IDE :: Canceling Sound Before It Finishes
Mar 20, 2009
I have a character that uses the arrow keys to move. Key_Down sends him 10px left or right per press and when you let go he stops. easy as pie. What I've now added in is that when you press either of those keys it also plays a "walk" sound. In order to stop this walk sound I then added Key_Up and specified that the sound should stop via SndChannel.stop();
At first it was working fine, but there was the issue that if you held down a directional button the sound would spawn multiple times and sound like crap. I added in a boolean to disallow this, making it so that only one instance will play at a time and it will loop. The problem now is, however, that the initial SndChannel.stop(); under the Key_Up listener has stopped working. Instead of stopping the sound immediately on key up, it waits until the sound file has finished and simply stops it from repeating.
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I've got a movieclip (slider_mc) -- it's two 800x150 rectangles spaced 450 pxls apart on y. (Stage is 800x600).I load in the sounds, then when each sound is finished playing it launches a function that plays the next sound, this works fine. I'd like slider_mc to move on y when each sound finishes. The first tween works like it should, but nothing happens when playSound_02 is launched -- the sound plays but the tween doesn't work.Here's my code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
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var pic2Container:Sprite = new Sprite;
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function startListener(e:Event):void
var mySprite = new Sprite();
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on (release) {getURL("", "_blank") ; }
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// When mouse pointer over the button
box_color.onRollOver = function() {
box_color_play = 1;
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<mx:DataGrid id="myGrid" horizontalScrollPolicy="auto" dataProvider="{mounth}" width="100%" height="100%" variableRowHeight="true" wordWrap="true">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Header1" wordWrap="true">
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Aug 19, 2010
What I've got is a clip that when moused over expands down, and when moused out contracts back up again...simple right.
The problem I've got is that as soon as I place a child inside the expanding clip (which is another expanding and contracting clip). the listener gets blocked by its child making it contact before it should. This sounds a little confusing, but will make alot more sense when viewing my code here...
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
var section1:Section1 = new Section1();
By the way I will be putting buttons inside the clips eventually, so disabling the clips contents is a no go.
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Mar 12, 2011
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It got the point where it was taking around 30 seconds to export which I'm used to when my animations get longer. However, now it constantly gets stuck at 90% and I get the rainbow wheel cursor. I waited 30 minutes thinking it needed to catch up with itself and nothing changed. I always end up having to force quit out of Flash because it's not responding.
I've tried numerous things to try and get it to export such as quitting and restarting Flash, doing a complete shutdown and starting Flash, and copy pasting all my frames into a new Flash file and saving. No matter what it always stops at 90% and no longer responds.
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Jun 12, 2009
how do you use the gotoAndStop after a tween has run?
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
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Sep 20, 2010
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Jan 30, 2009
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Jun 23, 2011
The code I have so far is included below. Right now the first swf (first of two loaded into main swf) (intro.swf) loads fine on mouseclick of the "go" button. However I would like the first swf to unLoad and the second swf to load ("europe.swf"). This will be a one frame swf that will link to various others. After multiple tutorials/forums I can't figure out how to get the second swf to load while the first unloads.
import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.display.Loader; import; go.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goIntro); var loaderIntro:Loader = new Loader(); var contentIntro:MovieClip; function
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Jan 30, 2009
I am attempting to hide a SWF file that has the AS2 FLV component in it only after the FLV has finished playing. How would I go about this?
I've found a way to hide the Div the SWF is in using a timed Javascript event that is external to the SWF, but I'd like to find a more elegant solution.
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Oct 13, 2009
i'm using the tween class to move a movieClip around the stage, depending on what button the user selects... the movieClip starts in the center of the stage and moves to where I tell it to in the tween. The begin property of the movieclip is its current position (characters_mc.x). This all works until I want to move the movieClip again, and it starts from the center of the stage instead of its newly landed position... So the question is, how can I get the tween to start from where it previously landed, instead of always from the center? Shouldn't the value of the x position of the moved movieclip change as it is moved? Any better way to do this?
ActionScript Code:
var myTween:Tween = new Tween(characters_mc, "x", Regular.easeInOut, characters_mc.x, 95.8, 2, true);
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Oct 24, 2009
I'm kinda new to Actionscript still and I found a code for an external movie (that's in an FLVPlayback component) to play in a container after a preloader - it can be seen here: [URL] the end of the intro clip, i want the site to go to another page automatically i'm having trouble because i think i'm supposed to use getURL, but i don't know how to tell it to go there only after the external movie is done. here is the code that controls the external movie:
HTML Code:
this.attachMovie("FLVPlayback","my_FLVPlybk",{width:815, height:540, x:100, y:100});
my_FLVPlybk.contentPath = "";
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Feb 13, 2010
I need button to appear after movieclip finishes. I was trying to insert code to the last frame of movieclip, _root.myscene.gotoandplay(140)...... and lots of different codes. But then I realised , that you cant control maintimeline from movieclip.
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Apr 16, 2011
I am triggering short sounds dynamically from the library for a game (Specifically Air for Android). When the user clicks a button the sound can take up to 600ms to actually play. I have set it for any silence before the actual sound by calling the sound like so:
All return the same results. I know there are threads here that talk about this but none have offered a real solution that I can find. Is there no way to cache the sound or store it in a buffer?
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Jul 11, 2009
I have created a very basic preloader using flash components 'Loader' and 'ProgressBar". It's job is to load an external swf movie clip/file.
Problem: When the preloader has finished doing it's 'thing', i.e. reaches 100%, it loads/or seeming reveals the external movie already underway i.e. not at the first frame.
I've read a few posts from "Whispers", and have concluded that the problem is that the movie is streaming whilst being loaded. And also that i need to be using "init" in regards to 'listener'.
However i really want to be able to apply this to the code i am using it, as i had just kinda gotten to grips with it (the code).
Is anyone able to tell me what a need to alter to get the preloader to finish loading the movie COMPLETELY before it starts to play.
myProgressBar.mode = "manual";
myProgressBar.setProgress(0, 100);
myProgressBar._visible = true;
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