Professional :: SWF Files - Playing More Than One Movie

Nov 19, 2011

I want a swf file that will play other swf files one after the other. They are swf, not video files, as I need to change everything on the page when the video stops playing. So, one swf opens with a custom page - plays a video - and then the next swf will open and do the same thing. There's much talk about 'typing stop(); on the last frame of a video" - As far as I can see - everything is automatically sitting on a single frame in Flash - whether it's scene 1, or I open the movie file - the movie is all playing in one frame. If try to simple put different material on a second frame, it loops back and forth between one frame of each movie (it will change the background, and video - but I get only ONE frame of each movie - not the full movie before switching).

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Professional :: Songs Not Playing When Upload Files To Web?

Jan 20, 2011

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If I export a swf file and the associated html file, along with the songs in the same directory structure as they were on my computer (in an audio folder in the same directory as the swf), the graphics show up, but the music doesn't play when I click the song buttons.
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one frame in the left MC calls this

and it doesn't work and I don't know why, as I have a root who has a frame with a pages_mc that has a frame with cpr_mc that has a frame with charr_mc that has a frame with right_mc and there is a label 'Sidney'well, that's all. I don't even know flash very well, but looks to me that logically I'm doing it right, but flashly I'm doing it wrong...

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Professional :: Movie Clips Playing On The Timeline?

Feb 26, 2012

I have a movie clip on my timeline and it has maybe 60 frames in it. There's enough space for it to play and loop, and when I press ctrl enter to preview it, it plays as expected. However, as I scrub through my animation, the only things that play are the motion tweens I made. The movie clip just stays stuck on the first frame. I was curious so I exported it as is right now and it goes through the frames correctly there too. However, this is fustrating because I want to see the movie clip cycle through it's frames when I scrub through my timeline!

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Professional :: Movie Clip Stops Playing For No Reason?

Mar 9, 2012

I am making a banner that has multiple movie clips sharing the same area, creating different rainbow effects when different areas (invisible buttons) are moused over.
First of all I couldn't figure out if there was a way to have one invisible button over the whole area that changed to a different colored effect with each mouse over (first mouse over the black and whites would change to reds, second would change it to blues, third would change it to browns, etc.). Since I couldn't figure this out I settled on creating three buttons covering a third of the banner each, so when the mouse passes over one button it changes to reds, over another button it changes to blues, over the third it changes to browns.
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Anyway, it seemed to work fine for a while, but after working on it for a while longer (and not getting any further since I removed most of the changes I made), now when I test the movie the mouse over does not seem to work correctly. It works fine, seemingly, for the first time I mouse over each button, but in order to have it work again I have to mouse over the button twice, and then it will pause randomly during a part of the clip and I have to move my mouse back over for the movie clip to continue.
I can't tell if this is because of the overlapping movie clips, or because my buttons are messed up, or if my actionscript is messed up, or if the timeline has to be longer, or what. Currently the timeline is 55 frames, the same as each movie clip.
I put a movieclip_instance.stop(); command in the first frame of the main timeline, is there a better way to do this? Should I put the stop command in the movie clip itself?
Here is a section of my AS in the main timeline, this is my first time programming ever, in any language, and trying to learn from the internet is more difficult than I thought it would be.
red_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, playRed);
function playRed(event:MouseEvent):void

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Professional :: Playing Multiple Movie Clips One After Other On Main Timeline?

Apr 23, 2010

Excuse the probably simple question but I'm just starting off with Flash.I have imported a few video trailers directly into flash and saved them as movie clips. I want to be able to insert these movie clips onto the main timeline and play them one after the other, repeating once they have all played. On the main timeline I have set a layer for each clip and a keyframe where the clip is inserted for each layer. When I go to play the flash file, it is showing the first frame from each movie file and then moving to the first frame of the next movie file. What do I need to do to make flash play the entire movie file in that specific frame before moving to the next frame where the next movie file is and playing all that movie?

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Professional :: Make Buttons Below Inactive/active When A Movie Clip Is Playing?

Dec 31, 2009

I've got an infographic I'm working on, and every time I roll over an image (a ring) the alpha goes up to 100, then I roll out and it goes back to 50. That much I'm good with.

Then, I click on each one of them, and a movie clip (built inside of each ring/button) pops up and plays. Fair enough.
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The actionscript for it is right below.

I'm not sure if there's anything I can do to make it modal in AS3 or something like that. Or should I go ahead and set it up in a parent/child kind of way (not too well-versed in that regard.
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ring1926.movie1926.visible = false; 
// add a rollover to make the inside movieclip appear 


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Professional :: Movie Clips / Sound Keeps Playing After Navigating Off Frame/page?

