ActionScript 3.0 :: "Pause" The Thread And Continue After An Event Is Finished?

Feb 9, 2010

Often i would like to wait for an event to fire before continuing my code. I hate to have to create tons of functions to fire one after the other in a sequence when it makes much more sense for all the code to be in one function.

So instead of myFunct1() to fire myFunct1_part2 which fires myFunct1_part3, i would like to have all the code of all the functions in myFunct1().

The reason i can't do this is that i continuously need some values that aren't set until an event is fired. This is an example:

ActionScript Code:
var xml:XML;
xmlhandler = new XMLHandler();
xmlhandler.addEventListener("xmlLoaded", function() { xml = xmlhandler.xmldata; });


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Sep 23, 2009

I have several objects moving around the stage (labelled bead1, bead2, bead3...). I have the beads moving using an EnterFRAME event.My problem is, before the beads have finished moving to their end destination, if the user clicks on a button that will trigger the beads to move again, it "interrupts" the event before the event has completed and the bead stops moving halfway and just looks broken. In essence, it looks like the event has been hijacked which is not what I am looking for.Is there a general way to check and see if all ENTERFRAME events on the stage have completed before starting a new ENTERFRAME event?Here is a sample of what the code looks like for each item:

private function MoveNum_3_OFF(e:Event):void
if (bead3.y < origY_bead3)[code].....

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_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,pressed) ?

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