ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Tweens To Make A Clip Move In A Curve?
Jan 12, 2011
I'm looking for some actionscript that will move a clip from one point to another, but in a curve. I've done one that tweens the x and y positions as well as the scaleX and scaleY that sort of does this.
Seems I've seen this sort of thing on YouTube at the end of watching a video. A set of small videos appear, they scale up in size and move to a new position, but they go up, and then down smoothly (thus, a 'curve');
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Feb 14, 2012
I have Adobe Flash CS 5 and have been having difficulties trying to get a created tween to move at a constant speed. I have been converting a graphic I've created to a symbol and turning it into a motion tween, however I have only figured out how to move the tween on a frame by frame basis. Is there a way I can map out the full trajectory of the tween and then set it to travel along that pathway at a constant speed rather than moving from point to point within a certain number of frames? The desired result is a green circle that will bounce off the edges of the computer screen/window as it moves along at a constant speed in the appropriate direction. I am a flash novice and have been fiddling with the program for a few days
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This is my first tread, but Im a long time viewer of this site.I ve got a question. Im trying to figure out how to move a clip from one location to another using a button. This is the code on my movie clip.
onClipEvent (load) {
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Jun 12, 2010
The menu works as follows: My stage is 960px wide. On the stage there is a holding MC called container_mc which is 1900px wide. Within this holding MC there are 6 buttons which fill up the entire dimensions of the MC. This container_mc sits on the stage and the sure can click and drag this container about horizontally thus revealing all of the buttons. When they click it opens up a box. When the box is closed the menu comes back. All of this works perfectly.
I am now trying to integrate a movieclip, lets call it markermc that sits underneath the container_mc on the stage. Now, as the menu is dragged i want this markermc to move relative to the container_mc. So if the container_mc is being dragged left, at the same time i want the markermc to move right or if the container_mc is being dragged right then the markermc needs to move left. The reason i want this is because it will give a visual clue as to where you are on the menu. A working example of this can be seen at [url]...
The container_mc's starting X position is 20px on the stage. This is the same starting position for the markermc. The container_mc can be dragged as far as -960px for its X position. When the container_mc is at this point, then the marker MC needs to be at 960px. Basically i am trying to get the markermc to move inversely to the container_mc.[code]...
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Jun 30, 2009
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For example:
Key Frame number 01 - Dog
Key Frame number 02 - Cat
Key Frame number 03 - Mouse
I want to move this movie clip "Lion Beginning_mc" form Key frame number 1 to Key frame number 20.I want the Dog,Cat and a mouse to change between each other only once while moving from Key Frame number 1 to 20.And then when the movie clip "Lion Beginning_mc" reaches his goal another movie clip or a frame (with a shape) will start.
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May 28, 2004
im been trying to make a stationary movie clip do a jump move to the top, slowing down, and then comming back down (like a ball being thrown vertically up) within a given number of frames, ie 10 frames.
Also i would want to add a horizontal vector quantity whereby if a key is pressed (ie left) then it would move horizontally left while still in jump mode.
Does an actionscript like this exist?
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Aug 26, 2011
I was hoping someone could help me working out some advanced data reformatting. What I'm hoping for is a function where I can input a value along with an array of key positions like so:
function remap(percentage:Number, keypoints:Array) { ...
The array would start with the minimum and end with the maximum point, with nested key points along the way. For example, I would input something like remap(0.25, [0:0,80:50,100:100] ) and the function would 'imagine' a spline curve graph from (0,0)-(100,100) with a key point of (80,50), then return the y value that is 25% along that graph.
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Mar 25, 2012
the conent will not be able to be seen unless the user hits the arrow keys on there key board. So i need to make a group of objects i can make into a movie clip and than inside that movie clip make an animation that plays the squirrel running. i will pause here to ask two things i dont know how to do i want the squirrel to have an animation when standing still where it flicks its tail (like a real squirrel would). and also how would i flip the squirrel so when the left key is pressed it points left and when the right arrow is pressed it faces left? and my main question when it reaches the edge of the stage the extended background that runs off stage moves over to reavel more content. as well as not have the squirrel run off stage? in short i am using the squirrel to view the full pages content.
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Jun 25, 2005
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May 10, 2007
I have a curveTo an anchor point and a control point.Then I have a function that will return the x and y of a point along that curve if I give it a number as a percentage of the curve (0 to 1).It looks like this, and works perfectly..
function drawOnCurve( interval:Number, x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2)
interval = Math.max( Math.min( 1, interval ), 0 );[code]....
x0,y0 are the start point, x1,y1 the control point and x2,y2 the final anchor point.But... I want to give it a _y value instead of a percentage (interval) and it return where on the curve that would intersect.
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Jun 26, 2008
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Feb 5, 2011
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May 1, 2006
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The height detection works, and the car will follow the hills but that's just using one point on the car movie clip to test with - it needs to use the front and back of the car.
