ActionScript 2.0 :: Onrelease Play Animation Then Go To Frame?

Jun 1, 2009

i have an fla that has a number of labelled frames that are relevant to buttons on the page. when a button is clicked the movie timeline goes to the specific frame and plays an animation - but how can i make it play the animation in reverse before going to the new frame.

so if the user clicks on, "about" (for example) the timeline moves to the "about" frame and plays an animation and then pauses and if the user then clicks on "contact" the about animation will reverse itself and then go to the contact frame and play the 'about' animation.

i have done something similar in the past by putting this script on the button

on (release) {
_root.movieToLoad = "url of swf";


and in this case the mc of the animation would be "text1" or "text2" etc...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mc.onRollOut - Shows An Animation OnRollOver And An Animation On RollOut But OnRelease The Animation Enlarge Itselfs

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If ( current frame is frame 1 ) { goto and play frame 2 }
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Here is the link to the source file: [URL] believe that the actionscripting needs to be done in the "banners" movieclip, but it could also be the "Symbol 3" movieclip. Here is also a link to the .swf [URL]. See, if you mouse over the first two clips, they animate, but they do not go to the HTML page if you click on them [URL]. The third clip will go to the page success1.html in the same folder if you click on it, but it does not animate on mouse over.

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delete this.onEnterFrame; }}}
delete this.onEnterFrame; }}}

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this._alpha = 50;
setInterval(this, "nextImage", 3000, 1);[code]....

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How To Add In OnRelease Play Sound

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btn_4.onRelease = function () {
var yTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(slider, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, slider._x, 695 , 0.600000, true);
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bSubmit.onRelease = function(){email();
}function email(){
var sMessage = "Name: " + tName.text + "
E-mail: " + tEmail.text + "
Comments: " + tComments.text + "
[Code] .....

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bSubmit.onRelease = function() {
} function email() {
var sMessage = "Name: " + tName.text + "
E-mail: " + tEmail.text + "
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Transition - First Animation To Goto The Last Frame In The Loop Before Starting The Next Animation?

Nov 4, 2003

so I have a looping animation that is several frames long. Inside the animation is a button, when pressed I want to go to another part of the timeline, where another animation is waiting. Simple, I got that working no problem. But... I need the first animation to go to the last frame in the loop before starting the next animation. The way I have it now makes an ugly cut, and the transition between animations isn't seamless.


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Jun 21, 2011

I have a problem with a contactform in flash. I have a working contact fom made in flash , which i want to add a function to.When pressing the "submit button" it sends me an email.And the text "message sent apears. I would like to add a onreleaseandgotoandplay function which takes me to the frame 2. i have tried to place this function into the button, it works fine taking me to frame 2, but then it does not send me an email.I guess the second function should be placed in the code below to work

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Movie Play Frame X To Frame Y Then Switch To Frame Z?

Nov 21, 2007

I have my flash on multiple scenes, and would like to play an animation when clicking on the navigation button before switching to a different scene.

I'm halfway to accomplishing this.

Here is what i used



The above code is on a blank keyframe. Changepage1 is the start of the animation and Changepage2 is the end of the animation.

Upon clicking the navigation button it plays the above scenes.

However it doesn't change scenes to scene "Home2".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: ADD OnRelease Method On Movieclip That Already Has A OnRelease Meth

Feb 10, 2010

Is there a way to ADD onRelease method on movieclip that already has a onRelease method? Without replacing the first one.

ActionScript Code:
mc.onRelease = function(){

I was thinking this, but it doesn't work


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Jun 30, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move Onto The Next Frame In My Timeline Is Located At The End Frame Of A 10 Second Animation?

May 26, 2010

I'm still struggling with going from a loaded swf to the next frame in my timeline, where a new swf file will be loaded.Ths is my current code which is trying to move onto the next frame in my timeline is located at the end Frame of a 10 second animation:


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Professional :: Making A Frame By Frame Animation To Draw A Character?

Jul 26, 2010

I am making a frame by frame animation, where I draw a character, make a new frame and use the onion skin to slightly move my character. Is there a way to make a certain part faster than others? I made a character prepare to kick someone, but since i was doing it frame by frame it looks slow. So instead of taking out frames and making it look choppy, how do I make a certain part faster or increase its FPS? I tried making a new scene and changing its FPS, but that still changes the overall FPS.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert Frame By Frame To Tween/Nested Animation?

Nov 19, 2010

I have an problem whereby I have created a Frame by Frame dancing human figure and now I want to move it across the screen as well as scale it using a Tween.

I have spent quite some time slightly adjusting the upper arms, forearms, hands, legs etc and creating a new keyframe for each movement. All the movements are all in one layer... ie the forearm doesn't have it's own layer etc. I am running the animation at 24fps so there is quite bit going on.

I now realise that I should have created a symbol/movie clip from the first image I created and then scaled and moved the image first before animating it's limbs but I only realized that after hours of work and I would hate to start all over again.

So basically what I have is a dancing human figure in the one spot moving it's arms and legs and I want it to move across the screen and become larger by scaling it using a Tween. I could of course re-edit each keyframe by slightly scaling and the slightly moving the figure but that will take quite some time to get right as there will be a fair bit of trial and error doing it that way.

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Flash :: IDE - Animation - Create Graphics In Illustrator For Frame By Frame?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a project that involves flash animation- almost movie like. I need some advice on how to do flash animation. I think I'll create the graphics in illustrator. Basically, the storyline is this:

- guy leaves house and walks to car

-starts engine, puts on shades and speeds off

-scenes of downtown chicago (nightlife)

-view license plate

What is the best way to do this? create graphics in illustrator for frame by frame? Should I use after effects? The client doesn't have a high budget so video is out of the question.

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Increase Frame-by-frame Elapsed Time Animation?

Aug 3, 2009

I created a frame by frame animation using the default elapsed time. There are 41 frames, and it is completed in 1.7 seconds. I would like the whole sequence to complete instead within 30 seconds. How can I change the timing? I am using Adobe Flash CS4 Professional (v. 10.0.2).

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Android :: FPS Slowing Down Significantly When Using Frame By Frame Animation

Apr 3, 2011

I am developing a game for the Android platform using flash cs5 and AS3.

problem: the game will run at 24-29 fps until I call a movieClip that has frame by frame animation, then it will drop to 10-14 FPS. It looks perfect on my PC and does not lose frames until I move it to my Evo for testing. I have tested on an Epic also and I do not lose Frames which leads me to believe that it is the pixil population in the evo that is causing the problem but I have tried everything I can think of to not make it so intense on the graphics but same results every time.

It's a 20 frame animation and my FPS in flash is set to 24

What I have tried:

png's on each frame |
gif's on each frame |


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F8] Play Frame 2 For A Duration Of 1 Frame Then Frame 3?

Jul 13, 2006

i have a movieclip on stage. it has 3 frames but is stopped with "stop():" so it only shows the first frame on mousedown i want it to play frame 2 for a duration of 1 frame then frame 3.

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