Actionscript 3.0 :: Image Pan With Mouse Drag / Move
Sep 15, 2009
For a project I am am working on I need a pan effect like the one in URL...Now I was just wondering how to do this. There are various ways I can think off to make the background move according to mouse movement, but nothing I have done comes close to the smoothness in URL...More specifically, I can trigger an event when mouse in moved left/right/up/down in the pressed down stage - this event can tween the background in any direction required. But how do I stop the tween movement when the mouse is released. Since I have asked the background to tween from one its central value to say its rightmost/leftmost value, how do I make it stop in the middle of the tween when the mouse is released.
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I want to have an image and when I click on the image ,one can hold down the mouse and drag a copy to where ever on the stage and when one lets go, one can drag another and another with each copy still being able to be dragged after released.this is what i have but its pretty simple and doesn't work....
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,makeA Box);
var i:Number = 1; //i will be the total number of boxes
var newBox:myMC = new myMC();[code]....
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Aug 16, 2010
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old code:
Actionscript Code:
import com.flashcreations.utils.MathExtra;onMouseDown = function() { // define this
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Feb 17, 2011
What's the correct way to track mouse position, from Adobe Flash, when someone has: Started a drag within the Flash application (a MOUSE_DOWN event), Dragged the mouse outside the app or even the browser window (a MOUSE_MOVE event), and Released the mouse button (a MOUSE_UP event)? For example (imagine Stack Overflow is a Flash application):
Within the app, I'm able to track the mouse X and Y positions with a MOUSE_MOVE event listener, but I lose it when it goes outside of the browser... So, how do I track the position of the mouse no matter where it goes? For a good example, try Google Finance. Try dragging the chart around; it'll still drag around if you move your mouse out of the browser window, and the mouse will be outside of the browser when you release it.
Also, check out KOKO KAKA; If you click on the scrollbar (make the browser window really small) and move outside of the browser window, the scroll bar moves just like a real one would. I believe both only work because the MOUSE_DOWN event "captures" the mouse, allowing the Flash application to track the position of the mouse even when it is outside of the browser.
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Jul 27, 2009
Here is what I've done so far: [URL] Basically my goal is to have this bottom image move horizontally according to the mouse. However it would be nice to have this image move slower and only go out of the stage by about 50px both ways (left and right). Here is the code I've used:
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Aug 10, 2005
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Jun 8, 2009
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May 2, 2011
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function beginPan(e:MouseEvent):void
deltaX = mouseX - content_mc.x;
deltaY = mouseY - content_mc.y;
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Nov 18, 2009
It has been awhile since I have worked in flash.Right now I am working on something where I would like a panel to disappear when someone mouses off the stage.stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, leaveHandler); It usually works fine but if I move my mouse really fast it doesn't fire. I have also tried the same thing using a custom invisible button that surounds the perimeter of the stage and I have tried ROLL_OVER and MOUSE_OVERand again, if I do it too fast my event doesn't fire (I am using trace)I can't find anything on the net about this - is this typical of flash that if you move your mouse too fast you break it? Do I need to increase my frame rate (I would really rather not because I have perfectly timed animations - I am at 30 frames per second)
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Mar 13, 2012
As of Flash 10.2, Flash supports hardware accelerated mouse cursors:[URL]..Unfortunately, the mouse cursor doesn't update until AFTER the mouse moves. You can see this behavior on the web page above. If you click "Set to custom cursor" in the sample app at the bottom of the article, you'll see that the cursor doesn't change until you move the mouse.
Anyone have a trick for updating the mouse cursor immediately, before the user moves the mouse? I tried doing Mouse.hide();; but that doesn't work.
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Jan 12, 2011
I am creating mouse scroller and when I insert actionscript my images wont move depending on the mouse movements..I am using Flash cs5 and Actionscript 2.0...this is my actionscript:
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Oct 11, 2011
I am trying to have two guestures on a SpriteVisualElement which I thought should be pretty simple implemented: Mouse_Move for sweep Gestures and mouse click to enable.. So I have 2 Eventlisteners on my stage:
The main problem is that every type of sweeping on the screen also fires the taphandler().. how to identify the correct event? I tried to to my taphandler only if(!event.buttondown) but no success.
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Mar 17, 2005
I started another thread where i had gotten help and combined the snow tutorial and the programatic mask tutorial to create particles that reveal an in-focus image over a blurred one. I just need help making the particles swarm around the mouse when it is present and have the particles just float around when not. Presently the random motion is just fine and looks like this (i just inverted the this._x and this._y so that they would go with the mouse direction not away from):
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Sep 1, 2011
I'm wondering how is this task done that listen to mouse move event when user cursor is out of stage?
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May 13, 2010
i am using this on Mc
diffx = _root._xmouse - this._x ;
diffy = _root._ymouse - this._y ;
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Sep 21, 2002
How can you restrict the mouse so that users cannot move their mouse into a certain area, (or a certain y or x value)? This is useful to me because I need it for a game.
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Jun 24, 2010
I have designed a menu that When you mouse over it, a custom cursor appears. When you mouse down it disappears and when you mouse up it returns. If you happen to mouse down and then drag the mouse off of the menu (whilst in mouse down) and then mouse up outside the menu, the custom cursor disappears. All good. The only issue is: If you happen to mouse down on the menu and then drag the mouse off of the menu AND off of the stage, i.e the SWF (whilst in mouse down) and then mouse up completely off of the stage, the custom cursor appears at the point it left the menu. I have tried to fix this using MOUSE_LEAVE but this dosnt work when the mouse button is pressed down. I have attached an FLA, SWF and the AS below.
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
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Sep 1, 2011
I have implemented a chromeless windowedapplication in flex 4. But doing so i noticed that all the maximize, minimize and even the ability to drag the window around is gone. I need the ability to drag the window around. I have done a lot of googling and have been unable to come up with anything.
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Sep 12, 2011
I have a tree (in Flex 3.5), and I want to use the drag & drop functionality, but I want to let the user only move nodes, not copy them. I tried listening for the dragOver event and change the drag event's action property if it indicates a copy operation, and also listening for the keyDown event and changing the feedback using the DragManager if the pressed key was ctrl, but to no avail.
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