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Apr 30, 2003
How do draw a vertical line and make it bend into a curve as the mouse hits it.
or better yet,
a box that traps the mouse in it and stretches out when mouse hits the side.
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Sep 21, 2006
Here is my code:
I have many layers in the main stage. on frame 20, I have this code drawing a curve between two countries in "Lines" layer . I have another layer right above this layer called "mask" in which in frame 20, I make a rectangle and until frame thirty, I move the rectangle with tween. I right clicked on the mask layer and set mask. Hoping that by masking the layer below it, I can make the curve being draw real time. But it is not working.
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Mar 14, 2008
im using MC Tween [URL] but i have a question how can i use multible tweens? if i do
mc.tween("_x", 10, 1.5);
mc.tween("_y", 10, 2.5);
he goes directly to x 10 an y 10 is there a way that he goes first to x 10 and when he's there he goes to y 10?
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Jan 22, 2010
i am using the gtween erley beta in my project, and i loved the multiTween class that could take an target array and tween all the targets, but now i updated to the latest release, and now the function seams to be gone?
Some one know if this is coreckt ? And are there an anouther tweening lib out there that can do the same?
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Jun 21, 2010
I seem to remember reading that you shouldn't do it.I was mad at Flash CS4 and CS5 because I wasn't able to make the animation work like After Effects, as far as animating something, having it rest, and then animating it again. I know you can do this already, however, if you add easing you could mess yourself up as the ease gets applied to the entire tween. I wanted to be able to tween something with an ease, then let it rest, then tween it again, again with an ease.
Tonight I discovered this: Place CTI over last frame of first tween, select object, copy. Go to next "slot" and Insert Blank Keyframe, then Paste in Place the object. Make some more frames. Then after it all make a New Keyframe (content from preceeding keyframe gets copied into it, then add more frames, select them and Make Tween. I now have 2 tweens on the same layer, each with their own easing that can't get stretched out of place.However, when I did this I noticed, before making the second tween, that I was not able to just click the object and Make Tween from there. I had to actually make regular frames and convert them
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May 10, 2011
I have a problem, which I couldn't solve. I made three motion tweens. One is the background, which slides in from left. Another one, is a car, which goes in the scene from right. The two visible wheels of this car are spinning too using a motion tween. The problem is that all these motion tweens keep looping. I would like to let the background and the wheels of the car loop forever, but I want the car to come in from right and stop on the left. When I tried to stop it, it stopped the car, but unfotunately it stopped the background too. How could I manage to let the background and the wheels of the car loop, but stop the car in a position?[URL]
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May 18, 2011
I'm trying to mask multiple shape tweens for a slideshow animation I'm working on. (the transition would look just like the main animation on this page url...)
Everything works fine when I'm only masking/tweening one shape. But as soon as I add a few more dquares to the mix everything goes to hell. Can someone tell me the most efficient way to have multiple shapes tweening, while masking an image underneath them?
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Jun 4, 2006
What I am wanting to do is move multiple MCs when a MC (acting as a button) is released, the following is the code that i have tried but it doesn't want to work:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;[code]...........
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Mar 11, 2007
What I want is to do this [URL] in actionscript rather than with u can see, it takes EONS too long to load (on some PCs at least) (and I know, it DOES need a preloader (which I have), but I'm going to add that later. I want to get this going first). Now, I read a decent bit about onEnterFrame, and did some tutes, but I'm not quite sure how to use it to do what I want.
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May 26, 2007
I have a few movie clips in the library. each is created at runtime, placed in an existing movie clip, and given some text (each movie clip has a dynamic text box inside). The header text loads, and then body, and then the enter button. My problem is that the tween for body don't work, yet the tweens for the header and the enter text work. The only difference between the header and the body movie clips, is that the textbox inside, in the body clip is set to multiline.[code]
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Oct 29, 2008
I used this tut to create a menu. [URL] And my question is; Can I make the slider to move after a movie clip symbols instead of button symbols? That way my menu would be animated.
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Apr 30, 2009
Picture this, for now anyway, as I will be uploading my example when I get home from work. I have five squares all the same size on 5 different layers in slightly different posistions so it looks like a diagonal stack of squares.
I have a button called playHead which I need to act as a counter I will now state the play buttons functions. Once the user presses the play button the first square moves horizontally off of the stage through a coded tween, whilst the square behind it moves into its original position.
I need this function to happen for all of the squares, I would ideally like to use a key listener and the LEFT ARROW instead of a button but I am doing it this way firstly.
The problem is that because I am using multiple tweens and only 1 button everytime I press the play head it trys to trigger the first tween: I feel that I need a counter mechanism that turns off tweens that have already finished and counts through a variable to know which square has been moved. I will upload my progress at 6 tonight GMT.
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