ActionScript 3 :: Game Circles - Handling Multiple TimerEvent
Jul 18, 2010
Below is simplified version of a game I am creating. Basically, the game have some circles. Each circle shoot bullets that is dispatched with timerEvent. When the circle is clicked it is removed from the stage. However, the bullet still keeps on dispatching. I couldn't figure out how to stop timerEvent of each individual circle when it is clicked.
var _timer:Timer = new Timer(1000);
var speed:int = 20;
for(var i:int=0; i<= 3; i++) {
var _shape:MovieClip = new MovieClip();;
[Code] .....
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addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, playGame);
function playGame(Event):void {
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<s:SkinnableContainer id="secondRow"/>
<s:SkinnableContainer id="thirdRow"/>
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Apr 10, 2009
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Mar 17, 2011
handling multiple frequent collisions between the player and level/environment. At the moment I'm quite proud of this [URL]. Here the player is using a single if statement as follows to check for hit detection.
if(player.area.hitTestObject(g1) || player.area.hitTestObject(g2) || player.area.hitTestObject(g3)){
player.y = g1.y;
(This has a slight problem as the player can only be touching one ground at any time and this loops through all of them it ends up making the player fall through the ground anyway.)
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Dec 3, 2010
I can only run a timer.start(); command once, the second time it will only run once instead of the value of 10 repeat.
var addTenPointsTimer:Timer=new Timer(500, 10);
var currentScore = 0;
score.text = "0";
I want to be able to have the score add the ten points one at a time rather than all at once. It works fine the first time ten points are added, but the second, third, fourth, etc time it only adds one point then stops. How can I get the timer to work more than once?
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Oct 14, 2009
I am attempting to use a TimerEvent in a while loop. In the example I have created below, the init function should loop through the values myArray, tracing each value at three second intervals. It seems, however, that because I am incrementing the currentNum value outside of the while loop (in the timerHandler function), that the loop just keeps running until Flash stops responding.[code]
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Feb 27, 2009
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var timer:Timer = new Timer(3000);
var timer2:Timer = new Timer(3500);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer);
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Feb 4, 2010
I noticed that TimerEvent in html document has prolem with IE.My document turns at 12 frame/sec :
ActionScript Code:
var timer:Timer=new Timer(5,0);
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Sep 7, 2009
I have a movie clip, asterixHolder, with multiple frames that is instructed, at times, to gotoAndPlay at a particular frame (where'currentSection' is a number):
asterixHolder.gotoAndPlay("tween"+currentSection); Nested inside asterixHolder is a clip called theAsterix that I want to continually rotate. I've been achieving this with a Timer Event:
However, when the TimerEvent code is included - or to be more precise, when the function timerHandler references asterixHolder - the previous code to send the clip to the appropriate frame does not work. Could anyone tell me why this is the case? It doesn't seem logical that calling a nested clip should prevent the parent clip from doing anything.
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Oct 5, 2009
Before I start my preloader animation, I want to play a quick animation. I was hoping to use a TimerEvent to delay the preloader from starting until the animation was over, but nothing's happening.I cobbled this together from other preloader tutorials, and since I'm not sure I understand how it all works, I shouldn't be too surprised that my hybrid failed.[code]I don't register either trace statement, but if I move this. loaderInfo.add EventListener (ProgressEvent.PRO GRESS, check_progress); out of the timer event function, then I get the trace statement just fine.
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Apr 23, 2010
I have a Timer class and i am trying to call a variable from that TimerEvent class. But i am not sure how to do that. Do you have idea?
How can get a var from outside to a Timer Class?
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Nov 18, 2009
Very new to AS3 and wasn't a strong coder to begin with - I've been asked to build a large banner revealing multiple ads (4 to be precise). My thought is to use a TimerEvent (if, then type statement) to control how long each "billboard" will be on the stage, then have the next one slide onto the stage...etc, etc... I'm finding conflicting codes out there, and don't know which to pull from. This seems easy in my head, but the AS3 code appears very complex to pull this off.
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Apr 5, 2011
I create a timer and set it to fire events every 500ms:
t = new Timer(500);
t.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTick);
On every tick I would like to add the last 2 elements of a vector to an other vector:
private function onTick(event : TimerEvent) : void{
tempCoords.push(coords[coords.length - 2],coords[coords.length - 1]);
But after the 2nd tick, it doesn't add only those 2 elements but the whole other vector I really don't get what this is happening. I don't use tempCoords anywhere else in my code. The coords vector is updated in a MOUSE_MOVE event with the coordination point of the mouse.
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Jun 24, 2009
so I'm not just new here, but definitely new to actionscript (though I have a MINOR amount of OOP experience in matLAB). I was wondering if someone could clarify something (though I'm sure this thread will grow out of my own confusion)?
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Jul 2, 2009
I'm using the following code to delay my movie a set time for each frame:
This works fine but I want to be able to change the length of the delay for each frame. I've tried alsorts but my as3 knowledge is limited
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