Jumpy .swf On First Play?

May 17, 2009

I'm pretty new to the whole game but would love anyone's advice on an issue I'm having. I've created a .swf in Flash CS4 then exported it and placed it on my page in dreamweaver. when I preview it in either Firefox or Safari the first time it plays through it stutters at the transition points, but on the second loop is smooth. Is this just my mac taking it's time loading up the presentation or is there some way of compressing(?) the file so that it plays thru smoothly on the first try.
Next problem... I am placing the .swf into a table. All the other elements I have placed in the table sit perfectly across Firefox, Safari & IE, and the .swf does so too in Ffox & Safari. But when I preview the page in IE it places it top left and on top of everything else.

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Feb 5, 2010

I have made an image sequence that listens to mouse movement left or right (if i move the mouse 1 px left - the previous frame appears, and if mouse moves right - the following frame appears).My problem is that the transition between the frames, when moving the mouse too fast, appears to be very "jumpy" (the sequence can move from frame 20 to 25 when the mouse moves too fast, making it look very bad) Can I control it like there is a max speed for the mouse movement? Or maybe a max speed for the frame transitions (frame-by-frame)?ere is my code that listens to the mouse event:

if (Flag) {
var activeMouseX = stage.mouseX;
if (activeMouseX > prevMouseX){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Sequence With Mouse X Movement Becomes "jumpy"

Feb 5, 2010

I have made an image sequence that listens to mouse movement left or right (if i move the mouse 1 px left - the previous frame appears, and if mouse moves right - the following frame appears).

My problem is that the transition between the frames, when moving the mouse too fast, appears to be very "jumpy" (the sequence can move from frame 20 to 25 when the mouse moves too fast, making it look very bad) .

how to make the sequence a bit more smoother?

Can I control it like there is a max speed for the mouse movement? Or maybe a max speed for the frame transitions (frame-by-frame)?

Here is my code that listens to the mouse event:

if (Flag) {
var activeMouseX = stage.mouseX;
if (activeMouseX > prevMouseX){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Multiple Videos (all On Xml File) To Play On Button Action?

Jul 14, 2011

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Media Server :: Stream.play (live_from_FMLE, -1, 4500, True) Got No NetStream.Play.Start?

Nov 5, 2010

I got a bunch of live stream from FMLE, say: "FMLE_channel1", "FMLE_channel2", "FMLE_channel3". And then on the server side, I created several corresponding republished stream called "channel1", "channel2", "channel3".

On periodical basis, we call Stream.get("channel1").play("FMLE_channel1", -1, 10, true) every 10 seconds. Similar things were done on the second channel & third channel.Soon after the above Stream.get("channel1").play() call, I should get the following events in sequence:info :NetStream.Unpublish.Successinfo :NetStream.Publish.Startinfo :NetStream.Play.Resetinfo :NetStream.Play.Start In the above case all are happy. Clients can view channel1, channel2, channel3 well.But then after a while, one of the three channels, in most case it would be channel1, will not be viewable.

With the server trace info, I found that after the Stream.get("channel1").play() call, only the following two events exists:

info :NetStream.Unpublish.Successinfo :NetStream.Publish.Starti.e. I was missing the play.reset and play.start event.I further checked and confirmed that the FMLE was publishing all three channels fine to the server. I was able to view the "FMLE_channel1" from flash clients, but not the republished "channel1". the version is FMS 3.5.0.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Makes Scene To Play When Called For And Not Play Automatically

Nov 7, 2009

So this is my code so far:
on (press) { // Gives your movie a button functionsgetUrl("http://www.astahost.com");}
on (rollOver) {this._alpha=100;gotoAndPlay("Scene 2"); }


when i play the movie, it plays scene 2, however, scene 2, which is in my flash document, plays automatically. how can i stop this? is there some code which only makes scene 2 play when called for and not play automatically.

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Jan 14, 2010

So i've made my .swf files. The only thing is they all play at full screen when i play them using my web browser. I need them to play at 548 x 408. when i open the .fla and go to properties it says the size IS at 548 x 410 but it can't be if its playing full screen.

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Mar 8, 2010

I have several products I want to animate with graphics and text individualy then stack them on a time line for output with play and pause buttons. Is there a tutorial somwhere that shows you how to do this? and how do I stop the entire animation on a frame, I don't understand "not_set_yet"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rollover Play Forward, Rollout Play Backward?

