ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Objects Vertical (MX)?

Dec 11, 2003

i'm trying to adapt a .FLA from which creates a "tree"at present, there is an MC of a line with a round button at the end.

this MC is played on startup - clicking on the button plays the MC from the centre of the button out in a random direction, creating another branch. the result is a tree-like design. - you can see a test here:


I want to adapt this so text can be added to each "node", however, i have realised that as each branch is just the MC rotated, any text (or any kind of design dependant on vertical alignment) could be upside down.Would it be possible to "start" a seperate MC (which would be vertical at all times) at the end-point of each new node-MC?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keeping Large Objects From Affecting Stagewidth?

Aug 22, 2010

I have a large movieclip that I am adding to the stage (large in dimension, not filesize). Once it is there I plan to manipulate it's X position by clicking different parts of the movieclip. Unfortunately, where I am moving the clip to is based on stage.stageWidth, which changes as soon as you add this movieclip to the stage. So I can't make any accurate tweens or anything like that. Is there a way I can set objects to not affect the screen width when they are loaded? Or still access the property of the actual window's width?

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Flash :: Keeping The Number Of Objects And Event-listeners On Stage As Low As Possible

May 23, 2010

I am creating a site with lots of big scrollable text-boxes in it. Each text-box object contained some text, and two buttons to scroll up/down with. The scroll buttons each had an event listener so the text moved when you clicked them.

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To the left (outside of the text-box objects) I have an object similar to a menu. It also has about 12 or so event-listeners (one for every button).

This turns out cause A LOT of lag an it's very troublesome for my laptop to run it. reduce the number of event-listeners on the stage and also the amount of text-boxes.

What I was thinking was to add the text-boxes using AS so I only have 1 on the stage at a time but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I also thought it might be better to just use 1 big event-listeners and from mouseX and mouseY decide which button the user is trying to push.

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Flex :: Align Vertical Axis Zero For Multiple Vertical Axis Chart?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Keeping Object On Screen

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping A Clip On Top?

Aug 6, 2006

I need to use a custom cursor.I am doing so by simply hiding the cursor and having a small MC follow the mouse around with a setInterval.I need to make sure the cursor stays at the highest level. The stage is blank and all content is loaded using script. I was just setting up the cursor at the end of the script and using getNextHighestDepth. That was working fine, but now I need to load external stuff into the movie. How can I set up my cursor so that it will stay above all the other clips, regardless of when they are loaded?

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Jan 7, 2009

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Keeping An Object On The Stage After Tweening It?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keeping A Steady Framerate?

Sep 22, 2009

However, there is one issue that plagues a lot of viewers, their players not being able to rend the frames in time.Flash rends each frame on the spot where it is needed, this is obviously needed for actionscripting and similar. But this also means that if a frame takes too long to rend, the player has to do something about it.

The player actually does one of two things, depending on if there is any streaming sounds going on or not.If there is a streaming sound, Flash drops frames to keep in sync. Otherwise, Flash just ignores the issue and draws the next frame as if it didn't have any lag detection.Obviously, neither of these is desirable. What can you do about it? Well, the obvious thing is to not do crazy graphics that takes forever to rend. But what if you can't change the graphics?

There is one thing that you can always do, change the antialiasing level the player is using to do the rending. It's 4x4 (High), 2x2 (Medium) or none at all (Low). This makes the rendering go faster, since it is rendering to less pixels.You can also do other things that are movie dependent to reduce the work load. Things like spawning less particles in a particle effect or outright not having some effects. But those are all movie specific and difficult to work with in a general way.

One idea that I had was to draw everything to a bitmapdata of a smaller size and showing that instead, however, that has it's own issues. For one thing, I do not believe that the player can do it's "changed only" redrawing when you do this. Second, there is the issue if you want the corresponding bitmap instance to be smoothed or not. And of course, if you do this, zooming in will not have the infinite resolution that Flash is known for.Obviously, you need to know when the movie is lagging in order to know when to do this. However, the best I can think of is timing the enterframe events and checking if it has been too long since the last one.
This works to show if you are having issues reaching the target framerate or not, but it does not show the load if you are not having trouble reaching the target framerate.

