ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Play Animation On Click

Aug 22, 2006

I got my animation ready, now I just want to export it as Flash movie, and make it play on click. How do I do this?

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onClipEvent (load){ num = 3;}
onRelease = function(){getURL("");


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AS3 :: Movieclip To First Play An "outro" Animation When Click A Certain Button

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Actionscript 3.0 :: If Function - When Click On The Button Takes To Another Page Without Showing The Click Animation

Sep 11, 2010

I created a movieclip animation that only activates when i rollover the movieclip button. I further extended the frames and created another frame animation that i active only when user clicks the button. So i have a roll over/out animation and click animation in the same movieclip in the same layer. Now the problem is that when i click on the button, its supposed to take me to another page, and it does, unfortunately without the click animation. That means after i click on the button its supposed to first finish the click animation and then go to another page. But when i click, it takes me to another page without showing the click animation

SO I tried the If function, but i seem to make a mistake somewhere and i dont know what to do. Now there is no error in script, but onw there is a problem in link, the button finishes the click animation but it does not go to the tarrgeted"about" frame. here's the code


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I am building a flash interface and I would like a menu where it is hidden to begin with (just a tab). You click the tab to expand it, and click again to collapse it. I've made a movieclip with animation of the menu opening up and closing, but I can't seem to work out how I'd go about making the movieclip open and close properly.

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btn_test.onRelease = function(){  if (_root.adinstance._currentframe != 1) {  while(_root.adinstance._currentframe != 1) {  _root.adinstance.prevFrame();  else {;  }}


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Click To Play Then Click To Rewind?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm having some problems with the code below. It may be something small that I am just not seeing. I basically have a drop down window and a button named btn1. The first click makes it pull down on the main stage, the second returns it to frame #1 by rewinding the movie. Well... It only works once, I need it to work multiple times, so I am missing something.

ActionScript Code:
on (release){
if (this._currentframe == 1) {;


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Play Animation Once, Then Play On Mouseover Only?

May 15, 2009

I have a flash ad that I can only play once. After it plays the user is required to mouseover to play it. When their mouse leaves the ad it stops playing.I am not sure what code I need for this. I am guessing a stop action with some extras.

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IDE :: Play Music File Once Only On Click Of Play Button Until Music Stops

May 1, 2009

Using Macromedia Flash Professional 8.

I have a website banner made in Flash. I have added a music file to it and Play and Stop buttons. I also have a Replay button to replay the banner animation once it stops.

I have put the music on a separate frame so that it will not play automatically when the banner loads. I have made the Play button direct to the frame the music is located at so that when clicked, it will go to that frame and play the music file.

The problem I am currently having is that if I click the Play button more than once, it will play the music file again on top of the current play-through.

So if I click Play, the music will play. Then if I click it again, the music will play again, but on top of the first instance of the music, so two instances of it will now be playing and it sounds horrible.

I would like to make it so that if you click Play when the music is playing, it will not play the music again until the music has stopped.

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Run Through Animation And Start Again On Mouse Click

Aug 13, 2009

I am looking for real simple scripting - I have a 15-25 frame flash tweened animation and all I would like to do is run thru the animation once then on mouse click go to frame one and start again. And of course I am under a time crunch and completely fogged with actionscript 3.0. I did some basic projects back in the director days and thought I could just pick up where I left off. If I remember right it was simple scripting like

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IDE :: Button Click To Animation To GotoURL?

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Flash8 :: Click Flash Animation To Go To Site?

Mar 28, 2010

I've got a flash animation attached which I added a layer to and follow the post at [URL] to try and make it go to a url when the layer is clicked.

You can see the animation at [URL] but when it is clicked on, instead of going to the site I specify [URL] it goes to [URL]

I'm nearly at the end of my tether here - have tried it in flash cs3 trial with a number of tutorials online,. and I also just bought Koolmoves, tried it as well but it does exactly the same this. I've set Flash 8 export and network access in publish options

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Flash Animation Click-able?

Sep 25, 2008

I built an animation with actionscript 3 that I want to use as a welcome page for a website.I put the animation in DW cs3 and it works but i don't know how to make it "clickable" to link it to my website's index!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Triggering An Animation With A Mouse Click?