Jul 29, 2008

simple one this, or so i thought! basically, i want a mc to play from start to finish (11 frames) upon rollover and upon rollout i want it to play backwards to the first frame. Accurately.

ActionScript Code:
on (rollOver) {
if (activ.currentFrame <= 11)


Currently i JUST goes to the next frame. So i need something like currentFrame +1 or something?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 - Modify From Just Play To Play/stop (toggle)?

Sep 21, 2009

I have modified the original to include more head shots accompanied by audio clips. I have worked out the playing of the clips on release. I realize now that people may not want to listen to entire clip. Each mug shot serves as the button to hear the person talk. I do not know how to modify the button code for it to be a toggle. I guess it would need to be some kind of "play if, stop if" The only part of concern is loading playing the the audio, no changes need to be made to the rollover functionality.

mugWidth = 60; //change these if you change the size of your mugshots
mugHeight = 60; //change to your mugshot height
//instantiate sound and textformat classes


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS4 Play Check For Key / Play At End Execute Action

Apr 6, 2011

Root timeline: keyframe 1, keyframe 2, etc...

-keyframe 1 has a MC "frist MC"
-keyframe 2 has a MC "second MC", etc.
-the MCs are all duplicates containing different animation, but have the same AS inside them.

The construction of the MC is:Play intro animation -> Stop and wait for key stroke. If key is "space" set variable value to 1, if else set variable value to 0, then continue to play next frame. -> Complete the animation till the last frame.In the last frame check what is the value of the variable to check which key was been hit. If it was a space (var =1) go to root and play current frame +1 (go forward), Else, go to root and play current frame -1 (go back)Its a kind of slideshow.so heres the code in the middle, after the intro animation was played:[code] The problem with var reverse is, it works well in the first frame, its beign filled with value depending on what key is being hit, But in the last frame, when the time comes to check the value, trace says its "undefined".I have tried setting up a _global.variablename = reverse and it works in both frames (the check at the end is succesful, it detects the given value), but still the last frame only plays the currentframe -1 as if always executing the "else" command, no matter what the value of var reverse is.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Next 5 Frames And Stop The Play Head?

Jan 6, 2011

how would you play the next 5 frames if the space bar was clicked and then stop the playhead?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Release Play Frame Then Play Movie?

Jul 23, 2004

I am creating a site, and it has a animation that it has to play before loading the next section. What I cant figure out is what function I need to create so that when a user clicks on the vision button it will play the frame after stop(); which will close that section, then have it load the frame for the section that the person clicked on. The only way I can think of doing this is creating 3 different close animations for the three sections. But I figure there has to be a way to have it play the one close animation and then goto the frame which is the portfolio section or vision section (depending on the button clicked).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: On Release, Play Frame, Then Play Movie?

Jul 23, 2004

I am creating a site, and it has a animation that it has to play before loading the next section. What I cant figure out is what function I need to create so that when a user clicks on the vision button it will play the frame after stop(); which will close that section, then have it load the frame for the section that the person clicked on. The only way I can think of doing this is creating 3 different close animations for the three sections. But I figure there has to be a way to have it play the one close animation and then goto the frame which is the portfolio section or vision section (depending on the button clicked).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play An Mp3 File Using NetStream.play?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a "movie player" that plays flv files using the code below (videoToPlay is the name of the file to play and is just a string). I want to use the same setup to play an mp3 file also.I tried using mySound = new Sound(); and then mySound.attachNetStream(ns);, but it gives me this error: 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method attachNetStream through a reference with static type flash.media:Sound.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Between NetStream.play And VideoPlayer.play?

Nov 4, 2010

1) What is the recommended/best practice method for loading videos (flv, f4v, mp4, etc.) from a play list. Some of the files might be on the local file system, some might be on a streaming server and uses rtmp.
2) Does the VideoPlayer.play internally use NetStream/NetConnection objects? I could get the files to play using both these methods - not sure if one is better than the other. I didn't see any references about streaming in the VideoPlayer.play method - but it does work with rtmp URLs!
3) For a long running standalone application, how do I make sure the VideoPlayer/NetStream objects are properly released/garbage collected? Right now I am closing the netstream/netconnection after playing every file - mainly because I do not know which server/file system the next video is being loaded from.

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