Actionscript 3 :: Avoid Create New BitmapData Object In Loop?

Nov 17, 2010

I want to store the bitmap data from _sampleTile in array, but I was wondering how to increase the performance. If I do it like this:

var _sampleTile:BitmapData;
var _arrayLenght:int = _tileClipArray.length;
for(var i:int = 0; i < _arrayLenght; ++i){


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public static function loadTile(tileDir:String = "empty"):void
if(tileDir != "empty")
tPoint = new Point(0,0);
tRect = new Rectangle(0,0,30,30);


I am trying to do tiling with sprites. I want my tiles to be interactive, so that is why I am using the sprite object instead of using regular bitMaps to represent my tiles. You might be wondering why I wouldnt just use graphics.beginBitmapFill(tImage); and graphics.drawRect(0, 0,tWidth ,tHeight ); to pick out the tiles I want to use. Well reason being is because it turns out that drawRect() first and second parameters actually alter the location of where the actual sprite sits at.

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[Code] .....

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ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData.

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for (var i = 1; i<=10; i++) {
var 'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt':TLFTextField = new TLFTextField();
'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt'.x = 40
'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt'.y = 40
'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt'.text = "Hello World"

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Oct 11, 2009

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Dec 28, 2009

I have 3 objects. One BitMap that acts as my canvas. And 2 bitmapDatas. One is my buffer and another is my tiles. I am creating a tiling effect for a game. I would like to take my tile:BitMapData, and turn it into a custom object. reason being is I want each tile to be interactive. So I can click on each one. Is it possible to turn my bitMapData that represents a tile, into a custom object that has properties and methods. Sort of like a movie clip. and draw it into my buffer ?? Could I create a new class that extends bitMapData ?? Or would I have to get rid of the buffer and draw the tile objects directly into the BitMap ??

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Flash :: Use HitTest Between BitmapData And An Object?

Aug 23, 2011

I have converted a PNG into a bitmap, then converted that into bitmapData.

I have a object called _player, and I wish to add collision detection, however I can seem to get it to work.

my code is:

if(bmd1.hitTest(new Point(_player.x, _player.y))){

bmd1 is my bitmapData,_player is the object is wish to test against.

I am getting the following error:

1136: Incorrect number of arguments, Expected 3

I have looked around but cannott find what argument I am missing

I have tried

if(bmd1.hitTest(new Point(_player.x, _player.y), 50, _player)){

I should mention that the reason for me taking this approach is that I have a PNG, with transparent areas, I need to test for collisions in the non-transparent areas, which is why I was using this approach

I have a PNG, i import that and convert to bitmap, then convert to bitmapData

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Split BitmapData Object In Two?

Sep 30, 2009

I'm really struggling to work out how to split a BitmapData object into two separate bjects, and eventually add them to a mc and animate them.I can successfully create a new Bitmap out of the left half, but when I try changing the Rectangle props for the second Bitmap draw method to make a Bitmap out of the right half, it doesn't work?Here's my code:

ActionScript Code:
// 'image' being a MovieClip on the stage
var bit1:BitmapData = new BitmapData(image.width*0.5, image.height, true, 0xff000000);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating BitmapData Object Of Jpg

Sep 4, 2007

I am trying to create a BitmapData object of a jpg that is loaded into a movieClip, so that I can then remove the jpg and have just the BitmapData of the image to manipulate. I have the original image loading into my temporary MC without any problems..and am using a listener to check to make sure that the image has been fully loaded before it moves onto creating an empty movie clip for the BitmapData... but for some reason the BitmapData isn't working as nothing shows up in my holderMC.. and it says the width of the holderMC is 0 when it should be something liek 367 for the 'surf.jpg' test image I am using. My code is below..

import flash.display.BitmapData;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("tempMC", 1, {_alpha:0});


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using BitmapData To Create Some Squares At The Required Positions?

May 20, 2007

Working on a new project for a client who requested a content transition similar to the one found on this template (the moving squares one).So far, I was thinking of using BitmapData to create some squares at the required positions .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert Loader Object To BitmapData?

Jun 30, 2011

I am writing a script in which i want to do collision detection with Bitmap. Actually i took the script from book. I am using Loader class instead of Embed tag because i am using Flash IDE CS 5. If you see the code then everything is fine except one thing. That in hitTest() method i am using Loader instead of Bitmap. So it gives me error that parameter type should be Bitmap. Now my question is how can i convert Loader object to Bitmap so i can use it in my hitTest() method. Here is my code


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Dec 30, 2009

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Flash :: Load A Bitmap File Into A BitmapData Object?

Mar 31, 2009

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How do you load an external bitmap file (.jpg) into a BitmapData object?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drawing Object In Rotated Container To BitmapData?

Feb 6, 2011

I have the following display hierarchy:- - container- - - objectI need to draw 'object' to a BitmapData instance which matches object.getBounds(stage) rectangle area. So the first part is easy:

ActionScript Code:
var rect:Rectangle = object.getBounds(stage);
var bmp:BitmapData = new BitmapData(rect.width, rect.height, true, 0x00000000);


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