Aug 17, 2010

Basically I have a flash website built on different frames of the timeline, the simplest way I think.Some of these frames have movie clips embedded into them using the flv playback component class.The problem I have is the following, the site works fine and videos play fine, but whenever I navigate offa part of the website to another, from a frame to another - the sound of the clips that were playing keepsplaying on the background and never stop and it keeps building up every time I navigate of.f each page.I want to remark that I believe is not only the sound that keeps playing "invisible" but the whole clip butThis is the AS code for my buttons on an example frame, would you be so kind to tell me what I should add or change

stop();cvbtn15.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onClick25);function onClick25(event:MouseEvent){  gotoAndStop(27);}showbtn15.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onClick26);function


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Professional :: Increasing Idle CPU Usage With Repeated Playing Of Very Animated Movie Clip?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm developing a touch-screen Flash  application for a shoe store, and it runs fine initially, but slows down  toward the end of the day. I've been diligent with removing event  listeners and so on. I've now narrowed the problem to be very specific -  it's one section of the application causing the problem, and one part  of that section:
- I have a main movie clip which  contains the animation, which itself contains 5 nested movie clips, each  with their own timeline. All movie clips have a stop action on the  final frame. images are transparent PNGs with outer glow "filter" - the issue is not with performance as such, but with CPU increasing  over time. Each time you play the clip, there is a small amount of CPU  usage that 'sticks' and doesn't get freed up. What happens is that if  you play the movie clip many (MANY MANY) times, then eventually it  starts to slow down. Mac's Activity Monitor shows that the idle CPU  usage is increasing slowly, over many times of playing the clip. It's  insignificant with each play, but adds up over time.
You  may be inclined to say: oh filters effect CPU, so it will be slow - but  it isn't slow until it plays many, many times. Initially it's fast. I've uploaded a .zip with .app and .exe versions of my problem section. There are two files of each type:  (& .exe): plays the problem clip repeatedly (I've just removed the  final 'stop();' frame), so you can leave it open and come back in half  an hour to see it slowing down. (& .exe): Plays the problem  clip once when you click the 'play' button, so you can click several  times, let it return to idle, and verify that the idle CPU usage is in  fact increasing.


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Flash :: Professional - Updating PSD Files In A Movie

May 28, 2010

I'll start off by saying that I'm new to Flash. I'm using the CS5 Web Premium suite and want to publish an updated version of a Flash movie that contains PhotoShop files which I've recently modified. Unfortunately, when I open the .FLA file in Flash Professional CS5, it's not apparent to me how to do this. I don't see the PhotoShop files anywhere in the Library pane and thus can't figure out a way to update the Flash movie to recognize my newly modified .PSD files.

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Professional :: Load Swf Files In Main Movie?

May 27, 2011

I have the following to load swf files in my main movie. The first swf files that loads has a movie FLV file in it. When I unload that swf file, with the below, the swf seems to get removed, but the audio of that flv keeps playing. What do I have to do, to completely remove that swf file.  

private function loadNewSection(e:ProjectEvent):void
while ( content_mc.loaderClip.numChildren > 0 ) {


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Professional :: Cannot Preview Flash Movie Files Locally?

Oct 27, 2010

I have created many flash video over the years so I definitely know how to embed an flv into flash. Also, it is very hard to screw up the import video wizard in flash so I have eliminated that as a potential problem. I haven't created a movie in quite a few months and yesterday I tried to create one. I used the wizard in flash to import the working flv and when i hit ctrl+enter to preview, a blank white screen showed up. When I right clicked, it said movie not loaded.  So I tried to use AS3 and netconnection to embed the movie. When I previewed it, the same thing happened. I then went to view one of my existing swf's that did not have a video and that did not work either. I searched and found the adobe flash player security preferences and changed settings and NOW I can view swf's that do not have video. I can ALSO view old swf's that have video embedded BUT as soon as I open the original fla file and press ctrl+enter to preview, the swf's DO NOT preview anymore

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Jan 27, 2011

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Flash :: Professional - Cs4 Wont Play Movie Files

May 6, 2011

basically ive made a movie file and every time i publish it or publish preview i just get the first frame, i can scroll through the animation frame by frame but it wont play and it wont start! are there some settings i need to fiddle with or is something turned off? its really annoying me now because i cant for the life of me find whats wrong or even google an awncer. there's no error message, it just acts as if i didnt animate anything, ive tried going to propertys and putting the first frame to play but nothing ive tried worked!

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Professional :: Convert Flash Files Into A Movie File?

Nov 3, 2011

Anyone know of a piece of software that will allow to convert flash files into a movie file? (Without using a screen capture utility)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: VIDEO Stops Playing, Continue Playing Flash Movie?

Aug 7, 2009

I am loading an external SWF file into my main timeline. The external SWF file contains an FLV video. At a certain point in my main timeline, the SWF file loads and plays the video. Is there a way to say...

If the VIDEO (FLV) is done playing, gotoAndPlay(X)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Cuepoints Playing From FLV Movie That Is Playing From FLV Playback Component?

Oct 9, 2009

I was wondering, what was the best way to for actionscript 3.0 to detect cuepoints playing from a FLV movie that is playing from an FLV playback component?

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Professional :: Stop A Sound From Playing If It Is Playing Already

Dec 6, 2011

ok so i have a button that plays an animation for fire when held down. and when realsed goes to and stops and frame one. when it reaches the end of the time line it goes to and plays at frame 10 and goes back to the end of the timeline. I have a sound for the fire animation that plays for the effect. The problem is the sound keeps going untill its over even if the button isnt held down. and when the playhead reaches the end of the timeline it goes to and plays and frame 10 and it replays the sound. if i hold it down it will just keep playing the sound over and over from start to finish. what i want it to do it when i hold the button down i want it to play the sound and when released it stops the sound where ever it is at. I also dont the sound to play again if there is a sound already going to stop it from playing 20 sounds at one time it gets loud and you need asprin after about 5 seconds of that.

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Playing SWF Files In FLV Player?

May 14, 2009

I would like to know whether swf files can play in an FLV Player or not. If not possible, is there any option for developing an independent swf player. the technique that can be used to develop swf player.

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