ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Mouse Leaving And Entering Flash Window?

May 31, 2009

Is there a way to detect when a mouse leaves the stage (flash window) and when it comes back?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect If Mouse Is Outside Flash Window

Nov 5, 2010

I have a background which scroll's when the mouse is at the edge of the flash window - RTS style. If the mouse cursor goes outside the window I want it to stop scrolling, but flash reads the cursor position as the last place it was, when it was still within the flash window.I know I've done this before, but I can't at all remember how!Is there an event I can listen for or something similar?

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Flash :: Detect When Leaving A Frame In ActionsScript 3.0?

Nov 6, 2010

Is there an event listener to use to detect whenever I am leaving a particular frame on my timeline? If I am correct, Event.FRAME_EXIT only works on the newer versions of Flash. Is that correct? (I am working with CS3.)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listeners - Entering A Frame And Leaving A Frame To Call A Function?

Dec 14, 2010

OK, I am trying to get the following functions to load and unload the video to my main timeline when I go in and out of a frame. I tried on Enter_FRAME but it is now working properly and load many instances.
What are the listeners I need to do to call the functions of oCoach when enetering a frame and fclickCV when leaving a frame?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trace Leaving Nothing In Output Window

Apr 13, 2011

I am extremely new to as3 and just have started coding in as3. I have the following code in file
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class FirstCode extends Sprite {
public function FirstCode() {
It seems extremely simple and I feel very positive that there is no error in this code.

And this line in a001.fla
import as3.a001;
The .as file is in as3 folder so I think the import should work fine. The one (and only) problem (that could arise) is that the trace leaves nothing in the output window. I tried various other codes instead of this but to no avail. None work. Its just a blank screen. By the way I have Flash CS4.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] - Stopping Sound When Leaving HTML Window?

Feb 27, 2003

Here's the situation. You have a HTML file (A), which contains a Flash file with some background music looping, and a button which activates a HTML pop-up window (B).Now. Is there any possibillity by actions script, java, anything; to mute the sound when you leave HTML file A and go to B, and then un-mute the sound when you later return to A

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Actionscript 3 :: Detect Clicks Outside Of A Window For A Multi-window AIR App In Flex?

Mar 13, 2011

So I have this AIR app coded in flex where I have several floating native windows and what I want is to detect when a user clicks outside of a window so that I can close it. (I don't want to use the PopupManager Class and would want to use the native windows).

My question is, is there a way to detect a click outside of a spark window, or alternativley is there some root container/object which is a parent to all the native windows so that a click inside any native window would bubble up to it? (Apparently the stage object of the root windowed application is not that object since each window is not a child of the stage for the root application).

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Flash :: Detect Switch From Adobe Air App To Another Window

Jul 18, 2011

How can I determine if someone switch to another window (say notepad) while keeping air app open behind, I was looking for a way to detect if user switch form air app to another.

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Detect That The Flash Movie Projector Is Active Window?

Feb 4, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect Browser Window Height Within Flash?

Apr 21, 2011

I have a flash website which has the following dimensions:

width = 100% of browser window
height = 1500px

What I'm trying to do is have a movie clip with the instance name of 'msie' vertically and horizontally centred to the middle of the browser window (not just the stage).

The current code I'm using is:
msie._x = Stage.width / 2;
msie._y = Stage.height / 2;

This correctly centres the movieclip to the width of the browser window but because the height of the stage is 1500px, it positions it at 750px from the top instead of being vertically centred in the browser window.

how I can get this to work. I feel like all I need to is replace the word 'Stage.' with something else in the code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Detect When User Switches Focus To Another Window?

Jan 22, 2010

Can flash detect when the user switchs focus to another window?

If it can then is there any event that fires when it does?

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Flash :: Detect Sequence Of Mouse Movements?

May 26, 2011

In ActionScript 3, I need to detect a sequence of movements made by the mouse when the button is down.I've read this question, and it seems a bit overkill. I only need to detect the 8 basic directions (up/down/left/right/diagonals), so that I can detect a "Z".

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Flash :: Detect Word On Pdf File When Mouse Over?

Sep 8, 2011

Is posible? Flex app detect word when mouse over on message in pdf file. Now have some project translate language with tooltip or pop-up when mouse over on it. I found some code can detect word (string) on TextField class but not in pdf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Detect Mouse Movement?

May 17, 2011

By biggest problem is that when I hit a wall, my object stops moving, but the mouse arrow still moves, and it is very likely that eventually the mouse cursor will reach the limits of the screen, making it impossible to move the object to the left (assuming the cursor has hit the left side of the screen).I am now using the following scripting:

function Start()


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Flash :: Detect When Mouse Is Over HTML Layer Over Movie?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a Flash movie that is embedded in an HTML page that has a DIV in a layer over the top of the movie. The Flash movie scrolls based on the mouse position over the movie. The client wants the scrolling to stop when the mouse is over the DIV. I've tried using the mouseLeave event, but that is not triggered by the DIV.

Is there a way that the Flash movie can detect when the mouse is over the DIV?[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect Flash Lose Focus (mouse Rollout Swf)?

