Actionscript 3 :: Reconfigure Class File Paths In A FLA File?

Jan 3, 2012

I have a lot of library assets linked to external as3 classes. I would like to change the structure of the packages containing the linked classes, but if I do so, all links will get broken.

Is there any way to automatically or at least easily tell the FLA file where to get the new class files from? Could a FLA file be configured to read this sort of information from a configuration file?

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Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: products.xml
at ImageChanger()
at ImageChanger_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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ActionScript Code:
* ...


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This is making me a little kooky today. I thought I could defined a library path in PREFERENCES > ACTIONSCRIPT > ACTIONSCRIPT 3.0 SETTINGS then that library would be available to all AS3 FLA files, but that doesn't seem to work for me. If I use the PUBLISH SETTINGS and define the library path everything is fine.

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