ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine Speed Of Mouse When Moving The Cursor Back And Forth?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm working on a Curling game and have a broom moving back and forth based on the mouseX position. Although I thought it would be as simple as recording the current broom position vs. the previous broom position that's not the case. This is because when you move back and forth the current and last postion may be at the very same point, like the center of the screen, depending on when exactly the mouse position is recorded. So, moving the mouse very slowly may give the same result and moving the mouse super fast where the x coordinate just happens to be recorded at or near the same point.

I tried using both an enterFrame event and a timer. Both yielded essentially the same results. I can't think of a way around this off the top of my head. Is there another way to record how fast the user is moving the mouse back and forth?

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initializeMovie ();
var prevPt:Point=new Point(mouseX,mouseY);


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to understand what i want exactly ckeck this link :- [URL]

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I have made a simple "maze game".Player is sent to frame 10 if they reach the end goal or frame 20 if they accidentally "rollover" my walls (button). In frame 1, I successfully remove the mouse and add a Movie Clip to the Mouse/Cursor. I remove the MC when they go to frame 10 OR frame 20 and then when they replay and are sent back to frame 1. The MC again appears as the Cursor. GREAT.  Now here's my problem. When they are sent back to frame 1, I want the Cursor to be at an exact position to replay the game. Right now, it ends up wherever they have the cursor pointing and if it is touching my "walls", game over immediately. Here is the code I have on frame 1. It is working BUT I need to add code that makes the cursor ALSO go to a specific position.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: No Collision When Cursor Not Moving?

Mar 28, 2011

With AS3 I managed to resolve the problem I said in the thread, but now I face a new problem.If you hit the wall, it will register a collision as it should. Goes the same for the exit. But if you look to the upper left, there's a rotating rectangle. If you hit the rotating rectangle, it will register a collision IF YOUR CURSOR MOVED.That's right, if you freeze the cursor in place as the rectangle comes sweeping in, it WILL NOT register a collision, meaning if it were a maze game, people could cheat by just staying still.I forgot, here's the code:

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, detectHits);


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I want to made a navigation system works like that [URL] when cursor move to witch side a movieclip moving. I made something like that

var iks = scena._x;
s1.onDragOver = function() {
if (iks /= 0) {
scena._x += +10;

It,s works but like onPress - i need to dragOver then dragOut and again dragOver to move. i want to loop it but how?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving Cursor To End Of Textfield?

Apr 21, 2005

I have a fill-in-the-gaps exercise and I have added a hint button which checks to see which part of the word a student has entered is correct and then adds the next (correct) letter to the end of the string. My problem is that the cursor stays just in front of the added letter instead of going to the end of the string. I've tried selecting the letter that has just been added and for a second the last letter is highlighted but then the cursor goes back to its original place. Here's the code I'm using:

function showLetter() {
//get the text the student has entered
currentWord = eval("gap"+currentGap).gap_txt.text;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving Cursor To End Of Textfield

Apr 21, 2005

I have a fill-in-the-gaps exercise and I have added a hint button which checks to see which part of the word a student has entered is correct and then adds the next (correct) letter to the end of the string. My problem is that the cursor stays just in front of the added letter instead of going to the end of the string. I've tried selecting the letter that has just been added and for a second the last letter is highlighted but then the cursor goes back to its original place. Here's the code I'm using:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drawing With Mouse - My Mouse Cursor Is Hidden ?

May 25, 2009

I'm making a drawing application, everythings looks and works ok, except for one thing...My mouse cursor is hidden and a paintbrush like cursor follows it. This cursor is a movieclip, because the user chooses a color, and the tip of this paintbrush changes to the selected color.But there's one problem... when I draw to the left the line is drawed with no problem, but when I draw to the right, the line is interrupted, and I don't understand why.I made one experiment, and with no movieclip "attached" to the mouse cursor, the line is drawed with no problem, both to the right and left.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Cursor Changing On Mouse Over A Button?

Jul 12, 2004

made a custom mouse cursor but the cliente wants that little hand when the mouse is over a button and/or links.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Replaced Cursor In One Frame, Can't Get It Back In The Next

Jul 21, 2010

Using Flash CS4 actionscript 2 Used the following code bellow in one frame to replace the curser, works perfectly but when I go to the next frame I want the curser back to normal.

Actionscript Code:
onMouseMove = function(){Mouse.hide();Bumbles._x = _root._xmouse;Bumbles._y = _root._ymouse;updateAfterEvent();}

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Stop Cursor Moving When External Swf Loads?

May 22, 2009

I am using a magnifying glass as part of my portfolio but when I click on another section and this loads an external swf above the main movie, because you can still see the main movie below, you can see the magify glass still moving as you move the cursor above?any ideas how I can stop the magnify glass moving while i am on the external swf above?

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