Jul 29, 2005

I want my flash movie to go to a specific frame when the user moves the cursor away from the actual swf file (rollout) in the html page.
I tried different things, for instance having a big transparent movieclip in the background and use hitTest:

//this code is in the root level
this.createEmptyMovieClip('penCheck', 100000);
this.penCheck.ref = this;
this.penCheck.onEnterFrame = function() {


This doesn't work until the user clicks outside the flash (flash loses focus).

PS: No Javascript allowed. Just AS.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Detect When The Mouse Pointer Becomes A Hand Cursor?

May 16, 2010

I have a cursor class and i wanna make it so the cursor change to state 'over' whenever the hand cursor is there. I dont want to add an event listener for every roll over in my page.

something like :


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - How To Detect No Mouse Movement And Keyboard Activity

May 11, 2011

AS3 script that detect if the mouse has no movement for 1min +no keyboard activity, it will call a function to change the frame in TimeLine.

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Javascript :: Detect When Key And Mouse Events Occur Inside Of A Flash Application?

Mar 5, 2012

I've some very old Flash applications, which we don't want to rebuild to add a new feature. We simply need to detect when the user has become idle. So, if the Flash application receives no key or mouse events after 3 minutes, we want to track that time till the user interacts with the application again.

We've considered wrapping the applications in newer Flash applications to include the key/mouse event tracking; however, early research shows that some of our apps are so old that they use event systems or AVM's (ActionScript Virtual Machines) that are incompatible. Also, it seems that mouse events on the inner application don't bubble up to the outer application. (I think the direction of event processing is backwards in versions of Flash prior to 8)

Anyhow, the next idea on the table is to see if we can determine when the user stops interacting with the old Flash applications using JavaScript. Can anyone confirm whether or not it is possible to detect, using JavaScript only, when a swf in an HTML document loses focus or key and mouse events stop and start occurring on the swf?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Out Of Flash Window?

May 12, 2005

I've got a small flash movie on my site which contains animated buttons. The problem? When I roll over the buttons and then out of the flash window quickly (and onto normal html), the buttons to tell an action to tell the flash movie that the mouse is out of the flash window?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect If Window Is Active

May 15, 2009

My site is a Portfolio of other flashwebsites. All have sound. Because it becomes confusing to have all sounds playing at the same time I am trying to do one thing. I need to know if there is a EventListener that detects if the site window is active. If it is not the volume will be zero, if it is the volume will be 1.

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Flex :: Detect Whether A Window Is Hidden (cmd-h) Vs Closed (cmd-w) - Mac

Feb 4, 2010

I'm developing an AIR application which uses multiple windows. I'm running into an issue where I want to open new windows (toaster notifications for example) when the primary application window is not visible, but the behavior is different depending on how the window is closed.

When a user hides all application windows with CMD-H, opening a new window causes all application windows to come back to the foreground (instead of just that new window, like I would expect). If the user closed a window with CMD-W, however, that window does not become visible when I open a new window.

Is there a way to either 1) tell when the user uses cmd-h to hide all windows OR 2) tell whether a window is hidden using cmd-h vs. closed cmd-w?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect Window Size, Scale Down If Needed?

Feb 14, 2012

I have a SWF that's 1100 x 730 (odd size, I know). What I want to do is detect the window size (not screen resolution). If the width of the window is less than 1100, scale the SWF to fit the window. If the width of the window is 1100 or higher, do nothing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have Mouse Over Event To Open Another Flash Window That Will Play A Video?

Nov 8, 2011

I'm doing a project for my graphic design course in Flash using Action script 3.0, just wondering if it's possible to have a mouse over event that will open another flash window that will play a video.

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Flash :: Opened Context Window Blocks Receiving Mouse Events, How To Avoid

Apr 20, 2011

i need to track the mouse movements(and register what component is under the mouse), it is done already, but i meet new problem, if click right button then context menu will be opened and no any new events(mouseMove, mouseOver) received by my components. I understand that this context menu is more browser then flash/flex and afaiu the is no way to disable context menu at all. So may be somebody know any trick to avoid this events blocking?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect If Movie Clip Is Visible Inside Browser Window?

May 16, 2011

It's easy to check if movie clip is on the stage/display list.But how to detect if movie clip is inside the visible area of browser window?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect If Mouse Is Still?

Mar 13, 2007

Basically I want my animation to play if nobody is at the computer for a few seconds.Maybe I should do this the other way saying the it the animation plays unless someone moves the

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IDE :: Detect Word Under Mouse

Apr 16, 2009

I'd like to do tooltip-type popups with some text. Is there an easy way to get the word under the mouse? Right now I'm reading the entire text field into an array where the index of the element is the number of the character, like so:var theString:String = 'This is some text.";and the array looks like this:[code]So the getCharIndexAtPoint function with the mouseX and mouseY is used as an index to the array, which returns the correct word. It works, but it seems like a crude way to go about it. Is there any way to get the html text of the link if the mouse is hovering over a word?

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Professional :: Loading Flash Presentation Before Entering Website

May 3, 2011

I have a Flash presntation that bought that I need to load before my website. How do I add an addurl and the end of the fla presentation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Xml Gallery Not Leaving Stage

Nov 20, 2009

Recently I got a premade flash component and put it in a flash site I was creating. It works fine when you view it, however, when I try to leave the "portfolio" page, the gallery stays on the stage, and I cannot get rid of it.

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