Adjust Flash So It Values Can Only Be Whole Numbers For Dimensions And Positions?

Nov 4, 2011

How can I adjust flash so it values can only be whole numbers for dimensions and positions? For some reason flash likes to adjust the numbers I enter in the properties flash changes the number slightly. i.e i set the width to 500 and it'll adjust it to 500.05 or 499.05.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize Listener Where Change Movieclips Dimensions And Positions

Dec 11, 2010

I've got a resize listener where I change my movieclips' dimensions and positions.[code]But how I set the minimum allowed resize of the stage?I don't want the stage to be smaller than 1024x600 for example.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Gallery - The Placeholder Movie Clip Automatically Tweens To Adjust To The Image's Dimensions

Sep 15, 2004

i've got 5 images. i want the following things to happen:

1. the placeholder movie clip automatically tweens to adjust to the image's dimensions.

2. the transition between each image is a la: [URL] -- front page when you enter

3. the images stay on the screen for approx. 5 seconds each.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fuzzy Text - Using Whole Numbers For X And Y Positions

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Index Values Between Numbers?

Feb 19, 2009

I need to load anywhere from 100 - 100,000 lines of data. Currently I am reading the data letter by letter which is taking Flash a god awful long time to load it.

///looop length of file
for (h=0; h<GWords.length; h++) {
///Slice each part of the Gcode
curr_word = GWords.slice(h, Number(h+1));


Example of how I bring it into the datagrid:

file_parsed.addItem({G:G_Value, F:F_Value, Y:Y_Value, X:X_Value, C:Comment_value});
The file is vector values that I take and draw it out after it is loaded.

Is there a better way to grab the a value between Letters to make things happen quicker?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Array Values That Are Numbers?

Mar 31, 2007

How do I add array values that are numbers when loaded dynamically via sql?Example script doesn't calculate. Instead it just adds as though the elements of ycor array are string based. So ycor[0] = 2 and ycor[1] = 3 added equals 23 not 5. Of course these elements are being dynamically set via mysql db that generates a xml table. I've left out file locations and passwords for obvious reasons. Why are the elements being treated as strings?

var theXML:XML = new XML();
theXML.ignoreWhite = true;[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Why Emptymovieclip Positions Affect Positions Of Thumbnails

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ActionScript :: Recommended Initialization Values For Numbers

Jul 12, 2009

Assume you have a variety of number or int based variables that you want to be initialized to some default value. But using 0 could be problematic because 0 is meaningful and could have side affects. I have been working in Actionscript lately and have a variety of value objects with optional parameters so for most variables I set null but for numbers or ints I can't use null. An example:

package {
public class MyValueObject {
public function MyValueObject (
[Code] .....

The difficulty is that using 0 in the above code might be problematic if the value is not ever changed from its initial value. It is easy to detect if a variable has a null value. But detecting 0 may not be so easy because 0 might be a legitimate value. I want to set a default value to make the parameter optional but I also want to later detect in my code if the value was changed from its default without hard to debug side affects. I suppose I could use something like -1 for a value. I suppose it depends on the nature of the variable and the data.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Store Large Numbers Of Values (For RPG)?

May 17, 2011

I have plans to make an RPG that is similar to those on the SNES as far as movement goes- you walk one tile in a direction at a time and if the tile that you are trying to move to has been marked as one that can't be walked on, it stops the character from going there. That means that conventional collision wouldn't quite cut it.

So I decided that I would make it to where every tile will have a specific value (one to say that there is no collision, another to say there is, etc.), and every object will have an X and Y value that changes in relation to the character (because there is scrolling in this project).

The thing is, there will be a lot of objects, and there will be a lot of tiles; this will quickly become an unimaginably huge project if I just go ahead and throw objects in.

So, what would be the most efficient way of storing these values? I was thinking of storing it in an XML file or a class, but I haven't really done it before, so I want to get a second opinion before I try and do so.

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Actionscript 3 :: Finding An Original Rectangle's Dimensions From Rotation And Bounding Box Dimensions?

Jan 25, 2010

In AS3, I have a Sprite that has a Z axis rotation applied.How do I calculate that Sprite's dimensions (it's original size) from Sprite.rotationZ and Sprite.getRect(...)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fixed Movieclip Not To Change Dimensions If The User Starts Playing With The Dimensions Of His Screen

Jan 31, 2012

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Flash :: Get Actionscript3 To Type Cast Numbers And Ints In XML Files As Numbers And Ints?

