ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Movieclip To Show Start Of Level In Game?
Nov 8, 2009
I have a game with multiple levels, which is working as I want it to. I would like to add just one extra bit of functionality. As each level starts, I would like a movieclip to play and then disappear after a second or so. The movieclip will just say "level 1", "level 2" etc, without any interaction. Ideally it will appear as the level loads, and then fade out to disappear.
is there a way to add some code in the first frame of the main movie's timeline that sets certain MC's that i specify into level 1000?
i'm going to be using swap depths for a project but i need certain clips to always remain on top no matter what. the swap depth of the other movies will constantly be raising them by 2 levels, so i figure i'll put the ones i need on top on level 1000 as the others should never reach that high.
i was thinking i'd have to either add an array with the MC's i need moved to level 1000, or make them _global. and set a property to that somehow.
I am trying to develop a simple game for kids in which an Alphabet will be spoken and the kid will have to choose the correct alphabet being displayed on the screen. What I have tried to do is that I have saved each of the sound in a seperate movieclip.
how can I develop the code that randomly choose a movieclip to play the sound and then when the kid click on the correct alphabet, it adds the point and if wrong alphabet is clicked, it gives error.
I am in the process of building a game with around 20 levels. Now, as I was thinking of trying to add a "skip" option to the game with the space bar key. I have a little trouble, since holding down the spacebar invokes the KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN event multiple times.
The above scenario (Keydown and keyup) works just fine when I'm trying to move my player character on screen. The one main concern that is lingering in my mind is "Is this going wrong because the KeyboardEvent listeners do get removed and added when changing levels?"
P.S: Adding the skip option as a button works just fine, but I'd really like to use Spacebar for the ease of use.
Adobe AIR provides However this seems to fail if there is no top level window like in the typical tray example ("Example: Creating an application with no windows"):
I failed to make work in this situation. Seems that there is no alert() either.Is there any way to show an alert prompt (modal or nonmodal) in such a situation without reinventing the wheel?Example AIR tray application skeleton:
i have been trying to work out a way to have a endlevel function on my game....this function would, remove all event listeners, reset the cursor and most importantly clear all dynamically created movie clips(this is the part im having problems with).the first thing i tried was this:
I am wondering how to write code so that once a character reaches a certain 'end mark' it will trigger the next frame/level. I am using Flash CS5, but I have primarily used it for animation. This would be my first leveled game.
I have seen in some games where instead of loading the whole game at the beginning of the game, they load one level, with the preloader on the screen, then when that level is over, another level is loaded, with the preloader on the screen, etc. I've been trying to find a tutorial or some information on how to do this online but couldn't find anything. I have a game that takes a long time to load when loading it all at the beginning of the game, so I'd like to load it level by level.
I am trying to understand the best technique for this.My game is like a side scroller. A new "Tile" or piece of game would contain one of each display objects.
-slide (like a playground slide)
-other stuff...
pseudo example: the first tile set would be pieces terrain1 and slide3
Code: var terrainPieces:Array = new Array(1,2,6,3,16,2,3,5,7,2); var slidePieces:Array = new Array (3,0,1,2,00,4,2,1,4,0);
One of my issues is readability and ease of level layout.i want to keep the code stacked in a way i can read pieces easily, which is why slidePiece 0 or 00 == no slide (just to keep the array in line).I can look at this and say to myself the 6th set would look like terrain2,slide4. (which are both pooled display objects) Would it be better if each "tile" is a class containing references to each asset? If so, i cant see how to assign each tile in a readable form while setting up the level layout on my end.
I'm making my first flash game but I've run into some problems. Here is the game: [URL]. Everytime I reach the next level I get this error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Game_fla::MainTimeline/movecircle()
I also want the timer to stop counting when I die or finish. I've tried Code: if (platforms.currentFrame == platforms.totalFrames -1) { timer.stop(); } which didn't work.
For a game where I have a different level on a screen how do I do this? Do I need to erase the stage and place a new level on it or is there a wat to have another stage?
I got a bunch of live stream from FMLE, say: "FMLE_channel1", "FMLE_channel2", "FMLE_channel3". And then on the server side, I created several corresponding republished stream called "channel1", "channel2", "channel3".
On periodical basis, we call Stream.get("channel1").play("FMLE_channel1", -1, 10, true) every 10 seconds. Similar things were done on the second channel & third channel.Soon after the above Stream.get("channel1").play() call, I should get the following events in sequence:info :NetStream.Unpublish.Successinfo :NetStream.Publish.Startinfo :NetStream.Play.Resetinfo :NetStream.Play.Start In the above case all are happy. Clients can view channel1, channel2, channel3 well.But then after a while, one of the three channels, in most case it would be channel1, will not be viewable.
