ActionScript 2.0 :: Ignoring Interface On OnMouseDown

Mar 19, 2007

The issue is that I am making something that has many buttons, and rather making a variable that has it turn true onMouseOver (when I go over an interface object, the variable wont let the click register), making clicking not register, and then register onMouseOut (when I leave the interface object, clicking is registerable) for every single button, I rather have it auto recognize if I am actually hitting the root object like shown in my attachment.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnMouseDown And Up - Stop Working?

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ActionScript Code:
//This class is to 'write' wherever the person drags the mouse
class Writing {[code]...............

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onMouseDown = roll2;
function roll2(){
shimArray = new Array("ani1", "ani2", "ani3","ani4","ani6", "ani7", "ani8","ani9","an


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Deactivating The OnMouseDown Listener?

Sep 22, 2009

the code:

function react(menu_item, textFile){
if(menu_item.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)){
onMouseDown = function(){


Goal: deactivate the "onMouseDown" listener after the mouse button is released.

Limitation: "OnPress" is not an option because it interferes with other code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Define An OnMouseDown Area?

Jan 25, 2007

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ActionScript 2.0 :: StartDrag / OnMouseDown / OnMouseUp?

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ActionScript Code:
target_mc.my_thumbEvnt.onMouseDown = function() {
if (, _root._ymouse, true)) {
my_mc.startDrag(false, 0, 0, -my_mc._width+Stage.width, 0);


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ActionScript 1/2 :: .onMouseDown Makes All The Screen Clickable

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I've got this really weird problem. I have the following code:


The thing is, after I setup the onMouseDown, Anywhere I click on the screen run that function, not only the listMask movieclip! The movieclip is just a plain rectangle that was drawn by code, nothing special, no hidden graphics. Even if I don't draw anything in the movieclip, the whole screen is still clickable (as well as areas outside the screen, if we maximize the player window). This movieclip was created with .createEmptyMovieClip

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_root.myMC.onMouseDown = function() {
_root.x = _root._xmouse;
_root.y = _root._ymouse;

The idea is that the function 'startDrawing' only has to execute when I click on the mc 'myMC' which contains a (filled) square, a sort of a drawingboard. However, it also executes when I click anywhere else in my movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FMX LoadMovie And OnMouseDown Event - Gets Executed

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The empty movie clip gets created (I assume), and the .swf gets loaded in, but when you click anywhere on the stage, this code gets executed, basically loading the .swf back in. It's only supposed to execute when you click on "about_mc" . What am I missing, besides a brain?

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function createSlideIcons(num){
var targetMC:MovieClip = this.form1.slideNav.slider;
var spacer = 5;


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_root.onMouseDown = function(){


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How on earth do I use the onMouseDown event to remove objects generated by an array?

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Oh, and if I reference Target.prototype.onMouseDown and tell it it to this.unloadMovie, it unloads every single target on the screen instead of the one your mouse is actually over, making for a fairly... lame... game. I'm pretty sure it's because every single clip generated by the array is a Target prototype instance and so when the MouseDown occurrs, it unloads every Target movieClip. And I am using a hitTest in the Target.prototype.onMouseDown command, so that doesn't solve anything...

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Dec 25, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Is Ignoring It

Aug 19, 2009

Flash is ignoring my actionscript

Even when debugging it gives me the error "You cannot debug this SWG because it does not contain ActionScript."

There's very few commands in the script and shouldn't be overloaded.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: AS 2 Deactivate OnMouseDown When Clicking On Scrollpane Component

May 25, 2011

I have a CS3 scrollpane component with a movieclip loaded into it that the user can scroll up and down and side to side. In the movieclip I have a PNG and a drawing function that essentially lets the user drag and draw a yellow highlight box on the PNG. So onMouseDown the drawing function starts, onMouseMove the box size is set based on where the user puts the cursor and onMouseUp the box is actually drawn.

My problem is that if the user clicks on the scroll pane dragger bars (for lack of a better term) it draws a box where they clicked and dragged the scroll bar. how I could disable the onMouseDown if the user is interacting with the scrollpane?

I have tried setting X&Y conditions, but if they only work if the user is at the bottom right corner of the image. I also tried making an invisible button that would change a variable on rollOver and rollOut but that messed up my scrollpane somehow.

here is my drawing code if that helps at all:

PHP Code:

var myClipNames:Array = ["mc0", "mc1", "mc2", "mc3", "mc4", "mc5", "mc6", "mc10", "mc11", "mc12", "mc13", "mc14", "mc15"];
var i = 0;


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Professional :: Make The OnMouseDown Function Also Work Within The MovieClips?

Jun 15, 2010

Is there a way to make the onMouseDown function also work within the MovieClips area in this code example?  It seems like the two functions are conflicting.
attachMovie("nutrition","nutrition",4,{_x:715, _y:370});
nutrition.onPress = function():Void{


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Activating ClipEvent OnMouseDown Without Clicking The Mouse?

Jan 8, 2009

I've written a lot of code, and I have a ton of onMouseDown clipEvents, but now I want to user just to be able to mouse over instead of clicking. Is there any code that will automatically activate all onMouseDown functions in your program?

