I'm making a website for music and video and need to find out how i go about making a pause button for audio,. it has to pause the sound being played and then restart the sound from the point it was paused
I'm trying to make a simple flash mp3 player with a play/pause toggle button called toggle_btn. The button is actually a MovieClip with two buttons inside it: play_btn and pause_btn, which live in different places on the MovieClip's timeline. That all works fine, and when I press the play/pause button for the first time, my music plays as expected.
However, when I press it again to pause, it keeps right on playing. If I push it again, the button gets all glitchy, and doesn't go into its rollover state when it should nor toggle when clicked.
Here's my ActionScript:
Code: // load the playlist var getFile:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest('songs.xml')); var numSongs:int = 0; // number of songs in playlist -- we'll set this later
i'm trying to make a button that when held will go to the previous frame, pause for 0.042 (24fps)seconds and then loop again until the mouse is releasedso something like thisI think know the first bit of code from much forum trawling, but have been unable to find anything further.I am an almost complete newb to programming, having online done a tiny amount of vb several years ago,just wonderingtranslate this following script into as3, and also point out if it won't work.
stop(); Rewind.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, RewindEvent); function RewindEvent(event:MouseEvent):void
I am trying to create a pause button that will pause everything on the screen including movieclips/audio. Right now I can't figure out how to pause the movieclips.
I am trying to find out how to pause or stop an image in a basic flash movie clip, after it has entered from one side and before it exits the other side.I have been trying to work it out myself for three days but no joy. I am practicing for a test with a training agency which gave me a disk to use but nowhere in it does it say how this is done. I am also having a lot of difficulty making stop start buttons work with this movie clip. I am using a trial cs5.5 version of Flash which expires in 7 days so i need to know this soon. I am up to speed on most of the features, its just this one thing that has me stumped. A lot of the tutorials or examples i have found on the net are very long winded and hard to follow exactly.
I have seen umpteen different guides on how to make a play/pause button in flash. and i cannot get it to work. I think i may pull my hair out soon.basically- i have made an mc which sits on the main timeline. i t has 2 frames, ecah of which has a stop() action in the frame. the first has a pause button with the following script attached to to the button:
on(release){ _root.stop(); gotoAndStop(2); }
i have also tried putting in nextFrame instead of gotoAndStop() -but this is besides the point as it's not even stopping!in the second frame there is a play button with the following scruipt attached to it:
on(release){ _root.play(); gotoAndStop(1); }
I think the problem may be deeper rooted because i have looked on sevral guides and they all tell me to do a similar thing. In fact i made a button which sat on the timeline with this script
I have a linear movie I have created in Flash and I am not an ActionScript user at all, but I am trying to find an answer or some resources on how to create a small "button" that once clicked by the user will pause my Flash movie, and then once clicked again, will make it play.
I have embedded the video in flash using player. Now I want a play/pause button for video.I am using ns.pause();to pause the video, its working.here ns=video instance name.but the play button is not working when I use below code
I have a movieclip within the main clip called "playPause" which starts with the Pause button shown. When clicked the movie clip moves to show the play button and pauses the current parent movie with the AS "_parent.stop();" when the play button is then pressed the movie plays via "_parent.play();" and reverts back to showing the pause button.
Simple so far. What is getting me is if I add a movie clip within the parent (say some scrolling object) I cannot get the added clip to pause. For example say the "parent" movie clip the playPause moveclip is within is called "intro" and the moving object is called "introObject" which is embedded in a frame along with "playPause"
What I have setup for the playPause buttons is for pausing _root.introObject.stop(); and playing _root.introObject.play();
I am using Flash CS3 and ActionScript 2.0. I have a flash timeline that shows 4 tabs and cycles through them. There is also a play/pause button. My issue is that when you click one of the tabs, you start the timeline up again, but the play/pause button doesn't reset. I have the full Flash file, as well, if needed. [URL] Attachments: TabbedFlash10.swf (52.7 K)
I've googled and googled but got no where or outdated tutorials. Anyone know how to make it so I can toggle audio with buttons using ActionScript 3 on Flash?