With the server trace info, I found that after the Stream.get("channel1").play() call, only the following two events exists:
info :NetStream.Unpublish.Successinfo :NetStream.Publish.Starti.e. I was missing the play.reset and play.start event.I further checked and confirmed that the FMLE was publishing all three channels fine to the server. I was able to view the "FMLE_channel1" from flash clients, but not the republished "channel1". the version is FMS 3.5.0.
When you have movies in a layer, how can you stop the buttons of the underlying levels from showing through. I don't want the user to think that there is a button on the level showing because the cursor turns into a also when clicked it does activate the lower movies actions.
I'm creating a game, here is a screenshot: I'm trying to implement a scene system in an easy way (I'm a beginner). In this tutorial the author adds scenes as movie clip. So I tried making a movie clip with action script export name the same as my main .as file. When I add it to the scene manually, dragging and dropping from the library, it works. But when I try adding it from a new starting .as file, I get a #1009 error. Adding a test movie clip with the same code works.
I'm making game, where I must collect points. In end menu screen, i want that if my score's over 200, a next level button will be visible. Now it's visible every time when timer's out. I have tried this code if (score < 200){ this.visible == false; } else if (score >=200){ this.visible == false; }
I tried all zooms, placing objects outside there to gain scroll access, but it won't, and seem to be outside of some lighter gray plate... is it simply the limit? how the hell can I design the rest of my level?
This is my first attempt at a game in AS3.I'm currently experiencing a problem which I'm sure is a result of my poor understanding of programming concepts.My problem is this, every time I call the function to rebuild my level, the game progressively slows down.I've tried to clear everything, but somehow something is still causing the slow down. I'll attach a zip with all of the files, and also I will add the main code to this.The attempted clearing happens in a function called cleanup() and the level setting up in setupLevel().[code]
I'm building a basic tile game containing 3 layers of 'tiles' image the game has a dimension of 3x3 my data array's look like this:
How can i load this data from an external file which is easy to edit for the level-desiners ? (and what is best to use, xml, json,?) Is is not better to just use 1 datafile instead of 3 and what is the best way to do this?
i have a flash clip that i am trying to imbed into a joomla website of mine, and the problem is that it doesn't auto-start. If i open the swf file it will show a blank screen until i right click play or ctr+entr, on the website it simply doesnt show the flash. here is the link to the swf file [URL]
I play games on Pogo and have never had a problem with their Flash Games until released Daily Hot Shots. It doesn't load fully and I've done EVERYTHING I know to do to get it to play. No errors show up. I can play ALL the other flash games but this one. When I right click, the name of the site's owners do not show up....I have the settings showing though Not all of the game loads and that's the problem. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling....tried a different browser and have the same exact problem. THIS GAME WILL NOT PLAY.
i have spent several days on this and still can't get it to work. The code below is ok, I am playing a bowling game using the keyboard and timer with a text readout of the elapsed time, the bowl moves a set number of pixels on the screen. whilst in full screen mode I would like to click a start/play button on the screen to start the game and timer again, everything is in frame 1. Also I would like the game to just accept the keycode 77 and keyboard event (2 events only to move the bowl) and then wait for the start/play button click.
My project is almost complete except for this last little thing that's been bugging me. A tutorial I followed had you start the game by clicking a button but I would like to change that to pressing the spacebar starts the game. I tried:
I started off game development on Android about a year ago and want to expand to developing browser games as well. Is flash worth learning? Or should I go for using an engine like Unity and learn game development in c#. Mostly I'm just worried that I would be wasting my time learning flash if I'm not going to get much use from it.
My goal with this actionscript is to create a new movieclip for each top-level XML node and include in the movieclip two separate textfields, an image, extend the movieclips to two row if necessary, rotate each movieclip differently depending its parity and add a hover event based on the movieclips instance name. I have achieved each goal except for the hover bit. The reason I cant access the instance name outside of the for loop is because the instance name only lasts for duration of the loop. Here is my current code (at pastie address).
I have a scene for the title screen and a scene for the game itself. On the title screen i have a start button, that when clicked it is supposed to go to the game scene; but for some reason this wont work. This is the code I have so far,
I am making a big big big game, and I came across a huge problem. My game has over 60 unique units, which mean that the library of my .fla file is REALLY huge. Flash just can't handle it anymore, and crashes every 5 min. I can't optimize it(already did) and I can't cut through the content. I think I found a solution: I will load my units from external .swf. Sooo, the thing is, I want to load these swf only once, at the start of the game. Here is how it goes: I divided my units in many packets, and set every unit to be "exported for Actionscript" in the library. This way, ill load the .swf and its library at the beginning of the game and I will be able to attach the units MC over runtime.