Flash :: AIR 3.0 NativeWindowRenderMode Is Not Defined

Oct 10, 2011

I'm building an AIR application with Flash Builder 4. in the application descriptor I set the minimum AIR version to 3.0 I'm building against Flex SDK 4.5.1 which I overlayed with the AIR 3.0 SDK

I have this line of code in my app:

var nativeWinOpt:NativeWindowInitOptions = new NativeWindowInitOptions();
nativeWinOpt.renderMode = NativeWindowRenderMode.GPU;

this compiles fine, but when I run it in ADL, I get:

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable flash.display::NativeWindowRenderMode is not defined.

NativeWindowRenderMode should be available in AIR 3.0?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1061 Error (not Defined) When Call A Method Of A Self Defined Class

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edit: solved... The problem was that a package had the same name as the variable I used for the class. Very strange error message, thumbs down for this .

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private function init(e:Event = null):void
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);


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ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable flash.ui::MouseCursor is not defined
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Feb 21, 2012

When coding in the Flash IDE, i very often use the following procedure to create specialized versions of MovieClip classes:I design my object in the IDE, for example, i add two buttons and give them the instance names "btn1" and "btn2". Then i select them together and convert them to a symbol. I then select Export for ActionScript and give them a classname, let's say "MyClass".Then I go and write a specialized MyClass.as for it, like this:

public class MyClass extends MovieClip{
private var _button1:Button;
private var _button2:Button;


(ps: i know that i wouldn't have to assign the values to the private variables _button1 and _button2 and instead could directly make calls to btn1, but I like to use only Typesafe variables in my code)

This works very well in Flash IDE. when I create a new instance of MyClass() it will contain all the elements that i positioned in the Flash IDE when defining the Symbol. This is very convenient and straight forward.

Now I want to do the same in FlashBuilder.For this i designed the MyClass Symbol as before in Flash IDE, gave it the classname MyClass and then select the library symbol and export it to MyClass.SWC

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_button1 = this["btn1"];

i will get an Error #1069 stating that "btn1" was not defined.So - how to do this properly if developing with Flash Builder? PS: i use the default package in Flash IDE when setting the Classname for the symbol as well as in FlashBuilder for the as file.

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loadListener.onLoadComplete = function(targetMovie:MovieClip):Void {
targetMovie.onPress = function() {
_parent._win = PopUpManager.createPopUp(_parent, Window, true, { title:"", closeButton:false});[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash ReferenceError: Error #1065 : Variable Icon Is Not Defined?

Jul 9, 2010

I am dealing with an OOP mess that I have been able to largely resolve, but recently when I added a few sound variables into the script I am getting the two following errors

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable Icon is not defined.

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable FLVPlayback is not defined.

I have used the FLVPlayback component a few times in this website. But I have no idea what this Icon is. I am using two external libraries - Tweenlite and Away 3D. I traced back the edit that is causing the error.

1) I declare a new sound variable -> private var track2:Sound; -> does not cause any errors

2) I instantiate it in a private method called by the constructor -> track2 = new Sound(); -> does not cause any errors

3) I ask track2 to load in a new sound -> track2.load(new URLRequest("bike_intro.mp3")); -> this is what causes the error

The compiler gives no hints as to what exactly is the problem and I don't see how loading in a new sound is associated with FLVPlayback or what this Icon is? I did some research and figured out that this error pops up if you don't declare your classes as Public. I have declared all my classes as public and above all I don't have a class called Icon.

All this is happening in a document class. I am using player 10.0.2 and using flash to compile but writing my as3 code in flash builder 4.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Function Defined In A Keyframe Re-loaded In Memory Each Time The Frame Is Visited?

Aug 12, 2010

In Flash Actionscript 3, if a function is defined in Frame 1 of a flash animation and the animation loops, does it store another version of the function in memory upon each loop.


If so, is it a best practice to check to see if it's the first time the frame has been run, by setting a variable and checking it's existence, or is it a non-issue because the compiler checks to make sure that a function has not already been defined?


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Flash :: What Does "ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable TCMText Is Not Defined" Mean

Oct 19, 2011

When you click a circle it should double in size. However I get the error: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable TCMText is not defined. I think it's because I selected both the text and circle and made the selection a single symbol. Does anyone know how to combine a shape and symbol together without getting this error message?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use "user Defined Templates" In Flash And Load Data From Xml In It Accordingly

Sep 25, 2009

Here is the basic structure of my xml code:


Now what i want to do is,

1. create some templates in Flash CS3 <!--i want to learn -->

2. use actionscript 2.0 for coding

3. read nodes from xml <!-- i know how to do this -->

a. read the template type of the screen <!-- i know how to do this -->

b. for a particular screen on flash, load the template (made in 1) onto stage <!--i want to learn -->

c. read data from xml file <!-- i know how to do this -->

d. load the data onto template in flash. <!--i want to learn -->

I want to do this because i think re-using will make my application size smaller.
Can I do this?

