ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Top Level Package Declarations?

Sep 14, 2009

The "Programming Adobe ActionScript 3.0" states in chapter 4 "ActionScript Language and Syntax", "Packages and Namespaces", "Creating Packages" that you can declare at the top level of a package multiple variables, functions, and namespaces in addition to a single class as long as only one is declared "public".However, in Flash when I declare a public class and any other variable or function either with the "internal" attribute or no attribute, I get this error:5006: An ActionScript file can not have more than one externally visible definition: test.function1, test.Test

The package code is as follows:
package test{ internal function function1():String  return "Function1()";  public class Test  }}


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Flash :: Package-level Function Is Not Working?

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// inside file
package com.tests


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Flash :: Compiling Default Package / Top-level Functions Into A SWC?

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//Compiled, or not to be compiled in a SWC - that is the question...
package {
public function topLevelMethod():void {
trace("Hello World");

Anyone experienced problems with this?

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import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
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[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Variable Global Level And Multiple MovieClips

Oct 31, 2007

I am writing a simple game in which the hero will need to jump on a trampoline. The thing is there are various trampolines (set as instance name tramp1, tramp2, tramp3 etc, and only one trampoline will be active at any given time. I have set a variable _global.level which decides which trampoline is active but how do I do the hit test?

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trampland = _parent.ground.tramp2.spring.hitTest(this._x+8, this._y+32, true);
if (trampland) {go and do something}
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Handling Multiple Frequent Collisions Between The Player And Level/environment?

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if(player.area.hitTestObject(g1) || player.area.hitTestObject(g2) || player.area.hitTestObject(g3)){
player.y = g1.y;


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public class MyClass
private var _myObject:SomeClass = new SomeClass();


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<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="">


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private var _value:Number;
private var _helloWorld:String;
private var _foobar:Boolean;

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private var _foobar:Boolean;
private var _helloWorld:String;
private var _value:Number;

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if(this.number <= currentItem){


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ActionScript 1/2 :: OnLoad Working At _root Level But Not At Mc_target Level?

Aug 26, 2010

I have two layers in my FLA both with empty movie clips as follows:In mc_Empty1, I attach a faded background movieclip as I wait for mc_Empty2 to load a SWF.  Once the SWF is loaded into mc_Empty2, I want to remove the faded background movieclip from mc_Empty1.  When I load the SWF from the main timeline, the onLoad() function works and removes the faded background from mc_Empty1.  However, when I load the SWF from mc_target, the SWF loads, but the onLoad() function does not.  Here's my AS2 code:
//Loading SWF from main timeline
mc_Empty1.attachMovie("mcFadedBg", "mc_FadedBg", 1);
mc_Empty2.loadMovie("My.swf");mc_Empty2.onLoad = function():Void{    trace("loaded"); //This works    removeMovieClip(mc_Empty1.mc_FadedBg); //This works}

I know I'm targeting properly because the SWF loads as it should, but the onLoad() function does not. 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Application Level Vs Document Level Class Paths?

Oct 2, 2010

This is making me a little kooky today. I thought I could defined a library path in PREFERENCES > ACTIONSCRIPT > ACTIONSCRIPT 3.0 SETTINGS then that library would be available to all AS3 FLA files, but that doesn't seem to work for me. If I use the PUBLISH SETTINGS and define the library path everything is fine.

Is there something that I could have done to disable the application level class path functionality? I guess I'm trying avoid having to set the library path for every new FLA I'm making.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Compile Package File - Error: A File Found In A Source-path Must Have The Same Package Structure?

Dec 19, 2011

I have an actionscript file,it has a package name,it locate C:demo directory,like follows:

package demo{
import flash.display.*;
public class ABC extends Sprite{[code]............

Then I compile above code like following command,but it raise following error:

Loading configuration file C:sdkframeworksflex-config.xml Error: A file found in a source-path must have the same package structure '', as the definition's package, 'demo'.Where is wrong above command?

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Eclipse :: Flex Compiler Error: "put Definition In A Package" For Classes That ARE In A Package

Oct 13, 2009

This is with Flexbuilder 3.2, Eclipse 3.3.2.I am moving my development environment to a new machine. Actionscript classes that compiled in the old environment now get a compile error:

A file found in a source-path must have an externally visible definition. If a definition in the file is meant to be externally visible, please put the definition in a package.I do declare the package in these classes - I think failure to declare the package is the usual reason for this error.To add to the mystery, many classes in this project compile without errors.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Swf From Third Level Into Container In First 'home' Level

Dec 26, 2011

I'm doing a bigger aplication in flash (as2).Image, there is a main "home" flash with several menu buttons.Clicking these buttons, I load external swf into an empty container in this "home" flash.[code]clicking buttons in this second level, will load external movies into an empty container in this SECOND LEVEL swf.This works fine, but now, coming to the THIRD LEVEL (don't think there will be more in the future) problems come up, some scripts won't work.Now (I'm a as2-beginner) I think, loading external swf ALLWAYS into containers in the first "Home" flash should solve the problem.But I don't know, how to load an swf from the third level into a container in the first "home" level.In the "home" level, I have a "close" button, that will unload the container content.I need to go to a certain scene "content_2" in the home swf, too.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie - Jump To Level 2 Upon Completing The First Level?

May 9, 2004

i have game im doing, and i want it to jump to level 2 upon completing the first level, but the problem is, the level 2 is a seperate swf, i've tried to use

on (release) {

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Calling A Swf From1st Level To Go From 3rdlevel To 2nd Level

Dec 2, 2009

I have called main.swf into a container in index.swf.

myMCL.loadClip("main.swf","container"); is an action on my Index.fla timeline.

I have my navigation on index. (i wanted it to go on main, but the nature of the animation meant it had to go on index)

I need to call "home.swf" into "main.swf" from the navigation button in Index.swf.

When I had the navigation on "main.swf" this was my code to call "home.swf" into the page.

on (release) {

("home") is the label name where the preloader is for home.swf

how to call the preloader for home into main.swf from "INDEX.SWF INSTEAD OF MAIN.SWF"

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Feb 2, 2010

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Sep 16, 2004

Is there a way to link to one level below the current level? Instead of saying _root.level1.level2.level3, something like: ../level3 ?

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