ActionScript 3.0 :: Load() Function From The Sound Library Splitting Mp3 Files To Too Many Packets?

Oct 16, 2011

I paid someone to write a Flash application, he did what I asked him, but there is one problematic aspect that he doesn't know how to approach:The application consists of many small mp3 files that have to be preloaded in the beginning. The problem is that is takes FOREVER for these files to load. I changed the server to a VPS and nothing changed.The programmer uses the load() function from the sound library to load the mp3 filesI installed an HTTP packet sniffer and found out that every file is being split to many small packets, 1.3Kb in size each. So for example a 76Kb mp3 file is loaded in over 60 requests!

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Main Class:

package {
// Flash Classes
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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*** Security Sandbox Violation ***
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ActionScript Code:
//linkage name, width, height, string for .name property
container.addChild( crtLibImg("PNGlinkageName",100,50,"myPNGname") );
function crtLibImg(thisPng,w,h,mName)


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private var xmlsock:XMLSocket;
this.xmlsock = new XMLSocket();
xmlsock.connect("", 1234);[code].......

A possible packet I sniffed sent by the server was.

u:105.w. aka (75 3A 31 30 35 00 77 00)

so the waiting packet never came in.

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var crows = new Sound(this);
crows.loadSound("Raven.mp3", false);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] LoadSound - Sound To Keep Playing While The Rollovers Load Sound

Jun 22, 2003

I am loading small sounds dynamically with the loadSound command. These small sounds are activated with a rollover. see script below. This works ok. however. i want the first sound to keep playing while the rollovers load sound. a bit like playing the piano. This works ok when i import all the sounds into the library and place them on their very own button. however the size of the flash movie increases to 140k. whereas when i load them dynamically the size of the movie is 20k. obviously i want to load dynamically.

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Making A Sound Library

May 22, 2009

I´ve made a site for myself in flash (AS 2) and it works great. But one thing that I havent got the knowledge for is that I would like to have my own sound library.Anyway what I want is a xml updatable library, a simple list of sounds for visitors to download for free! A preview of the sound is also something that I need. The sounds are mostly very short sounds, so a rollover should work i think.[code]If there is someone here who would like to help me with this? Just to get me started. I fully understand if someone here thinks like, wow thats alot to ask for! how rude and so on, but if there is someone that maybe thinks that this could be fun or interesting and would like to give it a shot.

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Jul 13, 2009

I am trying to load, unload and load again the same movie clip from library.

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Professional :: Right-click Sound In The Library?

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How can I edit sound from a timeline if I don't have the original sound file? When I right-click my sound in the library, I can't open it in any sound editor program. What do I do?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fade In/out Library Sound?

Apr 1, 2012

having real problems finding anything about fading in and out sound in flash, have searched for 3 days now and found mostly as2 related articles,i have the following

var myintSnd:introSound;
var sndintChannel:SoundChannel;
myintSnd = new introSound;


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Flash :: How To Play Sound From Library In AS3

Apr 23, 2010

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Play Sound From Swf Library In Script?

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Sep 22, 2007

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preload Sound From Library?

Apr 16, 2009

I'm creating a flash game where all of my library symbols, including my sounds, are contained in an assets movieclip on the second frame. The first frame is a preloader and it works fine, however, when I uncheck "export in first frame" for my mp3 sounds in the library I get the error:

1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: mySound

I have all of the sounds on seperate layers and they all have class names defined. I've seen quite a few threads that bring up this issue, but none that solve it. So, how do you preload a hefty mp3 from your library without exporting it on the first frame?

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