ActionScript 2.0 :: Elastic Mouse Follower That Doesn't Whizz Off
Apr 4, 2008
I've got a simple function that makes a movieclip drift over to wherever the mouse is..
It's a nicer effect than just making the mc._x and mc._y = _root._xmouse and _ymouse.. The problem I'm having is that if the mouse is in the top corner of the screen when the movie clip loads, the mc zips off to that corner too. I want the mc to stay in the middle of the screen when it loads and to move in the direction of the mouse when the mouse moves.. The mc still needs to be able to be moveable accross the entire width of the screen however.
I have tried storing the _xmouse value at the time the movieclip loads, and then offsetting my function with this value - which has the desired effect, but prevents the mc from being able to be moved all the way to the edge of the screen.. Hope that makes sense - Has anyone got any solution to this?
I made two movie clips that follows the mouse but I want to put constraints on them, they should follow the mouse until the mouse reaches a curtain distance and then the movie clip should pop back to its original x and y position.Code: Select allprivate function init():void[code]......
have created this really cool mouse follower that changes colors, I 've done this in AS3 and now I'm at a total loss as to how to get it to work with my website.
I have succesfully achieved a mouse follower using the following code, [code]the part I need to understand how to change is:I want to offset the MC in relation to the mouse pointer,probably by assigning variables, not sure though.
Does anyone know how to set boundaries on a slow chase mouse follower. Attached is the fla im trying to set boundries to. The ball should not go past the red lines.
I have the elastic movement snippet (from Keith Peters), which works fine except for Flash 7 player and higher. In Flash 7 leafes just scatering outwith no elastic interaction. Compiler doesn't throw any errors.I tried Actionscript 2 static strict type variable declarations, but no success.
I'm currently creating a navigation bar for a project using flash cs4, action script 3.
As you can see in the picture there is a navigation bar, and inside this bar there is a small rectangle and two lines (located at the first located at x=25 and the second x=555).
I want the rectangle to follow the mouse but be slightly delayed (elastic?).. Another requirement is that rectangle only moves on the x axis and therefore the y axis doesn't change(it is y=68), but doesn't move further than the two lines. The rectangle is a movie clip and its name is 'rectangle'
I pretty much want it exactly the same as this [URL] except the ball can only move on the x-axis and in between the two lines.
draw a line from the bottom left corner of a movieclip to the mouse pointer. I need the line to be "elastic" because both the movie clip and the mouse pointer will be moving. I've tried various things with lineto but have failed to get the line to redraw and follow the pointer.
i have an MC (hand) that ive made to be draggable. once the hand is released it should return to its original position....but of course, it doesnt. the code is a slight variation of some i found a while back and have kept in a folder. first frame on code layer in main timeline Code:[code]
These issues only appear on Safari and Firefox on Mac.I tested with Opera and Chrome and Windows (inc. IE), but they work fine.
Mac OS 10.6.8 Firefox 5.0.1 Safari 5.1 Flash CS5.5
1 Hiding the original black arrow cursor (Firefox only)When cursor rollovers to an Invisible button (oneBtn), I want to show custom cursor (newCursor) and hide mouse. But Firefox shows the custom cursor as well as the black arrow...
2. doesn't work only on Safari, Mac.When rollout to the invisible button (oneBtn), the custom cursor (newCursor) hides but the mouse doesn't appear. This happens only on Safari.
I have a very simple piece of code but it has one very annoying bug. When I press the button a second time, the code doesn't work. The only way to get the code to work is by moving the mouse a tiny bit, or moving the mouse off the button and back on. make a button that can be clicked many times without moving the mouse?
I trying to create a fade to transparent trail/follower and I'm doing this using ColorTransform.The problem is that it simply sets the alpha value of the bitmap to 0.7 al the time, it doesn't fade at all.
Code: import caurina.transitions.*; var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(550, 400, true, 0x00000000); var bm:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bmd);[code].....
Having a problem with part of a project that I know is something small that I omitted someplace relating to mouseEnabled or mouseChildren, but I think I have tried everything and nothing seems to work.I set up a demo FLA that replicates the issue somewhat here (remove spaces)- t i n y u r l . com/4429vbx
Basically, I have a little game that involves finding things in an image with a custom mouse cursor that is a magnifying glass. One large image over a smaller version of the same image, the cursor masks the large image. There's a bunch of Math figuring out the movement/positioning of the large image on MOUSE_MOVE to match up with what you are mousing over in the smaller one, and I have a Rollover/Rollout on the smaller image to swap the cursor in/out. The problem started when I put 5 invisible buttons down inside the large image. You get cursor flicker when rolling over the invisible buttons, because smallImage.rollOut is being triggered, then smallImage.rollOver, then out, then over, etc... and I have no idea why.
I can't use startDrag() because of the large image movement needed on MouseMove, and I tried it with EnterFrame and it's worse.Like I said, the demo isn't exactly what I have in my project, but it's close. There's no parallax math, and the project I have is class-based, but the demo is on the timeline. There are 3 levels - A is the root child, B inside of A, and 3 buttons AA, BB, CC inside of B. I have a simple circle Sprite as the mouse cursor.