Aug 28, 2009

Everything seems to be a string right now & that kinda ruins the whole xml as an internal data structure thing, I don't need a big tree of string I need typed data :-/ Are there any changes I can make to either my XML files or my AS3 code that will force it to cast ints as ints and Numbers as Numbers? Or maybe some kind of type schema I can impose? Not really worked with XML til recently so chances are I'm just ignorant of the canonical way to deal with this...

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IDE :: Flash 8 Moviclip X+Y Positions

Aug 11, 2009

What I'm really looking to be able to do, is have a clip in the root move to the same x and y as a clip that is embedded into another movieclip. How would I pick up the X and Y co-ordinates of this embedded movie clip?

To summarise,

ClipA is embedded into ClipB, what I want, is for ClipC - that is based in the root - to match ClipA's position.

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Actionscript 3 :: Adjust Flash Objects From All Keyframes?

Jan 2, 2010

I know there has to be away to adjust objects on the stage from all keyframes because it's probably the most annoying thing I've experienced

I adjust a bitmap image and then when you play the movieclip, right when it hits another keyframe it shows the old position instead of the new. How can I update all images on the stage including all the keyframes?

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Flash - Uploading Images To Fixed Positions

May 16, 2010

I would like to ask if it is possible using flash to upload multiple images to particular positions. For example, I have a target that is called "people" and when someone uploads an image that is called "people" the image will be placed on that target.

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Flash :: Find Bit Masks For Number Positions

Dec 21, 2011

I'm trying to work out a logic for a game (in Flash). In one part, given the following row:

_ _ * _ _ __ *

I need to find if all the spaces between the *'s are empty (Non-empty values other than * can occur in the row). This operation is done quite frequently. I was wondering if I could use bit representations of rows to achieve this, instead of looping through and checking the intermediate positions.

For a row _ _ * _ _ _ * represented as xx1xxx1 (x = 1 or 0), I could AND it with 0001110 so that if the answer is 0000000, the intermediate positions are empty.

The question here is, of course, how to find this second map (0001110 above) using bit operations (in Flash AS2)? (Map (1,4) -> 0110, (1,3) -> 0100 etc) Or is looping through the intermediate positions just the better choice?

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Flash :: Adjust The Repeat Of A Bitmap Fill Via Actionscript?

Dec 11, 2011

On my stage I created a rectangle with a bitmap fill, such that there is exactly one repeat of the bitmap (the default). I then converted the rectangle to a Movieclip symbol, so that I could access it via actionscript. The problem: when I change the height of the rectanble via actionscript, the bitmap stretches to match. What I want is for the bitmap to maintain its repeat, such that if I double the height of the rectangle, I would see two vertical repeats of the bitmap (the way it would happen in html/CSS with background-repeat set to "repeat").

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto-adjust Flash Movie In Browser?

Apr 28, 2010

Best way to auto adjust flash movie in internet browser?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8- Adjust Scroll Bar To Fixed Size?

Jul 8, 2007

I have finally found a scroll bar that I really like the look of, made by Oringe (thanks knvb1123, thread: http:[url].... It can be downloaded here: http:[url].....

This blur scroller is set to adapt to the size of the main window, as far as I understand. I would like to know if there is a way to put the scrolling area to a fixed size rather than using the height of the main window to scroll? I basically want to use this scrollbar in a fixed size area of say 300 width and 400 height.

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Actionscript 3 :: Google Maps Flash API: Adjust Size To Stage

Dec 15, 2010

I want to set the map's size to the container's size, automatically. I'm using:


When the Flash movie begins, I do map.setSize(new Point(stage.width, stage.height)); on the map initialization. I'm using version 1.20 of the SWC component on Flash CS5 and AS3. However, when I compile the SWF, the player crashes. I've seen that with v1.8 of the API you can resize the map to the stage size with no problem.

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Actionscript :: Flash: Adjust This Code To Keep The Duplicated Movie Clip?

Jan 13, 2011

here is my code



The user can at first drag the movie clip. When released, the duplicateMovieClip command runs, leaving a new ham movie clip in the position the first is dragged to.When I click and drag the first ham movie click again, the duplicateMovieClip runs again but REPLACES the previous generated movie clip. I added x and x++ in an attempt to give the movie clip duplication a different name every time, but this doesn't solve it.How do I change this code so that a NEW ham_mc is created every time, rather than overwriting the old one.