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Why Is Loaded Swf Ignoring Stop Actions

Mar 2, 2009

I have a main swf into which has a number of clip instances which serve as buttons to load separate swf files dynamically. The swf I'm testing has stop(); actions on various frames, but when loaded it simply plays through to the end and loops continuously.I was able to use onLoadInit to stop the loaded swf in the first frame, but have failed at various efforts to direct the clip to play again in the manner that I desire- i.e. stopping at the various pause points until a click starts it playing again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mp3 Player And Ignoring Button

Apr 21, 2009

Im fairly competent with flash just getting my head around cs3. The problem i have is that i have built an mp3 player with a menu system similar to an ipod (in other words as the mouse moves around a circle and highlights text then the line moves down in the menu window) Now i have that part sorted and what happens is on hovering over the text it skips to a specific frame where the text is highlighted and on pressing the centre button it goes to another frame holding the content I need.

Now the issue i have is after using this part i press the menu button to get to the main frame again to choose another sub menu it works fine and i can come back to the main menu but try and go to the first again and the button seems to keep the same script and it instantly goes to the 2nd frame. This may sound confusing but what i need is a way of telling flash to ignore the previous action of the button and learn the one im currently telling it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keyboard Ignoring Some Keys?

Jan 11, 2008

I have this code on a frame in the main timeline:

ActionScript Code:


When I test it, it seems to ignore most keys, but notices others. I went through the alphabet, and it only responded to dguw&x

View 5 Replies

Flash Ignoring Keyboard Layout?

Aug 3, 2005

I noticed that some of my flash movies didn't allow user to input the @ and � characters in Firefox. Some did, and some didn't.

Just now I found myself once again struggling against that problem and I just figured out the combination that makes this happen.

When I make a movie with "wmode=transparent", running on Firefox, the keyboard layout is ignored and set to american (i suppose). I discovered this because when testing I tried replacing the "@" for "(at)" and the parenthesis were also out of place (on a portuguese layout, opening parenthesis is shift+8, and on an american layout it's shift+9 - the @ char on a portuguese layout is AltGR+2).

I've turned off the transparent background and it works fine, but in this case I can't get rid of it and placing a note saying "try shift instead of AltGR for the @" seems lame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmapfill Ignoring Png Transparency?

Jun 30, 2007

I have an issue which confounds me. I am working on a parallax engine which can be seen here. See all those trees with the white trim? The white bit should actually be transparent. The .png I am using can be found here. Aaaand here are the classes which pull in the .png and apply it to a custom shape as a bitmap fill:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnPress, OnMouseDown, OnRelease - RollOut Animations Are Not Played?

May 28, 2007

Have you ever noticed that problems arise when you use movie clips as buttons, script their functions with AS and then, rather than simply clicking on one of them, you click and hold down. The main problem is that rollOut animations are not played.

For example lets say you have 2 buttons next to each other and you click one and hold down on your mouse, then move to the next button, you'll see that both buttons now display the rollOver state.

Is there any way around this? I test this on almost every flash site I visit and only a small few seem to be able to get around it. Usually I don't mind so much because users will rarely click and hold imo, but for the site I am building at the moment I really want to finally know how to get around it. I've noticed it does the same thing no matter what event handler I use.

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Flash5 Flash Ignoring Stop(); Function?

Apr 19, 2011

In main timeline I have a layer that contains my levels. So far 3 test levels. In the actions layer in the main timeline I have this code

if (circle_mc.hitTestObject(platforms.goal1))
nextLevel.alpha = 1.00
nextLevel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, nextLevel1);


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Search Ignoring Case Sensitiveness?

Apr 16, 2010

i"ve got a SEARCH facility in my website. It is case sensitive. How do alter the script below to search ignoring case sensitiveness?
Eg. if someoene types "Pigs" or "PIGS" or "PIGs" it should bring the same result.
sruch_btn.onRelease = function () {
if (cosearchbx.text == "Pigs"){clearTimeout(srch1TO);srch1TO=setTimeout(srch1F,5000);srch1._visible = true;}function srch275F(){srch275._visible=false;}

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Copy Bitmapdata Ignoring Mask?

Aug 30, 2011

I'm trying to copy the bitmapdata of a movieclip in which i have a mask. And it copies by ignoring the mask. It's there a way to make it copy what i see (including the mask applied)?

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Actionscript 3 :: Target Ignoring Parent MovieClip

Apr 4, 2012

I changed the question as its seems to be a problem with target not registering children mc/ or nested MovieClips.

var box:Box = new Box();
levelPlane.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onOver);


How Do i target the movieclips(BOX) inside of the main MovieClip(levelPlane)?
imagine i have nested 10 boxes inside a MovieClip Called "levelPlane" i want to click on any of the boxes to add another Mc on the box i clicked x,y location.

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Xml :: Ignoring Case On E4X Node Names And Attributes?

Jan 26, 2010

Does anyone know of a trick to ignore upper/lower/camelcase on XML node names and attributes?A quick example: I give an XML file to my client which contains an XML attribute named fooID but the client could change the XML, and - not being aware of upper/lowercaseness change or add an attribute under 'fooid'. Naturally my parser (in AS3) would ignore the all lowercase attribute. Note that the value contained in fooID isn't the problem here but the attribute name itself.

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