Dec 28, 2009

I am trying to make a class that plays an animation from code when the user clicks on a MovieClip.I copied the animation from the time line using "Copy motion as actionscript3", and made a class that plays it. However, when I try to add the mouse click functionality I run into problems:
1. If there are several instances of the class on the stage, clicking on one instance plays the animation on that instance, as expected. But if I  then click on the other instance the animation plays on both clips.2. Repeatedly clicking on the same instance results in the animation eventually only playing partially, as if the animation got terminated early. This is the case even when I wait until the animation finishes before clicking again.I suspect that this behaviour is caused by AnimationFactory.addTarget getting called repeatedly.
package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import fl.motion.AnimatorFactory; import fl.motion.MotionBase; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.Point; import; public class Square extends MovieClip {    public function Square():void {   addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playAnimation);  }    public function playAnimation(e:MouseEvent):void {


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IDE :: How To Play One Animation

Jul 7, 2009

I have a series of animation 8 in total.I want to no how to play one animation, have a delay for 5 sec, and unload that swf, and then play the next.swf with the same delay, this is repeated for the other animations.I just cant work this out as i am new to actionsript 3.0. [code]This allows me to load 1.swf,and that it.This task was easy in actionscript2.0.All example i have found online, use buttons to load/unload swf.I need an example without buttons. I just want to load a swf, have a delay then play the other swf, in a loop

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Part Of The Animation To Be Skipped When I Click One Specific Button?

Jun 29, 2009

I have a swf file "home" that has a series of animations that are button controled.I want part of the animation to be skipped when I click one specific button, for instance.Most of the time I want frame label:"1 out" to play all the way through to the last frame (20) and on frame (20) there is an action sending it back to frame 1and stopping, but I need to have a button that when hit plays frame label 1: "1 out" and continues to frame (19) and does not utilize the action on frame (20) sending it back to frame (1), or in other words playing through "1 out" and then playing "2 out" which occurs on frame 21 without returning to frame (1).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Click - Animation Go One Frame Further And Pause

Apr 21, 2010

I started some days ago with Adobe Flash CS4, and I need to create buttons now. The button I want to create this time should be a frame by frame button, so when the user clicks 1 time on the button the animation needs to go 1 frame further and pause there.

This is what I coded so far:
nextframeknop_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextframeClick);
function nextframeClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
And I assume I need to create some kind of time interval of 1 frame between the "play();" and the "stop();".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animation Of A Line That Connects In Each Other As Click Button?

Feb 24, 2012

Whats the best thing to do when you want to do an animation of a line that connects in each other as you click the button??you set the dots in a stage, and when you click the button there will be a line that will connect from dot1, into dot2 and so on.. ofcorse it includes animation effect.[code]

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IDE :: Rollover Animation To Button - Click Thread For More Details

Jul 29, 2009

So within my Flash document I have a rollover movieclip that contains a UI scrollbar. My question is, can I modify this rollover script to be active until it reachs a certain frame in the animation and then become inactive so that the scrollbar works? Or, is there some script that I can use to make the UI scrollbar active within the rollover clip?


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Play Animation On Mouseover?

Sep 22, 2009

I'm using Flash CS4 and I'm trying to create what I think is pretty simple. I have a tree that will have leaves. I want the individual leaves to fall on mouseover. When the animation is complete, I want the leaves to stay where they land and not reset back up on the tree. I know how to tween and animate the leaves, but everything else is really falling apart for me. I feel like this should be pretty simple. I've created the tree and leaves in illustrator and am importing the .ai file into flash and turning each of the leaves into a bitmap (as opposed to a movie file)

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Play A Song Throughout Animation?

Nov 1, 2009

In the animation im making i have multiple scenes in it and i was wondering how i could have 1 song play throughout the whole animation?

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How To Get Animation To Play Out Before Going To Page

Jul 18, 2010

If on a basic website I have some animation that plays in first before the buttons appear. How can i get the animation to play out (outro) before going to the page? Is there some kind of detection or something that will detect the button being pressed, play the outro and then head off to the page. I'm using external .swf's to load in content and my timeline has labels on - to keep the main file size down.

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Get Simple Animation To Play In IE?

Jun 11, 2009

I am having trouble getting a simple animation to play properly, on a site designed by someone else, in IE. It works fine in Mozilla and Safari. In IE, on some computers, it shows up but there is a prompt about downloading a Shockwave add-on. On other  computers it doesnt show up at all. Going from Mac to PC is also presenting problems. I'm freelance, so it's not like I'm in the office with these other people, so I only know what's going on with the 3 pc's I have at my disposal; which is as described above.

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Animation Keeps Looping - Set To Play Once

Aug 25, 2009

Flash CS4 Mac OS 10.4.11 - I am new to Flash and have always created small web animations in Image Ready. However, the Flash animations I have seen are so much smoother so decided to learn how to make one for next clients website. The animation keeps looping when I have specified in Flash that I want it to play once when page loads (see screen snatch attachment). Checked in 'Publish Preview' to see if it was just happening when the file was loaded into Adobe GoLive, but no, it does it in Flash.

I have tried saving in all the variations allowed but to no effect. The other thing that happens when checking the GoLive site in browsers is that for an instant before the animation begins, the background of the animation is white when I made the Flash document background a grey (F5F5F5), the grey background does kick in immediately afterwards. I have also attached the .swf file and a html file for general viewing.

Attachments: Screen Snatch.jpg (106.5 K)
free_session4.swf (2.5 K)
free_session4.html (9.6 K)

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