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Flash Animation Loop - Use The ColorMatrix Class But It Does Not Adjust The Colors?

Feb 19, 2009

I have been doing some heavy flash animations recently and my current project is making me frustrated. Here is the situation and what I am trying to accomplish:

- 15 second looping animation of a game character that loops continuously. Just breathes in and out while bending down a lil. (I created already)

- Game character has two parts of clothing that need to change color. (I created already)

- Each piece of clothing (2 parts shirt and pants) may have 5 colors each. (I created already)

- Users can change the color by using one of the two picker that has all 5 colors. (I created already)

Problems. - I tried to use the colorMatrix class but it does not adjust the colors the way I need them since the character has highlights and shadows.It tints to much of the overall Color. So I built the character animation 5 times with each with a color from the 5 original colors. All animations are 15 sec. Total of 10 animations, 5 for the shirt and 5 for the pants.

Ex. Top Shirt = Blue
Bottom Pants = Red

User clicks on the color picker for the shirt and wants to change the color to green(green being one of the 5 colors). So with some code I changed out the blue shirt animation with the green animation. But I don't know how to start the green animation where the blue one left of?

Better Example: Blue shirt active and currently on frame 10. While on the blue shirt is on frame 10, user selects the color green from the color picker at the same time. How do i get the green t-shirt to start at frame 11 continuing from where the blue color left off?

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Professional :: Browser Resize Of Flash Movie Mis-positions Objects?

Feb 16, 2011

IE 8 Flash CS4 v10 Windows XP Home SP3 (NOTE: The word "Resize" refers to an HTML change of the movie size;  it does not refer to a Window resize)
Objective: Display a transparent 800x600 flash movie in IE, stretching movie to 100% width and height of webpage but keeping the objects within the movie from getting re-scaled.  Objects are re-positioned at runtime via ActionScript with values meant to be relative to stage dimensions.
Problem: The movie resize is messing up the object re-positioning.  The movie is indeed stretching to 100% of the width & height of the browser window's client area, but the objects are repositioned relative to something else (perhaps screen dimensions, but not sure). Result: Objects which were programatically positioned relative to original stage size are spaced way too far apart in IE, in some cases off the screen entirely, though they were not like this in the Flash editor.Question(s): Why are objects which were positioned within the original stage dimensions being kicked off the browser screen while the movie itself remains entirely on-screen even after resize?  What dimensions/values are guiding the automatic post-resize repositioning of the objects? (These proportions appear to be different from the change in proportions of the movie itself.)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Generate A Variable Number Of Random Numbers Less Than 16 With No Duplicate Numbers

Nov 2, 2004

how to do this and not found much, so here goes:

I want to generate a variable number of random numbers less than 16 with no duplicate numbers

Ive posted the fla, and what i'm doing is generating a random number and putting it into an array then using a for loop to cycle through the array for each new random number to check if its already there. if it is, then i want to regenerate that number.

if you test the fla you'll see that all i get in my array is some lovely zero's and i sort of know why this is, but don't know how to stop it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AIR Handling Large Numbers - Convert A String Having Numbers To An Integer

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to convert a string having numbers to an integer.

//15 9's are there
var str:String="999999999999999"
var res:Number = new Number(str);

But it is not able to convert correctly as the the var res now has the value 100000000000000000. I know that the number has 52 bits of memory, then why is it not able to do the conversion?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generate Four Random Numbers With Total Of 4 Numbers Equal To 100?

Feb 19, 2011

Generate four random numbers with the total of the four numbers equal to100?[code]...

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Flash IDE Messing Up Dimensions

Nov 15, 2009

hello everybody. I have a very weird problem. Recently my Flash IDE started to mess up dimensions. I mean when I create a new document or a rectangle for example, even if I set the height and width to the same value the height is always bigger than the width... I tried re-installing Flash CS4 again but that didn't solve the problem...

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Flash :: Get Dimensions Of The Visible Swf In AS 3.0?

Apr 12, 2010

My movie is 500 by 200 px. However i am loading display object much larger than that and have just a portion of them show. How do i programatically get the visible dimesions? root.stage.width gives me the extended value.

for the sake of good programing practices i dont want to hardcore the values.

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AS :: How To Resize Flash Dimensions?

Jul 1, 2010

If you include a flash file via:

<object width="550" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="somefilename.swf">
<embed src="somefilename.swf" width="550" height="400">


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