I'm trying to make a simple music player with only one button for Play & Pause the music. What I have now is a MovieClip with:
1st Keyframe: active state for play Button 2nd Keyframe: active state for pause button 3rd Keyframe: hover state for play button 4th Keyframe: hover state for pause button
The script works OK, and play and pause the music without problems as expected.
The problem comes after the second click in the play/pause button when the alternance between two states becomes chaotic. The button never returns to the play state although the music was paused.
This is the code:
/**** Objects and Vars ****/ var AutoPlay:Boolean = false; var isPlaying:Boolean = false;
I have been trying to create a play/pause button for the main timeline in my flash movie. Created a movie clip with 1st frame - a pause graphic, then on 2nd frame - play graphic, labelled the frames 'pause' and 'play' consecutively and put a stop action on the first frame of the movieclip. Then put the following code in the actions layer of the main timeline (and gave instance name of 'ppBtn' to the movieclip):
var pp:Boolean = true; function ppState(event:MouseEvent) { if(pp) { stop(); event.target.gotoAndStop('pause'); [Code] ....
It works in stopping and starting the movie but the actual movieclip doesn't toggle between the pause and the play graphics (just stays on the 'pause' state - 1st frame).
I have a timeline of 30 frames, each it's own mc (page01_mc, etc.). In each mc I show a picture or two and hear narration.I have a first, prev and next nav on the main timeline. I need to add a play/pause btn that will pause both pictures and sound. I assume I do that in each mc, but do not know where to find the code.Here is what is in each mc now:
var mySound:Sound = new Sound(); mySound.load(new URLRequest("english/Intro01.mp3")); mySound.play()
i started with a Multiple mp3 players project and i more complicated with that - as you see in the picture i try to do that when click on the play button for every song this switch the song that selected -first preloading + percentage the mp3 file and after play it immediately and of course there is stop button, pause button when choose a song the previously that play will be muted
I finished the Flash Video Basics Tutorials, but I'd like the video not to start playing straight away. I also want it to stop playing when it's finished and not start over again.Is there also an easy way to have the play-button change into pause button, when the video is paused?
im having trouble trying to figure out how to make a letter key (A-Z) to used to pause, use abilities, etc etc.if (Key.isDown(Key.("A")) { ^ is the code i have at the moment and i get errors.
I have created my first flash video and wish to allow the visitors to play the movie themselves instead of having the movie play automatically also have a stop or pause button too.
I've created my app and it works great. But when I press home button on my iphone, my app minimizes and when I open it from multitasking apps, it simply restarts. Is it possible to freeze or pause the game instead of stop?
I have a flash video that is set to autoplay when the page loads. We've just implemented thickbox/lightbox system on it now so when you click on the video it enlarges into that new frame. Problem is, when that's done the video/audio is still playing while the video in the thichbox is playing too. know a code that would trigger the video to pause when clicked anywhere on the video screen? Right now the videos being tested at this link -[URL]I don't currently have the video linked up to lightbox, just a link above the video to expand.With FLVPlayback,this is my current code (it's currently coded and set up so the video autoplay starts at 52 seconds)...
I have a flash video that is set to autoplay when the page loads. We've just implemented thickbox/lightbox system on it now so when you click on the video it enlarges into that new frame. Problem is, when that's done the video/audio is still playing while the video in the thichbox is playing too. This leading to ineffective listening. Does anyone know a code that would trigger the video to pause when clicked anywhere on the video screen?
I want to see a command (or function) That pauses the script for a X amount of time and then after the time passes, the script will continue normallyHere's what I'm talking about:
I'm creating a game with movie clips that are generated using getnexthighestdepth, and have a pause menu too. However, as the movie clips are generated after the pause menu, they appear above it, partially obscuring it. Is there a way to make the pause menu permanently on top?