Now, assuming that we have a metric for how well the playback is working, the big question remains: when do you change the rendering settings? And how do you do it?Yes, it is just a simple property of the Stage class for the antialiasing, but that is not what I mean here. I mean, how do you say if it should be changed or not? When it's even lagging one frame? When it's not lagging for one frame? The same, but for 20 frames? This is something I don't know what to pick.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Score With If Statement

Dec 15, 2010

I'm having an actionscript 2.0 problem with keeping score. I have a dynamic text box with a variable called score. I have the following action code for that variable:

_root.score = 0;

For the correct answer button I have this action:

_root.score = Number (score) +10;

This works fine to increase the score by 10 for each correct answer. The problem is that I can't get an if statement to work for when the score reaches 150 to gotoAndPlay a certain frame. I've tried various syntax, I've tried it on the action for a button and an action for the timeline with:

onRelease = function () {

(My learning game is set up to allow for users to answer up to four extra questions to reach the score of 150). Nothing has worked so far.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keeping External SWF In Memory

Feb 22, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keeping Track Of Pages?

Mar 2, 2011

I have the code that adds a page number to each page. However, when I go backwards or back to the beginning, the numbers overwrite each other, and will not reset back to zero (first frame)Here is what I am using

ActionScript Code:
var pageCount:Number = 0;
var pageTotal:int = 14;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Urls In Flash

Feb 11, 2004

Im using Swishmax and I can't seem to make a url open in my flash site(so it doesnt open as a pop up but in my actual flash site) So basically that it opens in a designated space that I made for it on my site. I know that a tuturial for this exists on this site but i just can't seem to find it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Swf Scale 100% In Browser?

Jun 6, 2005

it should be a basic task but i cant figure out how to keep a swf from scaling to the size of the browser window. Im making a web site and i want to keep the swf in the centre while showing the entire swf ( ive got over hanging images i want to show), if i can do that and have it embedded in html would be best but anything helps. Ive tried the fscommand but dosent seem to effect within a browser.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping A MovieClip Within A Set Area?

Aug 13, 2006

I am having problems with a MovieClip, basically it can be moved arround with the mouse and it is resizeable but when i move it arround or enlarge the movieclip (when its in a published format) i want to constrain it to an area such as 400 width by 400 height.Because at the moment you can drag or resize the movieclip ouside the whole frame, which i dont want. i want to constrain it to a set area.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping The Flash Banner Below 30K?

May 23, 2007

I am working on a Flash banner for my company here and I have a search form built into the animation. I have some specs that I need to follow keeping the flash banner below 30K. I have drawn most of the animation for the banner to keep the size down, but its still 79k. I have been testing the graphics learning more about how to optimize the images,

Anyway.. I have been deleteing parts to see where the problem is. Its the form. I have a drop down box and radio buttons. When I delete them, the K size drops to 13k. Is there a way to optimize the forms? Has anyone else had a problem with forms and k size?

I am using Flash 8, on a (bla) PC.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Loaded SWF Visible?

Sep 20, 2007

I�ve built my site using external SWFS. The problem is; I want to keep the loaded SWF viewable until the next requested file is ready. At present, as soon as a button is clicked the screen goes blank and the new file�s preloader kicks in.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag A MC Just On Its _x Axis, Keeping The _y The Same?

Nov 23, 2007

How do I drag a MC just on its _x axis, keeping the _y the same?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Movies And Keeping Them?

Dec 31, 2003

is it possible to keep the loaded movies and then attach them to a mc ? The thing is that I have several external resources to load and I wish to attach them pour MCs along the execution of the movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keeping Urls In Flash?

Feb 11, 2004

Im using Swishmax and I can't seem to make a url open in my flash site(so it doesnt open as a pop up but in my actual flash site) So basically that it opens in a designated space that I made for it on my site. I know that a tuturial for this exists on this site but i just can't seem to find it.

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Jump Around In Frames While Still Keeping A Background Animation Going?

May 6, 2009

I want to make an interactive flash file, and the way I want to have it layed out is that a steady animation will play in one layer, while being able to jump around in frames with events such as a mouseover.I'm going to give a generic example, this isn't what I'm going to do, but it gets the point across.Theres a house and a tree. The leaves on the tree are falling, and upon mouseover of the house door, the door will open. Yet the leaves will remain falling (without skipping frames in the animation) while the door is still opening.How do you do this without using a goToAndPlay(x) or such that jumps the whole animation?

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