Stop An Animation At Frame 30 On Timeline?
May 27, 2009
I have an animated movie clip (a man walking). I have created a tween with that clip, but when he stops at frame 30, I want the animated movie clip to stop, so it doesn't look like he's walking on the spot.
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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
rpm = 35
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
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button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonHandler);function buttonHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndPlay("25");}
Once I get to frame 25, the animation will start. But I want to stop the animation at frame 49. How would I do this?
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Let's say the animation in frame1 lasts for a total of 30 seconds, but I'm too impatient to watch it and decide to go frame2, which also I don't like. In the background however, the animation for frame1 is still running, for when I go to frame 2 and go back to frame1, the animation starts both from the beginning and also continues to play from where I left off.
I also get an error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Kan geen eigenschap of methode benaderen via een verwijzing naar een object dat null is.
at fl.transitions::TransitionManager/saveContentAppearance()
at fl.transitions::TransitionManager/set content()
at fl.transitions::TransitionManager()
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May 12, 2010
I am currently in the middle of making a "sniping" flash game. In the first level there are a series of moving targets which are also movie clips. Inside the movie clip there is a 7 frame animation of the target exploding. Inside that is a tween of the target moving up and down. And inside that there is a plain old button.
What I want to happen is when you click on the moving target it explodes and brings you to a new frame of the main timeline. (ex. Main Timeline frame #27) But I'm pretty sure it thinks I was to play the seven frame animation of it exploding and then go to frame 27 inside the movie clip, rather then frame 27 on the main timeline.
Here's what my AS looks like on the target (ActionScript 2.0 is what I'm using.)
on (press) {
on (release){
So how do I make it explode and then take me to frame 27 on the main timeline?
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Feb 1, 2008
I just got Flash CS3. I'm trying to get my main timeline to stop in the begining, on button press to play and at the end stop again. In AS2, you would just put stop(); on the first keyframe and stop(); on the last key frame and program your buttons accordingly.
The stop(); does not work!!!! It's driving me crazy. What am I missing? I've gone through the tutorials in Flash and they don't work either.Also, if you have MovieClip that contains an animation and you don't want the movie clip to be on a continuous loop how do you stop it from playing. In AS2, I would put a stop(); on the last keyframe of the movieclip's animation. This also does not work in AS3.
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Jan 29, 2010
my reverse button causes the timeline to ignore the stop() function on its keyframe and play backwards all the way to the start. Since it keeps trying to play the previous frame, it's frozen at frame 1.
// Reverse button //
var reverse:Boolean;
rev_btn.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, down );
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Nov 4, 2003
so I have a looping animation that is several frames long. Inside the animation is a button, when pressed I want to go to another part of the timeline, where another animation is waiting. Simple, I got that working no problem. But... I need the first animation to go to the last frame in the loop before starting the next animation. The way I have it now makes an ugly cut, and the transition between animations isn't seamless.
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Jul 21, 2007
I have a movie clip with a stop command on frame 1 and a stop command on frame 20.I'm trying to have two separate buttons that tell the MC (onRollOver) to play forward or to play backwards.
The actionscript on button #1-
PHP Code:
on(rollOver){ gotoAndPlay(_currentframe +1);}
The actionscript on button #2-
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Mar 16, 2007
I simply want to assign a variable to the current frame of the main timeline (not movieclip timeline) I already know about _currentframe and it doesn't help in this case.
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Apr 26, 2011
I am in the learning process. Working with FlashCS5 and AS3. if the issue appears to be too simple for you. Placed a movieclip(mcassessJohn) on the main timeline and moved to the frame labelled "johnFeedback" in the movieclip timeline using the following actionscript code.
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Oct 2, 2011
I have 3 layers in the timeline, and I want to make a new layer, and then use the new layer to be my first frame (like a startpage).
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Jan 30, 2012
I would like to store the value from combobox or text area-MovieClip in MyClass and then I'd like to read this from another frame in *.fla file only this :) have you another code? what can I write in frame 2 Miclass and frame 3
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