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Flash :: "Variable * Is Not Defined" In An Unfindable Part Of Code?

Dec 8, 2010

I am fairly new to Flash. I have a stage up with a simple button; the Instance Name is init. My .as script (MainTimeline) is accessed externally from the stage:


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Run A Function Only If Instance Within Function Is Defined

Mar 3, 2011

I have a situation where, upon loading my swf, I add an event listener to the stage to listen for keyboard commands. One of them is to listen for the spacebar, and if it is pressed, it should play a movie. The problem is, that movie is not loaded until later on, depending other user interactions, therefore, until it is loaded, the reference to it would be undefined.

But if I wait and add the listener for key commands only when the movie is loaded, then I can't utilize the listener for other keyboard commands, like RIGHT or LEFT, which are the buttons which get you to the movie in the first place. Is there a way to add a conditional or something to prevent that code from being executed if the video is not defined yet? Here's my code:


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Arrays :: Flash - Defined Within A Function Discarded At The End Of The Function?

Jul 6, 2011

Curious question:Take this function:

function something():Array
var ar:Array = [];


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Play_button Not Defined

Feb 1, 2012

It is called Play_button. This time I ran it and got a different error, (Access of undefined property Play_button)but is still in the same direction as the first one.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS3 Variable Is Not Defined

Apr 30, 2010

I have seen a few posts regarding: ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable is not defined, but none solving this issue.I have just upgraded to CS4 from CS3. I compiled and run the projects built in CS3 and get this error on loads of MovieClip classes available in the Library.ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable Movieclip_mc is not defined.Sounds like there is a difference in the compilers that is kicking this error up. I have tried creating a new central .fla document in CS4 and stil no good.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable Is Not Defined?

Jun 23, 2010

I am trying to modify a menu system that I like that I found on the web I thought this would be easy enough to modify and make each named menu item a hyperlink.The menu items are dynamically created depending on the number of items in an array. I thought I could create another array and add an eventListener to each menu item created with a hyperlink from the second array:

ActionScript Code:
public var menuLinks:Array = ["/about", "/portfolio", "/photos", "/blog", "/contact", "/guest_book"];


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If Var Is Defined?

May 14, 2004

I'm displaying a variable into a textbox, but sometimes it's value is unset (loading delay) I'm using loadVariables so the .onLoad won't work.. How can I check if a variable already has a value?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable Button Is Not Defined?

Jul 3, 2009

I'm making a contact form, and I keep getting two errors when I try previewing it in a web browser.

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable Button is not defined.
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable ComponentShim is not defined.

I don't know what these errors mean. Can anyone give me an explanation? I am using Flash CS4 with ActionScript 3.0. The first function is for the contact button to go to the contact page. The code following is the code for the contact form.Here is my code for the contact form:

function onContactClick(e:MouseEvent):void

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ReferenceError : Variable Is Not Defined

Dec 1, 2009

I'm trying to export a movieclip in my library as it's own .SWF

but whenever i open up the .swf it produces, it gives me the following error:

ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable allen2drums is not defined.

otherwise, the movieclip works fine. is there any way to quell this error?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddEventListener - ImageMVC Not Defined

Jun 30, 2010

I try to load some images from urls, but the index of the function fixSize, is out of the array limit exactly by 1(index=total). I know this by using the debugger.

Actionscript Code:
...//vars are definedvar imageMvc:Array = new Array();
function insertImages() :void{for (var i:int = 0;
i < total; i++){var l:Loader = new Loader();l.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, function(){ 
fixSize(i)});l.load(new URLRequest(images[i]));imageMvc[i] = new MovieClip();
imageMvc[i].x = 160 + i * 80;imageMvc[i].y = -35;imageMvc[i].addChild(l);
imageMvc[i].width = 70;imageMvc[i].height = 70;
addChild(imageMvc[i]);}}function fixSize(index: int):void{ imageMvc[index].width = 70;
imageMvc[index].height = 70;}...

In this case, total=4 and I trace that fixSize is called with the argument index=4.
So of cource I get an error which said that imageMvc[4] is not defined.

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