let's name it A,B,C). when the user click A, it will move to X,Y coordinate on the stage (i've succeeded and have done it). then, when the user click B, B will now move to the same coordinate (succeeded too).

what i failed to do is when the user click B, i want A to return to its original position. do i have to use rewind or yoyo method to do this? how? can someone show me? this is my actionscript on frame 1: *info: top_mc is button A instance, mid is button B and btm is button C*


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Flex :: How To Isolate ProgressEvent Source

Sep 9, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Isolate One Node Within A Xml Object?

Jan 21, 2009

I am trying to isolate one node within an xml object;

I am starting with:

ActionScript Code:
var my_XML : XML =


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Isolate The Snowfall To One Area?

Jan 16, 2009

[URL]I am desperately trying to isolate the snowfall to one area of my movie using the width & height controls in the script + X,Y coords, but cannot seem to control it's x,y positioning in the movie. It always starts in the top left (0,0).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween Class / OnMotionFinished - Stop The Tweens From Playing

Aug 20, 2008

I am currently creating a menu system for a site, that when hovered over expands from a short strip into the larger menu containing buttons/graphics etc. To reduce the number of frames used within the site, i am trying to achieve this method using the tween class / onMotionFinished action as opposed to having a movieclip which plays through when hovered over. However if you move the mouse off before the "loading in" animation is complete, it begins the "reverse" animation and seperate titles both appear on top of eachother.

Basically i need to stop the tweens from playing, should the user hover away before they are complete, like a movieclip would "rewind" if you were using that well documented method. Below is the script, and I have attached the .fla for you to have a look at.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replace The Tweens With Flash's Built-in Tweens

Jan 2, 2012

When I want to ask for a small fee for my app, I'm not allowed to use TweenLite. So I started thinking I could probably replace the tweens with Flash's built-in Tweens. BUT I'm also using rotationY. Flash doesn't support this as far as I know. Are there Tween engines out there with a copyleft?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Isolate Character / Can Add Other Objects And Animations

Nov 11, 2011

I have this animation I made that I'm trying to import using Flash.  It's a pretty simple animation, with a black background and orange for the main character.What I was wondering is this: is there any way to change the color of the character in Flash so that it will subsequently change the color in each of the frames?Also, is there any way to isolate the character so that I can add other objects and animations that move independently from the primary animation?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Isolate Mouse Click To Different Movie Clips

Oct 18, 2010

I am creating a interactive ad and am having problems getting the onMouseDowns to work properly.I have 4 thumbnail images that, when clicked on, need to enlarge and show a caption. My problem is that when the user clicks, it triggers an onMouseDown for all of the image thumbnail movieclips. What should happen is that only the thumbnail that was clicked on should enlarge.How can I isolate the click so that it just triggers the thumbnail movieclip that was actually clicked on? I have to use Actionscript 2 for this.I'm attaching my FLA (CS3) here as well as SWF file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Isolate Words Entered By User Into 'Input Text'

Nov 22, 2009

I'm trying to isolate words entered by the user into an "Input Text" (command). In a function that executes every time a key is pressed, I set a string, "newTxt", to the text entered.[code]This works fine; I'm able to check the string "newTxt". However, this checks the entire command rather than one word. When I replace line 2 with:[code]it freezes. In theory, it should add every letter until it reaches a space or ends, right? Could anyone find my mistake? Also, how would I go about checking for the second word (after a space)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS4 - Php Interfering With .flv Loading?

Sep 13, 2010

I've got a .swf that loads .flv's from a separate directory and we want to put it on our company website.

I've tested it online with the .swf in a simple html table and the .flv's load fine.

But when our developer puts them into a .php page for the website, the .flv's don't load at all. He swears the .flv's are in the right location and we are stumped as to why they don't load. Is it possible there's a conflict somewhere in this scenario? I don't know php so I can't troubleshoot it properly.

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