Flash :: Activate Tweenlite Plugins Inside Class File

Sep 20, 2011

So I have a public class and I have imported TweenLite into it and it works great but how would I activate a TweenLite plugin? The usual syntax weenPlugin.activate([ShortRotation]); isn't correct in here.


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Flash :: Tweenlite - A Sequence Chain Of TweenLite.to Not Triggering?

Jun 1, 2011

Its pretty simple what im trying to achieve.I have a MC on Stage, which im trying to tween to different X coordinates.I've set up four TweenLite.to sequences, however for some weird reason only one is being triggered - what am I doing wrong?

TweenLite.to(slider.mc_slider,1,{x:_returnXPos(95), ease:menuEasing});
TweenLite.to(slider.mc_slider,1,{delay: 1, x:_returnXPos(35), ease:menuEasing});
TweenLite.to(slider.mc_slider,1,{delay: 2, x:_returnXPos(50), ease:menuEasing});


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Flash :: AS3 - Access Class Public Var From Inside Fla File

Oct 24, 2011

I have searched for this everywhere but it seems like every answer is either overcomplicated or simply does not work, and I know for sure there should be a more simple way of achieving what I need. So, until today, I have always coded from within the timeline. But now I realise why I should code in separate class files. However, I still want to include snippets of code in the timeline for simplicity's sake.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Reflect Class With TweenLite

Dec 6, 2011

Why I can't add pixelfumes reflect after I tweened the movie clip using tweenLite (greensock)? The reflect worked fine before I started tweening but disapeared after. No errors are thrown. [URL]

public function addTween(mvclp:MovieClip):void {
mvclp.y = 720 + (mvclp.height/2)
mvclp.x = 730
TweenLite.to(mvclp, 1, {y:360, ease:Back.easeOut, onComplete:addReflect()});
function addReflect():void {
var r1 = new Reflect({mc:mvclp, alpha:50, ratio:50, distance:0, updateTime:100, reflectionDropoff:1}); }

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Flex :: Activate An Application So The User Doesn't Have To Click Inside It To Start Getting Keyboard Events

Nov 26, 2010

My Flex application is heavily keyboard-oriented. It uses 100% of the browser window and I'd like the user to be able to start using it immediately - as soon as it loads. However, it seems that the application is only first "activated" (i.e. the activate event fires) when the mouse clicks somewhere inside it, which is very inconvenient for my keyboard-heavy app.

Can I force an activation of my app at some point during/after it loads? I hope I don't have to display some silly "click inside to activate" overlay every time the page loads..

In certain browsers ([cough] Chrome [/cough]) the focus is lost whenever the user switches away from the browser (or even touches the address bar) and is not regained when switching back. So the solution has to take in consideration not just the first focus when the page loads but also "re-focusing".

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import mx.utils.Delegate;
class XmlTest


What I would like to do is pass the array to another function in the class file. This function would loop through the array and push certain values into an array that would be returned to the main timeline so I can using them.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Imported Tweenlite Class On Main Stage - Error 1009

May 31, 2010

I am getting a 1009 error using tweenlite. I have placed the COM folder of tweenlite in the same directory as the FLA. On the main stage I have imported the tweenlite class using:
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;

On the main stage I have a MC called mainholdermc. When I click a button called mentions but on the main stage it basically tells mainholdermc to play. This works well. I have another movieclip called vosdes. At the same time that mainholdermc plays I want to use tweenlite to make the aplha of vosdes lower. If I put this actionscript on the main page it works fine:
mentionsbut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mainholder);
function mainholder(event:MouseEvent):void {
TweenLite.to(vosdes, 0.4, {alpha:0.1});

The problem is that I want to move the tweenlite command to within the the vosdes movieclip. So within the vosdes movieclip I have this written in the actionscript:
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*
TweenLite.to(this.vosdes, 0.4, {alpha:0.1});

I found that by using
it is the equivalent of the _root in AS2.

However this is not working. When I compile the FLA no errors occur until I click on the mentionsbut and I get the following error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at com.greensock::TweenLite/init()
at com.greensock::TweenLite/renderTime()
at com.greensock.core::SimpleTimeline/renderTime()
at com.greensock::TweenLite$/updateAll()
[Code] .....

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Operating System - Windows 7, 64 bit Web Browsers - Mozilla Firefox, Version 3.6.6 Microsoft Internet Explorer, 32 bit, Version 8.0 Flash Player Version 10.1 For some reason, the new version of Skype is playing havoc with my Flash Player plugins for both Firefox and Internet Explorer.
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public var myboolean:Boolean = new Boolean();
public function Function_One()


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Im pretty new with the flash -> php -> mysql thing .. And I have made a script that sends some variables (that a user inserts in some input forms) with some var names, and then php handles it and insert it into my MySQL database its kinda ugly that a page pops up and opens the php page.So I was wonderin' if there is some way to send the variables to the php file and process them inside the flash file. without openin' some fancy browser window ?

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Aug 17, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FileReference And Different Browser Plugins?

Jan 23, 2010

I am having some trouble with a uploading app am making. First of it works great in IE 8(and7) but when I try it in Firefox og Crome it seems to not be able to upload the file complete. The problem seems to lie with the FileReference. I am using a php script in the backend, and when I try to logg it, as I said it works perfectly with IE, but when I use FF or Crome, I get to log the $_FILE, data but nothing ever makes it to the temp folder. I've checked every php and apache log I can find, and I know there is not a problem with space, of the temp dir. So the only thing I can figure is that the FileRefernce dosen't send the complete file in FF and chrome.

import fl.events.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.FileReference;
import flash.net.FileReferenceList;
var selectedFileArray:Array = [];
[Code] ......

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Flash :: Instance Class From Swc Inside A Movieclip

Feb 3, 2011

i'm trying to use compiled assets and code from a swc. Inside a new fla I select the swc to be included when exporting. When create the instance in the timeline of the code works and I can see assets that are inside the swc and trace a propertie from the same object. The problem is only when doing the same inside a movieclip, can't reach the assets (movieclip) but I can still trace properties from the class. I've uploaded the working files: master.fla is the one that creates the swc. template.fla is where I test the swc. files (This are cs4 .fla + .swc + .as)


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package {
import flash.net.URLLoader;
import flash.net.URLRequest;


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Sep 13, 2011

When you call a method of a class inside a callback function, you can not use this object.To call the method, in javascript, I declare that variable, assign this to that, and use that inside the callback to call the method of this.In actionscript, do I have to do the same way as I do in javascript?The following code is the example to use that to call a method inside callback.Are there more simple way in actionscript?

class C {
private var that:C;

function C() {[code]......

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Force PDFs To Open In Adobe Reader Rather Than In Plugins?

Jul 12, 2010

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