So I did a tutorial on advanced buttons and I followed them to the "T" and I got the point where I am to hit CTL-Enter and it opens up into a small view window but when I run my mouse over the button the action doesn't ocure. Everything else works exactly like it's supose to except that.
for a browser I use firefox, Windows XP Pro, NVidia FX520 graphics card, quad core CPU,
I'm seeing inconsistent ROLL_OVER behavior. I have two movieclips (A and B) both containing an alpha=0 hit area child mc (rectangle contained in a mc symbol with the symbol's alpha set to 0 in the parent). I add the same event listener in each parent A & B:
In parent A, when the cursor is over the hit area as the clip appears (using, the listener above triggers properly without moving the cursor. In parent B, I have to move the curosor in order for the above listener to trigger. Moreover, in parent B, when the eventlistener is attached to the hit child mc (as shown above) rather than "this" (parent B), I actually have to remove the cursor from the hit area entirely and re-enter the hit area for the above listener to trigger? The parent mc's are loaded differently. Parent A, which works more reliably (mouse doesn't need to move in order for the listener to trigger), is pre-loaded and made visible (.visible = true). Parent B is rendered on the fly in the timeline and is a child of three levels of parents/grandparents...
I use movie clip as a button. Inside movie clip there are two movie clip, each one for a separated condition. On mouse over it goes on white one.On mouse out it returns on blue one.If it is pressed it stays white.Mouse out doesn't fire every time. It is placed on the white movie clip. It fires in 90 percent.Movie clip contains shape and two images inside.
I made a nav bar, and when you are over a button it has the "DOWN" state. Test it works, roll over and see down state. I put this nav bar (as a movie) call it NAVI, into the main movie. Test it works, roll over and see down state. Now, to NAVI I assign this code
[URL]Did u notice that the video automatically became fullscreen if the mouse doesn't move for a specified time.How can trigger a function if the mouse doesn't move for sometime?
I am trying to capture mouse events in flash while the mouse is being held down. The intention is to keep reciving events as long as the mouse is pressed, even if the cursor leaves the flash element. That's the behavior I get on all browsers other than IE, which only fires events while the cursor is inside the stage.
I'm pretty sure I've seen such "well behaved" flash applets work in IE before.
I have a mask that follows my mouse around the screen on the x axis only... What I want is to only allow the "follower" to go to a certain point on the right and the left... in other words, I don't want the follower to be able to go off/out of the stage.
I'm experiencing an annoying issue with a movie clip button. The movie clip is linked to a class which adds a rollover and rollout effect. The issue I'm having is that, even though the button is in frame 1, the button doesn't react to the mouse for some seconds into the movie. The only thing I can think is that it's the class itself, but I'm not certain. Here's the class:-
i have designed a gaming kiosk app in as3i am using it on a Sony vaio l pc (like hp's touchsmarts) in windows 7the app doesn't need any multi-touch gestures (only single touch clicks and drags) so i am using mouse eventseverything is fine (including mouse click and move events) except that a single touch to the screen (with no move) doesn't fire a mouse down. it is fired only after a small move of the fingeroutside the app, on my desktop, i see that the small windows 7 cursor jumps immediately to where a finger is placed, meaning this issue isn't a hardware or a windows problem but rather how internally the flash app receives "translated" touch-to-mouse events from the os.for example, in a windows Solitaire game, a simple touch to the screen immediately highlights the touched my app, a button will change to the down state only if i touch it and also move my finger slightly.
My problem is that I'm not sure how to make the MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER work, to recognize that the mouse is still ON the area and so pubsBox should continue to move 10 pixels to the left every second. I understand that i have to use a Timer, but what I'm concerned about is the fact that I can't get Flex to recognize that the mouse is still OVER "wrapper" and continue firing the event.
my problem is that I have in main timeline movie1, who have movie2 in side, and movie2 have movie3 inside it. in movie3 is buttons like in the tutorial. so i try to replace _root with _level2 but doesn't work on mouse button AS.
I have three buttons on screen that navigate to different places on the timeline. I have set them all up as buttons using a generic button in the library and then given them all different instance names. I selected the button and changed the text colour for each state in the timeline (up, over, down) to keep it simple. The buttons are all, as far as I can analyse, identical in all but instance name.
When I test the movie, the first button changes text colour on 'over' and, when I click (i.e. down state) the colour changes again as designed. The navigation action doesn't occur until I release the mouse button, giving the feel of having 'clicked' the button.
With the other two buttons, which have been set up as far as I can tell in exactly the same way, when the down state occurs, I see a momentary flash of the text colour change and it performs the nav straight away. I really want it to perform the same way as the first button but cannot for the life of me see why they're behaving differently.
i have designed a gaming kiosk app in as3.i am using it on a Sony vaio l pc (like hp's touchsmarts) in windows 7. the app doesn't need any multi-touch gestures (only single touch clicks and drags) so i am using mouse events. everything is fine (including mouse click and move events) except that a single touch to the screen (with no move) doesn't fire a mouse down. it is fired only after a small move of the finger
outside the app, on my desktop, i see that the small windows 7 cursor jumps immediately to where a finger is placed, meaning this issue isn't a hardware or a windows problem but rather how internally the flash app receives "translated" touch-to-mouse events from the os.for example, in a windows Solitaire game, a simple touch to the screen immediately highlights the touched my app, a button will change to the down state only if i touch it and also move my finger slightly (click events - down and up - are triggered fine).shouldn't the MOUSE_DOWN event trigger exactly like how a TOUCH_BEGIN would in the new touchevent class?
I have a 700px heigh movie, which makes the browser scrollbar appear on most resolutions. If I focus on the html part the mouse wheel works fine; however if I bring the focus to the flash movie (simply clicking on it) it doesn't work anymore! This started to happen when I added the numericStepper component to the stage even if the focus is not on it.
else I'm going to get my hears pulled by the flash-accessibility-sucks people.